‘Delete The Video!’ American Airlines Traveler Confronts Flight Attendant Over ‘Antisemitic’ Pin—Police Intervene And Take His Side

Video from an American Airlines flight to Miami this past week shows a dispute between a Jewish passenger and members of the cabin crew over a flight attendant wearing a watermelon-themed pin that’s meant to symbolize solidarity with Palestine. Employees who aren’t allowed to wear Palestine flag pins often wear this instead. The passenger accused the crew member of supporting terrorism and antisemitism. They demanded he delete the video.

The man approached two female flight attendants, one wearing the pin, and recorded the interaction. He accused them of antisemitism, while they say he isn’t allowed to record them and that he touched one of them. They wouldn’t let him leave the plane while police were called. Police backed him up on the recording, and the footage is being shared broadly online.

According to American Airlines,

We want every customer who flies with us to have a positive travel experience. A member of our team has reached out to the customer to learn more about their experience.

American Airlines uniform standards simply do not allow these pins. Wearing your own pin that is not company-issued (such as part of a company-sponsored affinity group) is not permitted. Here’s the version of the company’s flight attendant uniform standards that were issued when the current uniforms came out.

Here are some of the allowable pins (not that different work groups have different allowable pins).

Flight attendants break company policy all the time. We saw Let’s Go Brandon pins a few years ago. From time to time the airline will crack down on violations.

Meanwhile, several airlines have had controversies with their crew over support for a Palestinian state and even Hamas. It’s put Delta in damage control mode and caused JetBlue to tighten its uniform policy.

United Airlines, for the past few years the U.S. carrier whose politics have leaned farthest left, concocted the argument that flight attendants aren’t violating uniform standards by wearing Palestine pins because they are ‘language pins’ (that crewmembers speak Palestinian?). United has also refused to say whether a pilot who celebrated the atrocities committed by Hamas on 10/7 still flies for them.

There’s little question that the civilian plight in Gaza is heartbreaking, though as the Current Thing it has gotten far more attention over the past decade than perhaps the world’s greatest refugee crisis in Syria where over half the nation’s Muslims were forced to leave their homes. It is more difficult to use the situation in Syria as a bludgeon against Israel and Jews. Meanwhile, every statement about the plight in Gaza should accurately end with “because of Hamas.”

It is possible to wear a Palestinian flag and believe you’re advocating for two states. That isn’t usually what it means. Spain, Ireland and Norway now recognize a Palestinian State. The Catalan independence movement would like a word!

There’s a real concern with front line airline employees voicing political positions and aiming those at passengers. The issue is asymmetric speech. Airline employees exercise power over passengers – power over whether they’ll board and fly, or whether they’ll be considered “disruptive” for expressing their own contrary opinions. And bringing politics into the cabin is already enough of a problem with passengers.

(HT: Paddle Your Own Kanoo)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. A better dress code policy for crew would be no pins or flare of any kind (except American flag pins, obviously, because ‘USA! USA! USA!’, right?).

    Then again, where are the ‘free speech absolutists’ who will surely defend this and all freedom of expression??

    I expect a most civil discourse here. Incoming!!!

  2. Airlines need to grow a pair of balls and prohibit all pins, except the company logo or American flag. Period. No other pins. Including AFA pins.

  3. Customer clearly in the wrong…..has no reason to even question the Crew on what they support let alone put their hands on them. If the pins are not allowed, the individual will face disciplinary action and the Customer does not have a role in executing it. The customer bought a Seat on the flight, not the AIrline. Customer is a SNOWFLAKE looking to engage and create a scene. On a political note, Not everyone agrees with Supporting Israel and as a Jew myself, I have not been impressed with how the Israelis have handled the situation…….they are looking to exterminate just like Hitler did to Our People.

  4. If someone wants to video, use a body cam. Not expensive. Does not attract attention but also not secret.

  5. Why do Karens think they have to record everything (the man is a Karen – just sit there and get over it dude). I mean I hate this society where everyone wants to record anything and feels empowered to escalate an issue that frankly doesn’t impact them. Sure he didn’t agree with their position but could have just sat there and not gotten so upset. Hopefully AA will put him on their no-fly list and close out his Advantage account (which they can easily do under their rules and could justify it by him escalating an issue to a FA).

  6. @roger – “I have not been impressed with how the Israelis have handled the situation…….they are looking to exterminate just like Hitler did to Our People.”

    That’s absurd. There have been few conflicts in history with as low a civilian to combatant death toll as this one. And that’s with Hamas using Palestinians as human shields.

