About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Suites, Treats, and Eats, a Malaysian Mileage Thanksgiving: The Wing lounge in Hong Kong and Cathay Pacific Business Class Hong Kong – Kuala Lumpur

Introduction: Constructing — and Re-constructing — the Award Trip American Eagle DC – New York and the New Nicest JFK Airport Hotel, the Hilton Cathay Pacific First Class, JFK – Hong Kong The Wing lounge in Hong Kong and Cathay Pacific Business Class Hong Kong – Kuala Lumpur Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Airlines Business Class, Kuala Lumpur – Langkawi The Andaman Langkawi Malaysia Airlines Business Class, Langkawi – Kuala Lumpur Intercontinental Kuala Lumpur Things to See and Do in Kuala Lumpur Korean Airlines First Class, Kuala Lumpur – Seoul and the Korean Airlines First Class Lounge Seoul Korean Airlines First Class, Seoul – Washington Dulles Hong Kong’s airport is almost always a long walk on arrival. You come in on the lower level and either proceed to immigration or to transfer security. Shoes don’t…

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MegaDO Makes the Paper of Record

The New York Times covers Star MegaDO 4: All of them had signed up for a MegaDo, a retreat organized by and for travel fanatics who scour Web sites like Milepoint, particularly frequent fliers for whom it is a hobby to accrue miles and learn every last detail about their preferred airline. The first MegaDo was in 2009. This one, Star Alliance MegaDo 4, had a European leg that wasn’t on a Dreamliner and a domestic leg, and sold out in two minutes. Tickets for the United States portion were $999 to $1,999 and included meals and behind-the-scenes talks and tours with airline and hotel executives. All the proceeds go to charity. Those who did manage to score a Star Alliance MegaDo 4 ticket would ultimately fly on a Dreamliner, party in an airplane hangar,…

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Suites, Treats, and Eats, a Malaysian Mileage Thanksgiving: Cathay Pacific First Class, JFK – Hong Kong

Introduction: Constructing — and Re-constructing — the Award Trip American Eagle DC – New York and the New Nicest JFK Airport Hotel, the Hilton Cathay Pacific First Class, JFK – Hong Kong The Wing lounge in Hong Kong and Cathay Pacific Business Class Hong Kong – Kuala Lumpur Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Airlines Business Class, Kuala Lumpur – Langkawi The Andaman Langkawi Malaysia Airlines Business Class, Langkawi – Kuala Lumpur Intercontinental Kuala Lumpur Things to See and Do in Kuala Lumpur Korean Airlines First Class, Kuala Lumpur – Seoul and the Korean Airlines First Class Lounge Seoul Korean Airlines First Class, Seoul – Washington Dulles The Hilton’s bus dropped of on the lower level of terminal 7, so we went inside and up to ticketing and check-in. The primary occupant of terminal 7 is…

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Two Recent Reader Emails that Touched Me

Columnist Christopher Elliott has been trashing miles and points, and also business travelers. As he describes it on twitter, @garyleff just a quiet morning back home, comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable. Tell that to reader Cheryl W. who emails, I have been an avid reader of your blog for about a year and I was fanagaling (yiddish) frequent flier points to work to my advantage before I read your blog. I wanted to thank you for continuously writing about frequent fliers. I was shocked and amused to read about what Christopher Elliott was writing. Though I am aware your blog is targeted to business travelers, as a person with a low income I have put your informative blog to better personal use. I am a teacher and my husband is currently unemployed. We…

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Hertz Weekend Rentals for Under $5+tax Per Day Through End of Year

Here’s how it works: Hertz has weekend rates from $14.95 (plus taxes) per day. These rates seem to work in combination with at least some CDP numbers (discount codes) such as AAA rates. This step won’t save very much for most if booking a $15 rate, so can be skippable. Coupon code 176396 takes off $10 per day (up to $40 per rental). This coupon is valid through December 31. (HT: Calvin) Hertz has discount codes (“CDP”) which can sometimes be combined with coupons (“PC”). This doesn’t have to be used with a cheap weekend rate to be useful. The key points here are that there’s a $10 off per day coupon code which works through end of year and which seems to also work in conjunction with discount (CDP) codes.

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British Airways Visa 100,000 Point Signup Bonus is Back

The British Airways Visa 100,000 mile signup bonus offer is back, and in a similar format (and with similar spending thresholds) as was offered in the spring. 50,000 points after $1000 spend within 3 months 25,000 more points after $10,000 spend within a year 25,000 more points after the second $10,000 spend within a year I don’t like Avios. That’s because I prefer using miles for premium cabin long haul international travel — precisely what has become exceptionally expensive under this program. For instance you’ll spend twice as many Avios points flying to South Africa in first class as you will points in United’s program. Avios are quite good for short-haul non-stop economy awards. That’s not how I like to use my miles. (You can avoid exorbitant fuel surcharges imposed by the program by flying…

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American’s Creditors Who Don’t Have a Say Want to Toss at Least One Member of the Airline’s Board. And Hope That Means a Pilots Contract.

A group of bondholders at American Airlines who do not have a seat on the creditors committee in the airline’s bankruptcy say they want a new Board of Directors if the airline emerges as a standalone entity. A letter detailing their position was posted on the airline’s pilots union website, presumably to help convince the pilots to vote for a new labor agreement that’s been put forward. The idea being that even if they want to spite current management, don’t worry about it, forces are at work to remove management. Doesn’t seem like especially strong forces to me, but whatever brings labor peace at the airline I suppose. The bondholders’ letter says, “This letter provides APA with the benefit of a written commitment by the ad hoc group stating it will not agree to a…

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United is Combining Computer Systems — Again.

United is combining computer systems again, and this time the legacy United system wins! UnitedCargo.com will combine both United and former Continental flights onto one system on December 1. United Cargo will transition all our customer accounts and cargo capacity onto the legacy United system effective December 1. And this actually matters to you, even if you don’t ship things with United Cargo (which most readers of this blog certainly do not). Airline cargo websites often display different and more accurate flight status information, the United website was especially good for this. In the event of irregular operations, the airline might tell you the passenger that the cause is weather-related (and thus you’re owed very little consideration) but the United Cargo site would actually cite a specific operational reason for the delay. Having that information…

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United Sues Complaint Website Untied.com

The Chicago Tribune reports that United is suing Jeremy Cooperstock who owns the customer complaint website Untied.com for trademark infringement. The lawsuit is in Canadian court (Cooperstock lives in Canada) and I don’t know the first thing about Canada’s intellectual property laws. So I won’t express an opinion on the legal merits of the case. I first stumbled upon the website in a trade publication in the late 1990s, though I imagine there are folks who simply misspell United and wind up there. Certainly looking at some of the complaints logged on the site it appears as though some people think they are writing to United (and the site did set things up to facilitate that). The site was redesigned in April (a month after the United.com website was made to look like Continental.com re-designed).…

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