Delta First Class Passenger Slams Inflight Meal: ‘I Wouldn’t Feed This to a Dog,’ Then Stays Behind To Apologize To Crew [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Regarding the Marriott breakfast benefit, all or some of these properties were ALWAYS listed as exempt for whatever reason in the terms and conditions. Something changed last year when the list of exempt properties was shortened. This is just a return to past practice. It’s unfortunate but it is what it is.

  2. Oh no… journalistic standards sliding yet again… when you see ‘slams’ in the title, you know it’s gonna be a doozy, unless the author is literally referring to the act of ‘slamming’ as-in to throw/hit. But, alas, like many others, in this case, it’s the figurative ‘slams’ *deep sigh* I kid, Gary, I kid. Nice [Roundup].

  3. Daughter recently flew DL ATL-ICN in Delta One Suites.

    Food almost unrecognizable, wifi down, door to her suite broken. Bed hard and uncomfortable.

    Back to Emirates!

  4. @Patti — Emirates? They don’t even fly to ATL! Even if you arranged for a connection to a city that they do fly to, it really depends on which of their aircraft–because many of their aircraft still have the older ‘angle’ flat business class–it’s dated, and it shows. Not to mention, most Emirates flights are going to route through Dubai (DXB), so that’d be two long-haul flights (often 14+ and +10 hours, with a 2-6 hour layover) instead of one (15+ nonstop)–so, not very ‘efficient’ with Emirates either.

    Not to presume your daughter’s itinerary, but if Seoul (ICN), or East Asia, generally, was her destination, from ATL, or from most of the USA, I don’t think you get more direct or much better than Delta, Korean Air, Asiana, JAL, ANA, Singapore, EVA, etc. Perhaps, if she is flying from ATL, she should try Korean, which still sometimes operates it’s 747, which is a treat for aviation geeks. Even if it’s on their 777, it’s still ‘nice.’ If she’s lucky, and flying business class, she could get a seat upstairs–now, that’s cool. Plus, the bibimbap is delicious! So, better food, too.

  5. @Gene — Hold on now, 747 upstairs is 2-2, and it feels like private jet–that’s more than nice. 777 is still nice, even in 2-3-2, though I agree, it could be even better, and perhaps they’ll update the cabins. My reply to Patti was more in disbelief at her Emirates comment, because that was just ‘off.’

  6. A ranting jerk being “moved by Holy Spirit” into apologizing has a tinge of irony to it that will not be perceived by most readers of

  7. @Dangling Pointer — Yeah, due to that being the source, I doubt this was ‘as it happened’ and more so ‘for the article.’ Not really a source for ‘journalistic’ standards either.

    Well, when your ‘ideology’ teaches you that you can practically do whatever ‘wrongs’ you wish, and so long as you ask for ‘forgiveness,’ (and ‘believe,’) even at the last moment, you can become ‘free’ and will ‘live forever,’ it almost encourages folks to act horribly, because, you know, they got a ‘scapegoat.’

    Yeah, organized religions are hypocritical at times… huh, wild. And then there’s the whole ‘unintended consequences’ thing. I’ve been rethinking the ‘treat others as you wish to be treated’ and more ‘try to treat others as THEY wish to be treated… so long as no one is being harmed in the process.’ By hey, that’s a lot of work, so maybe ‘you do you,’ is simpler, so long as it’s not ‘you do me.’

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