The CIA Developed Hijacking Plans And Downing Of A Fake Civilian Airliner To Justify Invasion Of Cuba

As part of Operation Northwoods, the U.S. government developed plans to bolster support for an invasion of Cuba. They considered attacking Cuban refugees and blaming Cuba. They considered attacks on U.S. military installations and pinning those on Cuba.

Here’s the document and what’s really striking to me is the plan they had for airplanes.

  • “Hijacking attempts against civilian and surface craft should appear to continue as harassing measures condoned by the government of Cuba.”

  • “It is possible to create an incident which will demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked and shot down a chartered civilian airliner opreating enroute from the United States to Jamaica, Guatemala, Panama, or Venezuela.”

In March 1962, the CIA provided options to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for hijackings and downing of an aircraft, made to look like a civilian airliner, as well as for terrorist attacks on American soil – all ‘false flag’ operations to justify invasion with Cuba. The proposal was sent to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara.

These secret documents were released as part of a broader de-classification related to the Kennedy assassination in 1997. I was familiar with Operation Mongoose, which involved U.S. attacks inside Cuba meant to overthrow the Castro regime. Somehow I wasn’t aware of Operation Northwoods.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. We even had one U.S. president wanting to drop nuclear bombs in North Korea and blame it on “somebody else”.

  2. January 6th had no false flag operation run by the Trump Admin agencies, and no amount of MAGA zombie nonsense will change that it was an insurrection against the US constitutional order.

  3. Not surprised… kids in Florida schools these days can’t even learn the truth about injustices against Native Americans.

    “history is written by the winners” ~Winston Churchill

  4. Everything the government tells us is a lie. From the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine being blamed on Spain in 1898 to ignoring that 200 Israeli intelligence operatives knew about 9/11 before it happened and were stationed in Nj to video tape it across the river instead of report it and stop it, that’s what the government does.

    Look at the outright lies the government tells us about Ukraine and Israel where massive atrocities done by the Ukrainian and Israeli military are ignored and blamed on the people they attacked. When the government and corrupted judges tells us there was no fraud in the 2020 election with a straight face or that Capitol police officers didn’t open doors of the Capitol and walk protesters into the Capitol, it shows how deep the lying is.

    What’s scary is everything in your textbooks are written by the same people who played along and said IRAQ had WMDs. Imagine what exaggerations they say about Germany in WWII and what they don’t say about the American, British, and communist Soviets they financed and supported.

  5. @david k
    Lmao, you leftists are so self absorbed and overdramatic. Unarmed protesters that killed zero people, that caused basically no damage, and that didn’t stop the government from functioning, is imagined by you psychopaths to be worse than actual war. You people are just useful idiots, parroting your Dem party masters lies over and over without thought.

  6. Those of you dismissing Jan 6 as some sort of peaceful protest are out of touch with reality. Keep drinking that orange kool-aid. Courts are not locking people up for a peaceful protest. Evidence is being presented in a court of law and reviewed by judges with the opportunity for the defense to present their evidence and people are being found guilty and sent to prison. That doesn’t happen at a peaceful protest. New flash, the orang one doesn’t care about you, never has, never will, but he will happily take your money to pay his lawyers and enrich him and his. The cognitive dissonance associated with MAGA is astonishing.

  7. Those of you dismissing Jan 6 as some sort of peaceful protest are out of touch with reality. Keep drinking that orange kool-aid. Courts are not locking people up for a peaceful protest. Evidence is being presented in a court of law and reviewed by judges with the opportunity for the defense to present their evidence and people are being found guilty and sent to prison. That doesn’t happen at a peaceful protest. News flash, the orange one doesn’t care about you, never has, never will, but he will happily take your money to pay his lawyers and enrich him and his. The cognitive dissonance associated with MAGA is astonishing. Intelligent, otherwise rational people believing whatever he says is truly cult like

  8. I enjoy immensely reading View. But I opened this edition and read about something not really about travel. And then you get political reactions from both sides.
    Please, Sir! Stick to travel-related issues. This is not the place to stir up political discussions of this magnitude.

  9. @GUWonder

    Jan 6th was a mostly peaceful protest that just involved a group of people wandering around a building. That’s it, there was no “insurrection” if there was that would be the charges. Instead the charges have nothing to do with it.


    The system is corrupted and used to attack real Americans.


    What “injustice”?
    Florida children get a better education than the woke indoctrination in blue states. It’s why it’s the fastest growing state.

  10. @Jimmy before complaining about school systems I would point out there is no evidence Churchill ever said that quote and similar sentiments were expressed well before Churchill’s time.

  11. @AndyS what injustice? How about the fact that WE (as a collective) stole their lands, forced them to move to other lands, forced them to live together with historical enemies, etc. There are 300+ Indian land areas in the U.S. administered as federal Indian reservations and they all have their own stories. If you can’t look in the mirror and admit past mistakes, you will never grow as a person/society.

    I will also add that in Florida, African-Americans should be thankful for slavery because it taught them useful skills! SMH This is the crap they are teaching our kids as they continue to ban books. Tell me one time in history where the good guys were burning books.

    Desantis is waging a culture war and not addressing the needs of Florida’s residents. Might work for the ignorant MAGA crowd, but thankfully the rest of the country saw through his BS.

    @Bill It really doesn’t matter if Churchill said it or not. It’s a simple fact. Do you think the German textbooks today would admit WW2 atrocities if the Nazi’s prevailed?

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