‘Crazy Plane Lady’ Tiffany Gomas Stirs Controversy With Unpaid Bikini Shoot For Conservative Beer Brand [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Tiffany Gomas is the kind of women 99% of your male readership wishes they could:

    – add as their Southwest Companion Pass partner;
    – add as an authorized user to their credit cards;
    – add as a second guest on their hotel reservations;
    – sit next to in the center section of a Polaris business class flight
    – sit/sleep next to in the center section of a Singapore Suites class flight
    – enjoy their Hyatt Globalist, Hilton Gold/Diamond, or Marriott Plat/Titanium/Ambassador credits with

    I’m just saying Tiffany Gomas is the dream girl of 99% of your male readers. Now let’s hear all the comments pretending to deny it!

  2. 13 minutes into her 15 minutes of fame….
    After that… Only Fans for those who dream of travelling with her…

  3. Been waiting days for Gary to post this about the queen. I’d give up concierge key to fly southwest with her

  4. I don’t care how she looks in a bikini, her desperate attention seeking is a total turnoff.

  5. The more I hear about her, the more I’m convinced the whole rant on the plane was part of a long term “influencer” business plan. Required parts of plan: get “negative” attention -check;, offer insincere apology -check; join controversial group -check; have a large bust -check. Voila, Internet fame.

  6. I absolutely do not want to see any more of that spare tire than I already have. If this slapper is the woman of your dreams, you really need to raise your standards in every single category.

  7. Let me explain why Tiffany Gomas is the woman of your dreams.

    1. She likes to travel. We are all on this website because we like to travel. It’s great to have this hobby in common.

    2. She is college educated, entrepreneurial, and highly successful in her career endeavors. She owns a palatial home.

    3. She is a fun personality. We have all met people who take themselves way too seriously and are boring, at best, to be around.

    4. She has a sharp sense of fashion and dresses well.

    If Tiffany Gomas is not your dream girl, then you have probably conditioned yourself to dream small. Maybe you were bullied in school and made to feel you can’t even dream about girls like her.

    Elite law firm partners, private equity or venture capital principals, investment banking managing directors, surgeons in private practice, Nobel laureate Ivy League faculty, Grammy or Oscar winning musicians or actors – these are just some of the archetypes of men in her league. But there are no limits to your dreams. Dream big!

  8. What’s not to like? Interesting, intelligent and pretty. She’s not going anywhere but up. She is here to stay. Good going Gomas.

  9. I wonder if the pilot puts a sign with an “L” (learner’s permit) in the side window of the cockpit like student drivers in the UK. 🙂

  10. How is that photograph in any way controversial? It’s a pretty lady in a bikini. Photos like that are a dime a dozen.

  11. Love how Americans make idiots famous, it truly shows the intelligence of the American people.

  12. Big compliments to Tiffany Gomas for lookin smokin’ in that bikini.

    Crazy in the head = Crazy in the bed !
    CAUTION: Fun for one night stands ONLY !!

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