Conservative Michelle Malkin Banned From Airbnb For Speech To White Nationalist Group

Conservative opinion journalist Michelle Malkin reports that she and her husband have been banned by Airbnb for a keynote speech that she gave to a white nationalist conference.

Here’s how she describes that talk that got her banned from Airbnb,

The speech delved into the K-20 metastasis of anti-white curriculum, the corporate media’s whitewashing of black-on-Asian attacks, and the long campaign to censor nationalist dissidents who put America first.

Michelle Malkkin is in an odd pickle here, as she seems to acknowledge. She argued that bakers of wedding cakes ought to be able to refuse service to same sex couples. She twists herself in knots trying to distinguish the two issues, ultimately saying “but fair housing law” should apply here (an unusual claim about viewpoint discrimination, and out of character for her to defend fair housing laws in any case).

She calls her Airbnb ban ‘de-platforming’ but it should be noted that there are several other sites through which she can still reserve homesharing stays. And she’s still permitted to stay in hotels.

Ms. Malkin says that she’s on a public crusade against Airbnb as part of her effort to counter the Anti-Defamantion League and protect the rights of speakers at white nationalist conferences. The conference she spoke at previously hosted David Duke by the way.

As a policy matter, I believe Airbnb ought to be free to ban white nationalists or others they disasgree with from their platform. However I’d prefer they simply give potential hosts a warning flag that this user is a white supremacist. Some hosts would refuse to rent to them, while others might insist they use only a rented unit’s back entrance.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Freedom to contract . . . or not contract. Let’s hear the same from the hotel chains and the airlines.

  2. No idea who Michelle Malkin is but googling her, she’s American-Filipino so I doubt she was talking at a “white nationalist” conference – not in the traditional sense. Nowadays that term is used very, very loosely by the Left. And that’s the problem with these situations – why is AirBnb suddenly about politics and the moral arbiter for who can stay at their affiliated properties? Are we going to be taking political tests every time you sign up for a new service? Do they want the future to be full of twin companies – one that services liberals and one that services conservatives? And note this is completely different from the gay wedding/baker situation in Colorado. The baker was fine selling the gay couple any stock or premade cake, but he refused to make a custom wedding cake for their gay wedding. Malkin is simply asking for a place to sleep – not asking for any specialized or custom services which would make her stay any different than anyone else’s stay.

  3. @Al C – American Renaissance Conference is very much a white nationalist gathering, which has hosted David Duke, why couldn’t be she there because she’s Asian?

  4. I have no sympathy for Malkin or her ilk, but having said that, I see no reason why Air b n b should ban her or others expressing unpopular views from their platform (I’m not disputing their right to do so). Air b n b rents rooms/apartments/homes in which the renter typically has only the most minimal contact with the owner/manager and it’s unlikely that their views will actually ever come to the owner/managers attention. Certainly, when I stay at a hotel, I don’t expect (or want) to have any idea of the political views of any other guest and I wouldn’t expect everybody’s favorite whipping boy on this site , Marriott, to ban a guest who peacefully expresses unpopular views.

  5. “However I’d prefer they simply give potential hosts a warning flag that this user is a white supremacist.”


  6. @Gary It’s not just that she was attending but she was an invited speaker. If that doesn’t seem counter to your notions of what a “white nationalist” conference would look like, well, it does mine.

  7. Article said, “However I’d prefer they simply give potential hosts a warning flag that this user is a white supremacist.”

    Why, exactly, is she a “white supremacist,” since she’s obviously *not* white, by race (I think she’s Filipino)?

    Kind of confusing …

  8. I’m not a Malkin fan but I also know she’s not a white supremacist. I’ve read a number of articles she’s written, some of which I agree and some not. She’s far, far more tame than any noted BLM supporter who’s articles I’ve read. This whole cancel culture movement is bullsh*y and poisonous to society.
    Summarily, if someone wants to ban her, so be it, but they better ban the real haters out there, not people who simply express a view they (a few corporate types) disagree with.

  9. I’m not a Malkin fan but I also know she’s not a white supremacist. I’ve read a number of articles she’s written, some of which I agree and some not. She’s far, far more tame than any noted BLM supporter who’s articles I’ve read. This whole cancel culture movement is bullsh*y and poisonous to society.
    Summarily, if someone wants to ban her, so be it, but they better ban the real haters out there, not people who simply express a view they (a few corporate types) disagree with.

  10. I’m thinking Airbnb is nervous because white nationalists include a subset that want to overthrow the U.S. Government (Proud Boys) and participated in just such an action about a year ago. Because consequences.
    Remember that one? Airbnb is lumping all WN under that tent due to “extreme caution.” That’s what it looks like to me. Not saying she is;
    never heard of her before. And please don’t jump all over me with your alternate realities about that national nightmare, I’m not listening…..

  11. @AI C
    Being a self-loathing uncle tom would seem to clear up why she’s speaking to a bunch of white supremacists. Still confused?

  12. Forcing a bakery to produce a cake for the explicit purpose of celebrating a sodomitical union


    Banning someone from using your platform because of what they have said on other occasions

    Only the craziest lefties see these scenarios as identical.

