Delta Gaslights Passengers At Jam Packed Sky Club Over Whether It’s “Busy” [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

  • An airport lounge is supposed to be an oasis from the terminal. If it’s 70% full, it’s starting to get busy. But in Delta parlance, where lines for some clubs (like New York JFK) can stretch down the terminal, a club that is 100% fully packed inside and that has a line to get in is merely ‘slightly’ busy.

    Delta has redefined customer expectations what what a lounge means. You head inside, you engage in some sort of Thunderdome-style competition for a seat, and then you zigzag around customers ducking and weaving while angling to get something from the buffet.

    It’s pure gaslighting to call this “slight” busy:

  • Nothing to worry about, but Delta used to maintain its cabins far better, and you now see this every day…

  • To be clear, it’s not just Delta.

  • A new terminal, for just 5 gates…

  • Qantas must grow out of crony capitalism

  • The only value in Motley Fool is the acquisition bonus they’ll fund to get you as a customer. Do not forget to cancel.

    Does anyone actually use The Motley Fool beyond the LP bonus?
    byu/greekcruiser inamericanairlines

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. @Gary – FYI I have made a Motley Fool membership for a number of years (didn’t get any bonus to sign up) and have made over $10,000 a couple of times with their recommendations. There are some companies that a key parts of my portfolio I wouldn’t have known about if not for them. I definitely get value even though I don’t use their service extensively (just recommendations and top holdings). Hate the constant attempt to sell me additional products but for someone with a sizable portfolio I think they are a useful tool to have access to.

  2. At almost 6 cents per peso, and 20% rise in value against usd over the past 5 years, I’d say it is an insult to the peso to equate it to SkyMiles

  3. When do we get to return to using simple words such as “lie” and “mislead” instead of the therapy-speak “gaslighting”? That encompasses a specific kind of manipulation and this ain’t it.

  4. Sky Club? I rather seek out the terminal, no waiting and usually less crowded, the Sky Club has officially failed its purpose.

  5. As a Delta Million-Miler and former Diamond Medallion, I gave up my loyalty to Delta years ago when the SkyClubs became the airport equivalent of a Golden Corral and their rosy messaging never matched my experience.

    Everything they do is meant to gaslight their customers. No company spends more time, effort, and money to tell you how great they are for you and the rest of the world. Of course, telling you they’re great is a lot cheaper than actually trying to be great.

  6. For “da real real”, the Sky Clubs in ATL w/”tip jars” since “forever”; and the paper “plates” and plastic “non utilitarian utensils” ongoing since 9/11….

    Last straw was “roaches” crawling around the warm buffet of pork in HNL lounge last month (and that was after having to wait in a line for “lounge” albeit MM and Diamond departing for HNL from ATL)!

    DELTA, forever “sinking lower” to ranks of “no frills”, to NEVER EVER “rise higher”. We thought Dick was going bad but ED (almost funny how one thinks of erectile dysfunction when spelling it out – needs to be booted to the curb penniless w/o a “DIAMOND” parachute!

  7. Waiting in the SC line for 20 minutes then they let you in and there are plenty of seats.. They do not know how to count or do not want to overwork the staf???

  8. @Seth re: gaslighting – haven’t you heard? Being a manipulated victim is like the new mental illness trend where it’s cool to claim it even if you’re perfectly fine

  9. that’s not “gaslighting.”. I suggest you read the play to understand what causes the dimming of the gaslamps. This is called “lying.”

  10. Reynaboy83,
    It’s probably just an elderly brittle plastic window trim part.
    Usually the high strength Corrosion REsistant Steel (CRES) bolts and nuts that help hold the window in place aren’t visible and will keep doing their jobs without the decorative trim piece.

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