Cleveland Passenger Says You Have To Drag Her Off By The Feet “Like You Did The Asian People”

This woman declares that she isn’t going to leave the aircraft. “Take me to Cleveland,” she says, and threatens to “make an international incident.”

I did not do anything wrong. I’m not going to go. Do you want to drag me by the fight like you guys did the Asian people? I just want to go to Cleveland, so don’t discriminate against me or anything like that.

Narrator: they did, in fact, remove her from the aircraft.

And all I can think is,

  • I don’t know of anyone, ever, that wanted to go to Cleveland this badly?

  • That, combined with the altercation, smells of alcohol. Alcohol and bad decisions.

When something like this goes down, your best bet is to avert your eyes and mind your own business. You may stay out of the crossfire.

Unfortunately we don’t see what happened before or after this clip that interrupted this woman’s quest to make it to Cleveland.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Oh my.
    It would be nice to know what came before and what happened after this video.

    As a person who goes to the Cleveland Clinic for medical care, I can tell you there are some of us who have days when we are quite determined to get to Cleveland — not always easy since the trip requires a change of planes from my location in the Southeast. However, based on her speech, she seems to not be sober. Attempting to function in public while inebriated is never a wise idea.

  2. After reading this article in The Getaway titled “Thrilling Things to Do in Cleveland'” and witnessing how determined this city ambassador desires to trek to Cleveland, who wouldn’t want to jet on United Airlines to Cleveland, Ohio? Pro tip: there is a big difference between Cleveland, Ohio, and Cleveland, Texas.

    However, if you want to go to Cleveland, Texas, read this:

  3. mental health issues are not meant as public spectacles…yes we shouldn’t allow violence to me or my fellow passengers, but it’s not my role to police these behavers. I just don’t see the humor or newsworthiness in posting this person’s issues in a public forum. There’s just far too much delight in others foibles.

  4. People are just seeing more of what they can get away with. And it’s being allowed.

  5. Poor Cleveland. Their river catches on fire…twice…and the can;t seem to shake the reputation. if this passenger has a mental illness I hope they get the help they need. If this passenger was just drunk or not-nice, I hope they learn that you just can’t behave like this in public and expect to get away with it.

  6. OK…call the police and give her the wish to be dragged off. Cancel her reservation, ban her from further air travel and give her the number to Greyhound and AMTRAK.

  7. I love it when “bus people” get on airplanes.
    Oh wait,
    No I don’t.
    It looked to me that she was seated in a seat not assigned to her.
    As in, the front row.

  8. Cleveland is by far America’s most under rated middle sized city. East suburbs are beautiful, especially Shaker Heights. Waterfront, flats, great food, great museums and now this lady. Cleveland has everything except tropical weather and a good football team.

  9. It would be hard to drag her off the plane. Would probably need a tractor trailer or something.

  10. @SOBE ER DOC – You missed my two other favorite Cleveland events, when Mayor Perk’s hair caught on fire at a ribbon cutting ceremony when they decided to use a metal ribbon and cut it with a torch, and when the school board president got in trouble over mooning his brother, when they were in different cars. Luckily, he wasn’t driving. I grew up around Cleveland, so I remember some of those incidents from the time. There are a couple of videos of the first on YouTube, luckily, none of the second was captured on video.

    But there are good things about the area, as @SMR mentions, also including the Metroparks and a wide variety of different bridge types. Watching those bridges move out of the way was an interesting river cruise on the GoodTime II, I see they are running the GoodTime III now.

  11. “Unfortunately we don’t see what happened before or after this clip that interrupted this woman’s quest to make it to Cleveland.”

    And, “unfortunately,” that is what makes even trying to opine on an “incident” like this impossible.

  12. “Fun times in Cleveland again. Cleve-land….” (Just YouTube it, well worth it…)

  13. Cleveland is an underrated foodie destination with beautiful architecture, lots of history, a pleasing coastline, and nice people. It’s worth visiting if you score a cheap ticket or have flight credits to burn.

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