  13. @Jorge Paez — “… include a subset that want to overthrow the U.S. Government (Proud Boys) …”

    Do you have *any* idea what the Proud Boys organization *actually* represents and whom they *really* are? Do you give unconditional support to their opposites — BLM and AntiFA? Which groups have been video documented to have caused greater *real* damages to our nation’s communities, properties, and lives, over the past couple of years? Or does that even matter?

    Just wondering …

  14. My virtue-signalling dogpile alarm went off and here I am!!
    Hey (fill in name of narrative-of-the-day violator here)! Your comment is unacceptable and triggering!! You are bad, BAD, I say!
    +1 virtue point for me. 🙂

  15. There way too many replies defending some version of white nationalism. There aren’t two sides to hate.

  16. @Dom You make too many assumptions about “white nationalism.” What’s Hawaii proud? What’s Black Power, or any other “pride?” There is only one race, the human race. And there should only be human rights, not womens rights, gay rights, or any other sub group. As soon as you grant rights to one group, you take away the rights of another group. It’s a no win situation.

  17. Every race in the world is allowed to have pride, have a caucus, have a voice, have conferences, discuss problems affecting its community, and act in its self interest except White people.

    Things will not change until conservatives start recognizing this is a war against them. We should be using our power on a local and state level to replace the police and district attorneys with those who will arrest the leadership of any company that disenfranchises and disempowers Whites. Writing letters doesn’t cut it. Whites shouldn’t let Airbnb to offer services to anyone if people are going to be excluded for standing up for the White community and freedom.

  18. @Reno Joe – No idea why you’re asking but – I’m fond of conservative Jews and Catholics and not fond of liberal Jews and Catholics.

    @Pete – Again, I know nothing of Malkin but that’s a typical slur the Left uses for any minority who doesn’t agree with their agenda. (Racial minority speaking here). And I still wouldn’t expect them to platform her.

  19. Everything from advocating for free speech to being a practicing Christian or saying Merry Christmas is considered White nationalism now. At the most basic level, how is White people (or in this case an Asian woman) talking about issues affecting the White community any different than Blacks having a caucus in congress or the LGBTQA community advocating for itself. It’s not. Whites should be speaking up for themselves and acting in its self interest.

    Republicans in conservative states and counties should be pursuing criminal action against all management within Airbnb. Airbnb management should not be allowed to transit through Republican controlled States and counties without being arrested. Then Airbnb management wouldn’t be so quick to conspire to deny Whites and Conservatives services and deny them a voice. Airbnb should be banned from operating in all conservative counties and States. Leftist states and counties routinely persecute conservative owned businesses yet Republicans never reciprocate. It’s why Republicans and conservatives fail. They are not willing to do what’s necessary to win. They never want to rock the boat and always want to be calm and peaceful when it guarantees them more failure. A few congressmen and senators might write a letter but they won’t call for counties and states to use their law enforcement power to fight against the left.

  20. @AI C

    I’m Jewish so I know these things. 80% of Jews (a distinct ethnic group, not just a religion) are liberal. Jews were the biggest supporters of the Bolsheviks in Russia. They still are here.

    We have some incredible Jews on our side like the since retired Michael Savage (probably forced to retire by the radio industry to doing a podcast, although, his son is officially a billionaire from his energy drink sale to either coke or Pepsi). However, they are in the minority.

  21. Wow – the same misinformation-spreading anti-vaxxers on this site…are apparently the same people defending the Proud Boys! Who woulda thunk it?!?!

  22. How sad so many of you are. You claim to be Americans but you are nothing but bitter, passed over in life bully. Let go of your hate, being an American means expressing differences and looking for solutions together, not name calling, not lying, being a good loser. 99% of us are immigrants and have built this country in spite of our differences.

    Freedom doesn’t mean being allowed to do whatever you want and treat people with disrespect. I applaud Airbnb giving these losers a taste of their own medicine.

    Read the constitution folks and let’s get back to discussing our difference and looking for solutions, not blaming others for your failures in life.

  23. Can an airline ban anyone who says something racist against white people? As a restaurant owner, can I only allow people in that say good things about Jesus? Pretty sure Airbnb is just discriminating against someone who says things they dont like – seems like that can be applied pretty easy across all businesses now.

  24. @StricktlyFacts: Here is your definition of ProudBoys:

    “The Proud Boys is an American far-right, neo-fascist, and exclusively male organization that promotes and engages in political violence in the United States.”

    And you are putting your name out there in support? Are you Jackass Waterson’s roomate?

  25. @SunViking

    There is no “we” with America. America is a landmass with many different groups who have absolutely nothing in common with each other. America was built by White immigrants (first the Dutch/English/Germans/Spaniards and latter other groups like Italians and Irish) and put men on the moon. Different groups subsequently came illegally or against the will of the above group or were brought here and never were returned to their native lands. That means division will always exist. I have nothing in common with you just because I live on the same piece of land as you. I definitely don’t support you voting to tell me what to do.