  7. There’s not such thing as free speech at the workplace. You’re on company time and you need to keep your personal politics to yourself. As the article mentioned, crew are in a position of power here, and adding politics is a recipe for disaster. They should ban all pins, including the American flag, and only issue pins with the airline logo to keep things fairer and equitable. (You’re probably wondering why I’ve lumped the U.S. flag in as well, but sadly it’s been hijacked by certain political groups with views that are inclusive of all Americans.)

  8. Flight crews should not be allowed to wear any of these pins. Obviously they are divisive.

  9. I suggest the Jewish reader go to Poland and walk and tour Auschwitz. He obviously has no education about being Jewish and what took place on Oct 7 w babies being burned alive and women being gang raped. Disgusting. If this were to happen here I wonder if he would still like the pin. Airlines need to do crew inspections in the terminal and when they clock in amd meet and finally every pilot should review his front line crew prior to boarding Thx for posting gary – it is newsworthy

  10. I’m in the no pin camp. But, the FAs blew it. Don’t get into to the back and forth, simply tell the pax he must deplane when he first starts. Repeat the instruction to leave, and, then, only call police if he refuses to leave.

  11. Gary: “United Airlines, for the past few years the U.S. carrier whose politics have leaned farthest left, concocted the argument that flight attendants aren’t violating uniform standards by wearing Palestine pins because they are ‘language pins’ (that crewmembers speak Palestinian?).”

    Might want to check your knowledge of flags and language. An Israel flag pin wearer doesn’t speak “Israeli” either. A Brazil flag pin wearer doesn’t speak “Brazilian” either — the list goes on and on.

  12. @T Portale – stop and think. What language is predominantly spoken in Gaza? And what flag would most commonly be used to represent it?

    Arabic, and one sees several possible choices.
    * Pan-Arab flag
    * Saudi Arabia flag as the center of the Islamic world
    * Egypt flag as the most populous Arab country

    But in no plausible scenario do you pick a ‘Palestine’ flag to represent Arabic.

  13. @garyleff

    “… There have been few conflicts in history with as low a civilian to combatant death toll as this one. And that’s with Hamas using Palestinians as human shields.”

    Unsure what right wing Israeli news media you get your info from… but it’s been well documented by unbiased sources that about three fourths of Gaza fatalities are civilians. (AOAV Action on Armed Violence estimated it at 74% couple of months ago).

    Jews need to stop going crazy every time someone seems to wear a Palestine supporting pin. It doesn’t mean they are anti semitic. You can support Jews but also show support for Palestinians being slaughtered by US provided bombs, with no food or water, with aid that is stolen by Israelis, with land that is taken away by Israeli settlers.

  14. @Andy Porat – you give yourself away with “Jews need to stop going crazy..”

    But let’s take your number that “three fourths of Gaza fatalities are civilians” (the ratio of civilian to combatant deaths is actually about 1.7:1).

    Your 3/4ths claim would suggest a 3:1 ratio which is less than half of the order-of-magnitude 8:1 typical ratio in modern conflict. It’s certainly lower than for recent U.S. conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    I lament the death of any civilian. I also understand that moral culpability here lies with Hamas.

  15. The airhead stews should take the next flight to Gaza or the West Bank and see how they, as women, are treated there, lol…!!! The guy is ***1000%*** in the right to confront anti – semitism and its vile symbols…

  16. This employee was out of order in many ways. She wore the unauthorized, unacceptable pin and got called on it. She then thought it was appropriate to put her hands in his face but thought he shouldn’t do the same. Lastly, she should have let him off. AA must address this issues and address the abuse of power with the F.A.s. Just remember that most are outstanding employees. We only highlight the ones who screw up. This shall not be deemed as taking any political side.

  17. Unbelievable, that these flight attendants would immediately go into KAREN mode and accuse the passenger of committing a crime. When they wear that pen, they should be ready to except whatever expressions the customer may wish to make in response. It is disgusting that American Airlines and their flight attendants could be so disrespectful.

  18. A normal European here, avoiding the American propaganda that is being speed all over your News.
    This obsession you have with Israel and loving it, is frankly quiet pathetic and scary that full-grown adults cannot see the sheer horror and terror in Palestine right now.
    You lack the cognitive ability to differentiate between “self-defense” and an obvious genocide.

    Call it for what it is, and stop being boot-lickers to the Israelis laughing at your stupidity Americans, for your own sake – you look naive and stupid to the rest of us.

    And for the video, nothing wrong with standing up against genocide and showing peace – not once were they anti-semetic, grow up!

    Signed by me, survivor of genocide.

  19. I see this thread got HEATED.. kind of like when I toast pita bread.. to dip in some Hamas.. now, why is everyone so worked up about a chickpea spread anyways.. it’s delicious! Feed me.

  20. This article and the entire comment thread highlight the problem with our discourse today.

    You CAN support the Israeli people AND criticize the Israeli government as corrupt and targeting civilians.

