About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Delta Turns Plane Around Over Unauthorized Dog, Then Lets It Fly Anyway—Refueling Delay Keeps Passengers Grounded

Nov 28 2024

We sat and waited for operations to find us a new gate to return to. Once we were back and the aircraft doors were opened, a Delta red coat supervisor came on board. It was explained she’d need to come off the aircraft to discuss the situation. She gathered her belongings and got off the plane.

Plot twist: a few minutes later, the woman and her dog returned to the aircraft. She was being allowed to fly, after all.

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Stowaway Caught Mid-Flight On Packed Delta Paris Flight—‘With No Seat, She Spent Hours Moving Between Lavatories’

Nov 27 2024

She managed to get through security without a boarding pass (so TSA botched things first) and then boarded the aircraft without showing credentials to do so either. The flight was completely sold out, so no seats were available to her, but she reportedly hid in a lavatory for takeoff but eventually drew suspicion because she would leave “one lavatory and then just going into a different one…staying inside for a long time.”

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American Airlines Is Shrinking Lavatories To Cram More Premium Seats Onto Its Biggest Planes—Meet Project Olympus

Nov 27 2024

The American Airlines retrofit plan of its Boeing 777-300ERs is called Project Olympus. These Boeing 777-300ERs are getting a lot more seats – and a lot more premium seats – 84 to 114 total premium seats, without losing any coach seats. In order to do this, it means that current seats have to be squeezed and so do lavatories.

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Southwest Airlines Will End Service And Make Passengers Stow Laptops Earlier Starting Next Week – Here’s Why

Nov 26 2024

Southwest Airlines will require cabins to be prepared for landing earlier in order to protect cabin crew from injuries at the end of each flight. Starting December 4, flight attendants will have to be seated earlier – so they’ll require passengers to prepare for landing when a flight descends to 18,000 feet instead of waiting until 10,000 feet.

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From Luxury To Letdown: Why Most Airport Lounges Fall Short – And What Makes The Rare Few Exceptional

Nov 26 2024

There’s nothing relaxing about a lounge where you can barely find a seat, and you’re dodging other passengers, how is this better than the terminal or more to the point better than spending $25 for a burger, camping out at a sit down restaurant that has power outlets?

The single most basic amenity of a lounge is peace and quiet. Beyond that, airline lounges range from opulent and decadent to basic. Here are the bare minimums for a decent airport lounge

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