About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Best Western/Diners Club Bonus

Continuing the strange trend of bonuses for paying with particular credit cards, Best Western is offering bonus points for paying with Diners Club. Gold Crown Club International (GCCI) members who will be staying at Best Western hotels between July 15 and Sept. 30 would be well advised to pay for those stays with a Diners Club card. In addition to the regular points earned for the stay, members who charge the bill to their Diners Club card will earn a bonus for their first three qualified stays. The first stay will net 100 bonus points, the second will earn another 100 points, and the third stay entitles members to yet another 200 points — for a grand total of 400 bonus points. Free night awards can be had for as low as 800 points. Now,…

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Double Membership Rewards Points on Travel Purchases

Amex is offering double Membership Rewards points on travel purchases from July 15 to August 15. Registration is required. The offer terms and conditions say that it’s targeted, though I didn’t get any kind of promotional mailing and I was able to register. As a result, your mileage may vary.

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Westin Offers

Starwood has a few Westin resorts available starting at $289 for 4 nights, with a bonus of 10,000 Starwood points for booking. The Westin Maui is 5 nights for $649, or $130 per night. An excellent value. Bear in mind that the offer is pre-paid, availability is limited, and at least in the case of the Westin Kierland in Scottsdale the reservation will be in their Villas rather the hotel proper, though you can be accomodated in the hotel subject to availability.

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WebFlyer Rolls Out Beta of New Tool

One of the most frequent questions I get asked is “how can I combine my miles from programs X and Y to get an award?”I’ve written on this before, such as here and here. Now WebFlyer has introduced a tool to answer the question for yourself, plugging in the program you want to move miles into or out of, and generating a list of methods for how to do it.The new tool is here. It isn’t 100% exhaustive yet – the tool didn’t offer any suggestions for converting USAirways points into American miles, although Points.com does offer the exchange. It also doesn’t have all the fine print, such as exchanges out of USAirways via Points.com require the person making the exchange to hold a USAirways Visa. In a similar vein, I was told I could…

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Tidbits from David Rowell

David Rowell’s “TravelInsider” newsletter has some interesting tidbits today.On the economics of lost luggage Lost luggage may become less common on Delta flights. Not because they too are going to eliminate checked bags, though! They have committed to spend $15 – $25 million over the next two years to equip all their airports so that every checked bag gets an RFID chip placed on its tag, enabling Delta to track the physical whereabouts of every bag. At present only 0.7% of the bags DL transports go missing, and so you might think it very altruistic of DL to add this helpful extra service. But that 0.7% represents 800,000 lost bags every year, and it costs Delta $100 million every year to resolve lost bag problems. A $25 million investment to massively reduce the number of…

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New Zealand’s Slide Back Towards State Ownership of Transportation

Tyler Cowen is writing about the New Zealand government’s renationalization of its railways and its 2001 bailout of Air New Zealand in exchange for an 83% ownership stake. Did privatization fail? It is unlikely that New Zealand should have a rail system in the first place. Imagine 3.6 million people living in a country about the size of California. About one-third of them live in or near Auckland. The rest are widely scattered across two (technically, three) islands. When you privatize something that shouldn’t exist in the first place, you are asking for political and economic trouble. It is no surprise that the company wouldn’t invest much in the system. … It was never the case that flights to and from New Zealand would cease or even dry up. But there was never any guarantee…

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Mentioned in Frommer’s

Under the title “Read What We Read,” Frommer’s describes View from the Wing thusly: If you’re a crazed, obsessive frequent-flier-mile fanatic, you’ll love Gary Leff’s dry but informative View From The Wing (www.webflyer.com/blog/), where he collects oddball shopping discounts and the best obscure ways to earn frequent flier miles. If you’re not an airline coupon-clipper, you’ll wonder what all the fuss is about. Check it out, though – you might love it.

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