Starwood is offering 500 bonus points for reservations booked online between November 7 and November 18 (with travel complete by March 31, 2006). Fully combinable with the current triple points promo as well…
42,000 Bonus Miles for United Premium Class Tickets to Europe
Last month I mentioned American Airlines matching British Airways’ megabonus for premium class tickets to Europe, and said that United couldn’t be far behind. Indeed, United is offering 42,000 bonus miles for first and business class roundtrip tickets to Europe flown by December 31. Registration is required.
Earn a Roundtrip ticket on Airtran by Buying 64 Cokes at Wendys
As described in today’s MilesLink Newsletter, Airtran and Wendy’s have partnered to give away credits in the Airtran frequent flyer program when you buy drinks or combo meals at Wendys. You earn a quarter of a rewards credit for each combo, 20 or 32 ounce drink purchased at participating Wendys through December 31st. An Airtran coupon will be printed on the cup. You can only buy five drinks per transaction, so you may need to go stand in line a few times or circle ’round the drivethrough. After you have consumed your beverage, carefully cut out the Proof of Purchase/AirTran Flight Coupon along the dotted line. Fill out a 3×5 card with your complete name, street address (no P.O. Boxes) and AirTran Airways A+ Rewards account number and mail in a handwritten business size (#10)…
Gambling to Replace Ticket Prices at Ryanair?
If network television can be unpriced to the consumer, financed by advertising, why can’t airline travel be financed by ancillary revenue as well? Ryanair believes revenue from inflight gaming and gambling could eventually replace the need to charge air fares, Chief Executive Michael O’Leary said on Wednesday. Ryanair gave away about a quarter of its seats last year and that figure could rise to between 50 and 100 percent depending on how ancillary revenues grow, O’Leary said. “Ultimately entertainment will be where the money is,” he told reporters, while answering questions about his plans to introduce gaming and gambling onboard, probably in 2007. “It would transform ancillary revenues and profits,” he said. “We’ll probably announce a gambling partner (company) in the next 2-3 months.” I’m not sure I believe this will become their business model,…
Triple Starwood Points on Hotel Stays
Starwood is offering triple points on hotel stays between November 28 and December 21. While Starwood is famous for doing only targeted promos, for once it appears as though this is open to everyone. Registration is required. And speaking of targeted promos, some holders of the Starwood American Express card are in the middle of a 50% bonus on all spending (Oct 1 – Nov 30). I wasn’t targeted. I wasn’t targeted last summer for double points on all spending above a certain threshold last year either. Apparently I use the card too much, they don’t feel the need to incentivize me further. I wrote to American Express last year to express my displeasure, their executive offices called me and they dropped a large number of points (likely more than I’d have earned from the…
See me here, see me there
Starting tomorrow I’ll be guest-blogging over at Marginal Revolution for five or six days. Check out my postings over there.
Amtrak tickets cost more at the last minute
For several years Amtrak has been using revenue management techniques in the midwest. Now they’ve introduced the concept to the Northeast Corridor. Early last month, Amtrak began charging its Northeast Corridor passengers 15 percent to 25 percent more for tickets purchased close to departure than for the same tickets bought weeks in advance. The new structure is based on the level of sales prior to departure. The more popular the route, such as the Northeast Corridor Metroliner or Acela on a Friday afternoon, the higher the last-minute rate. “If a train is almost sold out, you may pay a higher fare if you book at the last minute,” said Amtrak spokeswoman Tracy Connell. My first reaction was that this is long overdue from a business prudence standpoint, but anathema to travelers. My second reaction was…
Unlikely auction
An entire airline is for sale on eBay.
SoHo Grand Hotel Report
HotelChatter offers some suggestions for Manhattan’s Soho Grand Hotel to help make it worth the $400 per night price tag. Key items are to update the rooms (flat screen tvs would help) and to get the free wireless working better. Note that language in the link isn’t 100% family friendly..
Double Delta Amex Miles
The Delta American Express is offering double miles on all purchases from November 1 through December 31. Maximum bonus is 10,000 miles and registration is required.