    You CAN support the Palestinian people and their right to statehood AND target Hamas for obliteration.

    Both things can be true.

    But it’s convenient for one side of the argument to blur those lines so that no criticism of their side is ever allowed by calling it antisemitism or anti-Muslim (or whatever the correct -ism would be).

    At the end of the day, folks over there have been at each others’ throats for thousands of years. It will continue regardless of what the US says, does, or believes.

  21. “well documented by unbiased sources” as in Hamas propaganda, or their Ministry of Health?
    Andy, get your head out of your read end.

  22. Standing with the people of Palestine is not anti Semitic. It’s humane and crucial to stop Israel from committing genocide and to pull the settlers who are stealing land and to bring them home.

  23. apropos “…Norway now recognize a Palestinian State” – I loved this story — Aug. 8, 2024, Reuters writes:
    “Norway will be closing its Representative Office in the Palestinian West Bank town of Al-Ram “until further notice,” Oslo’s foreign minister said on Friday, following a decision by Israel to revoke the accreditation of Norwegian diplomats working there.

    Earlier this month, Israel’s Foreign Ministry announced that it would be revoking the diplomatic status of eight Norwegian diplomats who dealt with the Palestinian Authority, in response to Oslo’s recognition of a Palestinian state earlier this year….”
    The diplomats were offered to go to their new offices in Palestine, but they asked to stay in “genocidal” Israel…

    I guess no one wants to go to the $hit hole of a place called Palestine.

  24. I have ZERO issues with the flight attendant or anyone being pro-Palestine (or even pro-Israeli). I have many Jewish, and some Israeli friends, and we have discussed this. MOST clear thinking rational Jews and Israelis are not on board with what is happening in Palestine, let’s be clear.

    Only monsters and people who are delusional would support it, and make excuses about their safety when they have all the massive bombing arsenal. How stupid.

    I for one have no issue at all being called anti-Semitic for my comments. Calling people names is childish, and I would totally shrug it off, I don’t care.

    I am pro-human, and the FA has every right to wear it.

  25. If I ever see a crew member wear that terrorist pin I am reporting them and I will request to be placed on another flight for safety. Those employees who support Palestinians need to be fired IMMEDIATELY!

  26. All you ignorant clowns that support genocide should read a GD history book.

    1). According to that cosmic fairy tale called a bible, Palestinians are by definition, Semites.

    2.). The area has been named Palestine since Roman times.

    3) the people have not been at each others throats for millennia . It wasn’t until the GD british and French started drawing lines around the MidEast that tensions got hot.

    4) murikans are retarded. Zero sense of history. And zero moral compass. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be supporting that shithole psychotic genocidal cuntry that calls itself israel.

  27. Hope they terminate these FAs but will be difficult due to unions.

    Nobody wants to fly an airline with staffing that supports terrorists who are known to blow up planes.

    These b* and their watermelon pins can f themselves.

  28. ” I also understand that moral culpability here lies with Hamas.”


    Meanwhile Netanyahu supported Hamas, has bragged multiple times about ruining the peace process, has removed checks and balances which would’ve prevented tens of thousands of deaths, keeps taking land away from Palestinians, etc. and you talk about “moral culpability”??

    What the bloody ‘ell are you on?

  29. Gary, I love that you stand up for Jews and Israel. It’s inspiring to see backbone and moral clarity. Thank you!

  30. One of the rare actual ‘both-sides’ issues among the political establishment is support for Israel. Like, the entire rest of the world could be opposed, but the US and Israel will stick together.

    From WSJ this morning: “The Biden administration notified Congress of an $8 billion weapons package for Israel, in one of the biggest arms sales since the war in Gaza began.”

    While the Democrats want humanitarian aide to the people, after January 20, 2025, that’ll be over. Bibi won. Not sure ‘the people won’, but he won. At least the ‘pagers incident’ was wild!

    So, wear whatever silly pins you want, but know that ‘free speech’ is not unlimited, and it does not mean ‘freedom from consequences’ of others’ reactions to what you say.

  31. Here in Haifa visiting family, it’s nice to see the Useful Idiots are still hard at work in the US and Europe on social media. It’s great how everyone who has no horse in this race feels free to express their brlliant opinions, especially the ones who have never set foot here . In spite of all the Genocide, Colonialism and Apartheid, just had a delicious meal in a Palestinian restaurant, wandered around the Arab Christmas market, rode the bus in peace with people speaking Hebrew, Russian, Arabic, Spanish and English, and went back to my hotel full of Jews, Christians and Muslims living and prospering in the only pluralistic multicultural democracy in the Middle East. Ask any Israeli Arab or Druze if they would be anxious to move to Gaza or the West Bank. Most, just like their Jewish countrymen, just want the war to end, the hostages to come home, and life to go back to normal. Israel ain’t perfect, but it’s a unique and magical place,band the Palestinians are part of that mix. So they don’t have “their own” country but they do have their own proud culture and identity.. Anyone who lives here knows that. Arabs who prefer more Jewfree places can feel free to enjoy the other 98 percent of the middle east, in spite of the totalitarian governments, warring factions, terrorist militias and political turmoil.

