Bizarre Disneyland Incident: Naked Guest on ‘It’s a Small World’ Ride [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. So this wasn’t in Florida? Florida Man must be disappointed that this drama unfolded in California instead.

    Amtrak has enough issues as it is. Wanting to manage more real estate sounds like adding more to its plate of troubles — unless it’s an easy score to get some more cash flow and improved margins that way.

  2. @GUWonder – re: Amtrak – from the original article:
    “The railway wants to do a concourse modernization project to add more seating, increase signage in the terminal, and improve infrastructure.”
    According to Amtrak (not in the article), the lessor is being difficult about modernization. The lessor wants short-term profits (understandably) and Amtrak’s horizon is a bit longer. I’m not saying Amtrak is right or wrong, but just pointing out that Amtrak has a rationale for what it is trying to do.

  3. Uber and Lyft are kind of a mess. It’s never been more expensive and it’s true that drivers aren’t making any money.

    Particularly on long trips, Lyft drivers make like 30 bucks on an 80 ride. It’s asinine. These two companies have basically become the Federal Government. Bloated and out of control.

  4. I generally do not tip except at restaurants but I usually tip for taxi rides. I took a ride home from LAX and was discussing how the ride fare breaks down. Uber gets more than half of the fare in cases such as mine. Therefore, a reasonable tip gives the driver more for his or her effort. I gave it in cash so I am sure it got to the driver. Uber should be doing very well for as much as they take.

  5. The guest at Disneyland was not naked. Close but not quite. It looked like he wanted to go wading at one point. It reminds me of Flash Mountain.

  6. “It’s a ride where the line is insanely long”
    “It’s a ride where you listen to the same damn song.”
    “Where the ride is so slow”
    “But your kid makes you go”
    “It’s a lame ride after all!”

  7. Well done, @Steven!

    Took my then 3-yr old daughter on it in the 80s – 5 times in a row. (”Again, Daddy”). Haven’t gone since. Still won’t go on it.

  8. The guy in in his swim trunks wasn’t odd for California…., all the adults sporting Mickey Mouse hats and no kids on It’s a small world that’s insane.

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