About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Did the Carmaggedon Cyclists Really Outrace a JetBlue Flight?

Tyler Cowen points to one of many news stories reporting that a group of cyclists “raced” the promotional JetBlue flight between Long Beach and Burbank and won. In the great tradition of the land of reality television, Los Angeles created its own. First came a clever marketing ploy from JetBlue Airways: $4 flights Saturday between Burbank and Long Beach airports. A flurry of Twitter activity ensued, followed by tough talk from the Wolfpack Hustle, a local cycling club, that six of its best riders could beat the 150-seat Airbus A320 — including drive time to and from the airports, check-in and security screening. In the end, the cyclists crushed it, cruising along the Los Angeles River to reach the final destination, the lighthouse in Shoreline Aquatic Park, in 1 hour and 34 minutes. The plane…

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What Big Changes are Coming to the United Visa on Tuesday?

Frugal Travel Guy this morning offers clues about upcoming credit card bonuses. 1. He says that July 19 and July 26 are scheduled announcement dates. 2. He’s been “asked to remove ads for the United Mileage Plus Signature card and the Continental OnePass card by 4 PM on the 18th. Looking forward to sometime on the 19th” First, a bit about how he’s hearing this. He’s got ‘referral links’ up on his site, when you use those links to sign up for a credit card he’ll earn a commission. (I don’t really play at this, but it seems fair to me, as long as you’re still signing up for the best-available bonus might as well let a friend grab a commission for your doing so, and it’s a wonderful thank you for the information he’s…

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Fronter Airlines Double Miles in September

Via Free Frequent Flyer Miles, Frontier is offering double miles in September. (Registration required with promo code DBLER.) You may have signed up recently for Frontier to take advantage of the 1000 mile signup bonus on offer through August 31. (You can no longer just sign up and immediately transfer out just 1000 points into other frequent flyer programs via Points.com, however.) The Frontier program has basic partnerships… a few car rental companies, several but not comprehensive hotel coverage (though they don’t keep their website updated, they say they partner with goldpoints plus but that program doesn’t exist anymore and has been called Club Carlson since March 31).. But what do you do with those miles you earn? To some extent Frontier Early Returns members suffer from what regular readers of this blog know that…

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How The Jesus and Mary Chain Influence My Hotel Choices

I wasn’t sure what to title this post when I started writing it, a member on Milepoint asked whether they should cash out their Hyatt Gold Passport points at the Park Hyatt Tokyo or the Park Hyatt Vendome in Paris? I wrote a brief reply that set me off on a 90 minute long journey through Youtube trailers, clips, and music of various kinds, only slightly connected to one another. The PH Tokyo is one of my favorite hotels in the world. I’ll acknowledge it’s hardly tops in Tokyo. I disagree with those who make the fair point that the Grand Hyatt’s location makes it a superior property. It is a good property. But the Park Hyatt is special. Perhaps it’s emotional attachment, the same way that i will always love the Fairmont in San…

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Man Awarded $12,000 for Air Canada’s Failure to Serve Him 7-Up in French

Via Marginal Revolution, a man asked an Air Canada flight attendant for 7-UP in French and received Sprite, claimed his right to be fully served by Air Canada in French was denied, and he won a $12,000 judgment. Here’s why he won. In the latest case, the Thibodeaus initially complained of eight instances in 2009 in which they did not receive services in French at airports in Atlanta, Toronto and Ottawa and aboard three related Air Canada Jazz flights between Canada and the United States. The Official Languages Act requires Air Canada to communicate and provide services in both official languages in the National Capital Region and elsewhere in Canada, “where there is significant demand for those services in the minority language and where it is warranted by the nature of the office or facility.”…

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TSA Implementation of Nude-o-Scopes Ruled Illegal, But They’ll Continue Using Them Anyway

The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit ruled today (.pdf) that TSA implementation of nude-o-scopes was done in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act. Specifically, the Court ruled that the TSA’s policy that travelers must subject themselves to imaging machines or take a pat down was legally required to have gone through a public notice and comment period. Though the promulgation of this rule was done illegally, the Court isn’t requiring the TSA to stop use of the machines for primary screening. They’re just telling the TSA to go back and dot its I’s and cross its T’s. The TSA argued that they were just interpreting the statute directing the TSA to detect weapons that might be used by terrorists, and the general regulation that passengers have to do what the TSA says…

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Hyatt Picking Up 24 New U.S. Hotels, Including 4 That Actually Look Pretty Good

Via Alan, Hyatt is acquiring 24 hotels. Now, 16 of the properties will become Summerfield Suites, and that interests me not at all. Sure, I suppose more properties that earn Hyatt points is a good thing, and especially at the inexpensive end of the spectrum when one needs a mattress run to maintain elite status or during a faster free nights promotion when two (cheap) stays earns a free night (at an impossibly expensive high-end property). But Summerfield Suites doesn’t excite me. What does interest me is that they’re picking up 4 Avia Hotels, the Napa property looks like where I’d probably stay when I’m in the area and it’s great that I’ll get status recognition when I do. I don’t know that I’ll get out to their Savannah, Long Beach, or Texas properties but…

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How to Convince People that Frequent Flyer Programs Are Worth It

This piece does a ‘He Said, She Said’ on the value of frequent flyer programs. The proponent of the programs says they’re like free money on the sidewalk, pick it up for things you’re doing anyway. The argument against is that you may not get what you want, and it takes effort to pay attention. Shockingly, coming from where I’m coming from, I think the proponent has the better end of the debate, in each case he lays out a reasonable answer — you may not fly a lot but can get miles from all sorts of things besides flying, the miles aren’t hard to track when you use a free online tool like Award Wallet, the seats you want may not be available on the airline attached to your mileage program but the seats…

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How to Include Miles and Points in Your Estate Planning

Via Jerry, the July issue of Estate Planning Developments for Texas Professionals (exciting reading!) has a piece on transferring frequent flyer miles at death. It’s a nice companion to the classic April 2004 Inside Flyer article that explains in broad terms how programs treat miles in death, that piece is especially useful for understanding the extent to which miles are an asset of the estate vs. forfeited when the member is no longer alive to use them (and covers the similar case of divorce). The newer article provides updated details on a series of programs, domestic and international and even proprietary credit card programs, outlining ability to transfer at death, cost to do so, and procedure. If you’re planning your estate and are a significant accumulator of miles and points, this is useful reading. Although,…

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