    Freedom means being able to live your life free from government coercion and do anything to your own body that you please and engage in voluntarily and consensual activities with whoever you please. That means everything from not wanting to bake cakes for something you don’t agree with to not being forced to pay for what you don’t agree with to being able to put any drug in your own body or not be forced to put a vaccine in your body.

    Be honest. You don’t support freedom. You support slavery of Whites and conservatives by the leftist government and non whites.

  26. @UA-NYC —

    Do you differentiate between those who are *totally* anti-vaxx (ie, against even legacy vaccines such as measles, mumps, polio, etc) vs. those who are *actually* anti-coercive mask/”vaccine” mandates? Similarly, do you differentiate between the *hypocrisy* of those who condemn Proud Boys, while knowing *absolutely nothing* accurate about them, yet wholeheartedly support their opposites (eg, BLM and AntiFA), who have been proven, on countless videos, to have inflicted $Billions in *real* damages against our nation’s communities, properties, and lives?

    Do *real facts* matter, anymore? Or has this nation already been reduced into a lock-step lemming society based on certain “approved” narratives and mandates?
    @sunviking82 — “I applaud Airbnb giving these losers a taste of their own medicine.”

    Are you drawing an equivalency between the baker who refused to bake a cake for gays and Airbnb rejecting an Asian female journalist in retribution? Do you understand that the baker cited religious grounds for his refusal action? Did Airbnb base its rejection action on the same?
    @Ray — “Here is your definition of ProudBoys”

    Thanks, but can you cite your source that defines Proud Boys in the way that you just did?

  27. Hey Gary – did you have a gleam in your eye as you wrote this article? Or you just going invoking racism by association like the Crats currently do to anyone who opposes what they believe? (a la the Southern Poverty Law Center)

    BTW – Pls dont compare Malkin to the Lgbtq/baker incident. Malkin got penalized for her beliefs. The Lgtbq folks were trying to pick a fight with the bakery for their beliefs.

    Anyways – you all should check out amren org sometime. You might figure out that American Renaissance isnt about promoting David Duke and his ilk but discuss issues which would explain why the Crats are gonna get blown out in the congressional races later this year

  28. @Fan — more like their freedom to do as they please as a private business. More power to them; as a private citizen I shall also conduct no further business, either as a customer, or as a consultant in any professional capacity. This does not imply that I am a White supremacist. I am emphatically not a white supremacist.

  29. @Reno Joe — please, airlines and hotels have been around decades longer than Airbnb. The classic business model of keeping business and politics separate is time tested. Airbnb’s wokeness is a risk, assuming the company is smart enough to realize it (they may not be, since they hire almost exclusively woke airheads) (note: I say this as someone who has been professionally involved in hiring, from the Individual Contributor to the executive management levels at Airbnb prior to its IPO.)

  30. @JackPhillips — no person in America deserves to be discriminated against for their sexual orientation. The gay cake matter bears no relation to banning a customer expressly for political opinion, which is not a protected characteristic. Sexual orientation is not politics therefore your analogy breaks down. Analogies tend to have that effect by the way. Let’s comment on the matter at hand, not an unrelated one (which is a settled matter — you do not discriminate against a protected class. Period.)

  31. AirBNB is targeting conservatives here just like other big tech. Meanwhile, BLM caused so much destruction over the summer of 2020 and attacked and called for attacks on police, yet they get a pass on everything in the name of “equity” (which has yet to be defined)

  32. @Al C — Airbnbs are much more than a place to sleep. According to the company, they’re a place to belong. I am just passing this information to you without express judgement.

  33. @Al C — White nationalism is the belief that White nations should exist meaning other races should live in their own nations. None of that belief is at odds with the invitation of a non-White speaker, who may be invited to advocate this type of segregation. Having a limited passing familiarity with Michelle Malkin’s publicly expressed views however I don’t believe Malkin to be a White nationalist in any way shape or form.

  34. @StrictlyFacts — please don’t conflate White nationalism with White supremacy, neither of which I espouse, I may add. The two are completely different.

    White nationalism as I described in my comment immediately prior, is the belief that White nations should exist as distinct entities. It is the repudiation of racial melting-pot mxing.

    White supremacy is the belief in the supremacy of White people. The mere demarcation of a White nation does not imply supremacy.

    Certainly many White nationalists are also White supremacists but the distinction must be preserved. Unfortunately many academic scholars in the humanities disagree with me. I acknowledge the disagreement, but do not respect it. Humanities are not sciences. Methodology in the humanities is deeply flawed, saying this as somebody with a doctorate in the humanities by the way.

  35. @Jim Warren — you are correct on cancel culture. The only people who need to be cancelled are —

    — guess who, nobody.

    Cancel culture is so disrespectful of our system of jurisprudence which we have refined over centuries. Cancel culture metes disproportionate punishments for acts that would be laughed out of the precinct, should one make the effort to file a police report about the act that would subject its actor to cancellation.

    If somebody is accused of a crime, they deserve due process and a fair, non-cruel, non-unusual punishment.

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