Chick-fil-A Run Costs NY Politician His American Airlines Flight—And A Shot at Running The Airport

A New York politician demanded ‘don’t you know who I am?’ when being denied boarding from an American Airlines flight. But the gate agent didn’t know, and didn’t care.

Albany County Executive Dan McCoy was headed to the Democratic National Convention, but missed his flight when he left the gate area to grab a Chick-fil-A sandwich. He returned with the boarding doors to his flight closed.

That’s when he “dropped his name several times” but “the American Airlines person didn’t care or know who he was.” He said “he was county executive and that he was going to see the president (and Vice President Kamala) Harris, and that he was in charge of the airport.”

The agent simply said, “You shouldn’t have gone and gotten food; you would have made your flight.”

McCoy and the staffer accompanying him booked another flight to Chicago on a different airline, though it’s not clear whether that was United to O’Hare or Southwest to Midway airport. His spokesperson doesn’t deny the incident (“I can’t speak to what happened or didn’t happen at the airport”).

In his role as County Executive, McCoy appoints 3 of the 7 airport authority board members. He ousted the long-serving airport director, and is rumored to be interested in the job himself. But while that gives him clout over the facility,

  • Albany airport’s board doesn’t have the same leverage over an airline that, say, the Port Authority of New York New Jersey has. Hence former United CEO Jeff Smisek being taken down in a bribery scandal as part of Bridgegate, providing a convenient flight for the authority’s chairman in exchange for favorable action on their agenda benefiting the carrier at its Newark hub.

  • A given gate agent isn’t going to be aligned with their airline’s political interests, even if the county executive had the sort of clout that now-convicted felon David Samson once did.

Amidst scandal, McCoy says he’s ruling out the airport job.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. See that is what happens when you go to Chick, the LGBT karma pit him in the AA$$$. At least Grinder has not gone done at the DNC as it did at the GOP.

  2. Buying hate food by a Democrat – he should know better. Delayed to see Kamala, when Karma showed up 😉

  3. Another missed flight due to the siren call of a Chick-fil-A…even as a “County Executive” lol.

  4. No report on if the doors were closed early so the flight could leave early for the benefit of the gate agents.

  5. Agree, leftists need to take a step back and remember what this blog is for…. not your nonsense.

  6. Chick F Is so slow. Need a KFC at the airport.
    Thought the food places were all owned by Delaware Corp !

    Service is very slow at all the places at the Airport, there is NO incentive for employees to do anything. They have a captive customer that is charged an excessive price over street amount.

    If the airport charged a “reasonable” rent these places could make some money and pay for decent help. But who wants to work in an airport with Crazy like Miller who is a Bully name calling “Donald” ……

    “Donald” is the slang term for a male who calls people names, makes fun of their bodies, makes up falsehoods about the person and bullies them.

    Donald is the new Karen……..

  7. Miller and Bo : since you’re too ugly to be gay, continue to be jealous of us handsome men who won’t waste our beauty on anything as mundane as a female. And you’ll be even uglier on the morning of November 6th with you puffy eyes all cried out and your petulant expressions.

  8. Any individual employed to serve the people, who acts entitled as such, needs to be fired immediately. We’ve got to reset our Government bodies back to representation of and service to the people. The Unearned Ego and False leadership that has taken root across all forms of our Nation’s Governmental Bodies is a Cancer that will rot the US from inside unless All People stand together and demand fair and honest representation.

  9. @dillon – Did Grinder really go down at the RNC? It might explain several things but that seems awfully convenient.

  10. I am a conservative, but never liked the taste of Chick fil A. Would rather have In and Out any day.

  11. An earlier commenter said “No report on if the doors were closed early so the flight could leave early for the benefit of the gate agents”. Maybe there was no such report because there was no reason for it

  12. McCoy, “Do you know who I am?”
    Agent, “No, but if you’ll hum a few bars I’ll try to sing along.”

    Chick Fil A hate? No, that’s not true. Just because the former CEO expressed his biblical belief doesn’t translate into his condemnation of the practice. This is the media hype and most “haters” have not listened to his comments. The company does not exclude nor condemn anyone from working for nor eating at any of their properties..

  13. I started reading the comments, but stopped when I saw they once again were mostly off topic (ie. political). A lot of people think every web site is just their polital stage. I guess that says something about their lives.

    I hope things change after the election, but doubt it, since so many people are still stuck on the 2020 election.

    Of course it was obvious that mentioning Chick-fil-A would bring this type of the traffic – and clicks do rule.

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