    As for the assclown FA, the pin is against policy, end of story and she’s wrong and should be disciplined not the passenger. She’s entitled to her opinion but nobody in the plane asked or gives a shit because it has nothing to do with the transportation and hospitality industry she’s in. If that’s a problem she’s welcome to explore other career opportunities, preferably ones without such complicated rules.

  32. @Gary wrote “But in no plausible scenario do you pick a ‘Palestine’ flag to represent Arabic.”

    Not true.

    There are various distinct dialects of Arabic.

    Let’s face it. Netanyahu is violently opposed to an independent Gaza and/or West Bank. He will do anything to crush it. He is very strong.

    Hamas is using human shield defense but what to you expect? That they have a tent with a sign reading “Hamas Headquarters Building”?

    The human shield strategy is not very effective. Israel destroys any suspected site.

    Hamas is actually not using the human shield strategy. That strategy is to put civilians inside a building marked “Hamas Headquarters”. What strategy Hamas is using is to camouflage their facilities underneath everyday structures.

    Why isn’t there a big article entitled “Hamas uses fake service dogs, acts like gate lice, should be banned from upgrades ” !

  33. Wow, @derek actually justifies Hamas using schools and hospitals as command centers “but what to you expect?” and then lamenting that “The human shield strategy is not very effective” I must say that’s certainly a position to take.

  34. @Larry, love your comments.
    I see a$$ holes here w/o any knowledge or experience in Israel or ME but like telling us what “most Jews and Israelis” think…and yes, Otto, you’re not just anti-Semite, but also an uninformed and stupid one.

  35. Lets face it, this has little to do with Israel and everything to do with a pent-up hatred of Jews by certain factions on both the Left and Right. For decades, you couldn’t be anti-Jewish in polite society, though occasionally you would see that slip if you knew what to look for. Come the last decade (and especially the last year) and it’s suddenly acceptable and those pent-up hatreds come boiling out.

    And yes, this applies to Jews as well. Jews has always hated other Jews if they weren’t the “right kind” of Jews. The secular hate the religious, the Orthodox hate other Orthodox not of the “right” sect, but together they all hate the Conservative and Reform, Reform hate the Orthodox, American Jews hate the Israelis, Israelis hate the American Jews, one congregation of Reform Jews will despise another one as being wackos or fascists.

    Y’all a bunch of haters and bigots. And yet you think of yourself as “good people”. Uh, no.

  36. Since when do humans speak Palestinian that live in Palestine !?!?
    That’s like saying Canadians speak Canadian or Americans speak American ! Get it correct for once please !

  37. The State of Israel wonders why the dogs they caged in Palestine bit them after years of mistreatment?

    Israel has no sense of proportion, no moral compass and absolutely no shame. I have many, many Jewish friends. I love them, respect them and actively support their right to freely practice their faith without interference or discrimination.

    What I – and many of my Jewish friends – will never do is support their state-sponsored cleansing of the Arab neighbors of the Zionist state. Israel needs to retreat and defend from within. No more expansion, either.

  38. Offended by everything, ashamed of nothing. The passenger should have been escorted off the plane and the flight attendants are one hundred percent to wear whatever pins they want. Free Speech and Free Palestine !

  39. Companies need to tell their employees that they can either be political activists or an employee, but not both.

    As a paying customer I could give a rat’s tail about the political views of the lady serving me a biscoff. All this nonsense needs to stop.

  40. I don’t believe United Airlines is some “left” leaning member of the majors. Next thing we’ll hear is they’re woke. Come on, I’m sure they value every passenger’s ethnicity and religious beliefs and I would think probably feel the same about their employees.

  41. People who publicly note that they served in the IDF’s campaign against Palestinians since October 2023 may be at risk of arrest and prosecution for war crimes if they travel to or even via a country that is party to the ICC. That ball is just getting started.

    And Palestinian militant organizations still are holding some American hostages and Israel is still refusing to allow some Americans to leave Gaza.

  42. @Gary wrote, “Do y’all realize Hamas is still holding American hostages?”

    Hama declared war and they apparently are determined to continue it by holding (and executing) innocent hostages. What is going on now is 100% the fault and responsibility of Hamas. Period.

  43. Back to basics (and this onboard incident) – why weren’t the FAs arrested for the unlawful detention of the pax?


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