British Airways Flight Attendant Filmed Passenger Using An Airport Restroom

A British Airways flight attendant is now a registered sex offender after peering over a London Heathrow airport restroom stall with his phone in order to “watch a man urinate.”

The man in the stall saw this happening, confronted the flight attendant, and reported it to police. The U.K. has surveillance everywhere, and airports have surveillance everywhere, so footage of the perpetrator wasn’t hard to come by. Since he was in his British Airways uniform, photos were circulated among airline employees to identify him.

When he was arrested his mobile phone was examined and most of the photos of male genitalia that it contained appeared to be taken voluntarily. One would hope! But it’s not a good idea to have porn on your phone crossing a border into the U.S. at least.

Since it was a one-off he was simply charged with a single count of voyeurism and had to pay US$1053 inclusive of fine, “victim surcharge,” and court costs. He’s lost his job at BA and will remain on the Sex Offenders Register for the next five years.

(HT: Paddle Your Own Kanoo)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I’ve seen this in YouTube prank videos. Hold phone over a stall while somebody is peeing or pooing. Then watch the person run with pants halfway down to try and chase the voyeur. Obviously wouldn’t recommend this behavior as it is, at a minimum, blatantly unethical. But those YouTube videos were hilarious (even if faked).

  2. Ridiculous – why would anyone do this? With so many passengers being reported as peeing on other passengers and passengers peeing and pooping in the aisles it seems there are plenty of other photo ops on planes these days. Flying in the air is being to look like a stroll down the homeless villages of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle!

  3. Sure are a lot of sickos out there. And what do we do with all the once cute babies that now litter the streets like so much trash.

  4. Wrongly reported as a ticket scanner wouldn’t have made an impact headline.
    He worked on a reception at the business class lounge scanning your boarding pass and not a flight attendant.

  5. To the commenter who remarked about the stereotypical male flight attendant… you are showing your ignorance with a statement like that.
    Not all male attendants are gay, and there are as many straight pervs as gay, and possibly more, asswi__e!

  6. To Brian L and joanie adams,

    I can understand your repulsion at this kind of behavior, but I want to challenge the attitude behind it. I actually think that the root of all kinds of hatred is the delusion that any one of us was somehow above, or incapable of, base, immoral behavior. The stark reality is that each and every one of us is capable, at the core of our being, of every kind of horrible, shocking, immoral behavior the evening news can scrounge up. I’m not proud of it, of course, and I wish it weren’t true. But it really is only for the best if we cease our saccharine self-assessments and speak truthfully: that guy with the camera was simply following his basest lusts, and, if it weren’t for the grace of God, so would I.

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