Delta Removes Veteran Over ‘End Veteran Suicide’ Shirt, Forces Her To Strip, Then Boots Her From Extra Legroom Seat

Marine Corps veteran Catherine Banks was pulled off a flight from San Francisco on Wednesday when a flight attendant demanded she remove her shirt calling attention to veteran suicide. There were two problems for Banks: the message was important to her, and she didn’t have a bra on underneath.

The shirt read, “Do not give in to the war within. End veteran suicide,” and is part of the “22 a Day” collection from the Til Valhalla Project dedicated to raising awareness about the estimated 22 veterans who die by suicide each day. The flight attendant insisted that the shirt violated Delta’s attire policy.

As Banks was settling into her Comfort+ seat, the crewmember approached her, saying, “Ma’am, ma’am.” Initially confused, Banks realized she was the one being addressed when the attendant instructed her to get off the plane. Unclear about what she had done wrong, Banks complied and exited the aircraft, where she was told on the jet bridge that her shirt’s message was the issue. The complaining crewmember declared,

I don’t care about your service, and I don’t care about [the service of your sister whom you’re traveling to visit]. The only way you’re going to get back on the plane is if you take it off right now.

The woman agreed. Without bra, she turned around on the jet bridge, shielding herself from view, and replaced the T-shirt with a sweatshirt before reboarding the plane.

However she found the extra legroom seat she’d paid a premium for had been given away to another passenger and she was reassigned to a seat at the back of the plane. The incident delayed the flight, and she missed her connection. This isn’t the first time this year Delta has threatened to kick off a braless woman from its flights.

Usually airline dress code issues stem from a conflict of expectations between passengers and staff, with the passengers just trying to live their life as they normally do, staff trying to enforce vague guidance, and people about to cram into a metal tube for hours at a time that come from different backgrounds and who have different expectations. A couple of years ago a former Miss Universe was told by American Airlines to cover up to fly. She was in athleisure wear less revealing than what other passengers had on.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Hey Delta you’d better fire that flight attendant and you’d better do it publicly and quick or you are no longer going to have veterans traveling on your airline her behavior is despicable there is nothing at all offensive about trying to end veterans suicides

  2. As a Veteran, I find this reprehensible. If she had a Free Palestine shirt on she probably would have been upgraded to first class.

  3. Delta needs to make an immediate public apology. I doubt they will fire anybody but a review and retraining of their attire policies would be a good start.

  4. @David and @Travelgirl … +1 to your wise comments . Absolutely No More Delta for me , ever .

  5. Thank God DL FAs aren’t unionized so DL can do the right thing and fire that FA immediately plus make it public and also make a sizable donation to veterans. If the FA actually said they didn’t care about the veterans’s service then DL should also implement training to make sure their FAs aren’t more customer focused. As I recall DL allows veterans to preboard so obviously they care at some level.

    Shame on DL if they don’t take the proper steps. Also hopefully this veteran goes very public with her story. Yo care more about causes like Palestine, BLM and gay/trans causes than America’s veterans is very sad!!

  6. Wow, absolutely reprehensible and disgusting conduct by Delta. Hope this veteran forces Delta to lawyer up.

  7. Delta… you have now lost my business. How dare you condone such behavior by your employees. Your representatives. I will no longer board your jets. And I’m hearing something quietly about Valdosta. I can not confirm. But I entirely hope it’s true. I’m sure your flight attendant will vote for Kamila. It is their choice. Or is it still Bernie Sanders?

  8. @David P … Good suggestions , but Delta will never do any of them . You know , there are anti-veteran woke people slithering about .

  9. I am a FA for another major carrier. This is inexcusable! If the Delta FA had an ounce of intelligence, he would know the shirt was meant to save Veterans lives. I hope Gloria Allred contacts this Veteran. The FA should be terminated.

  10. But the Delta employees in Detroit wearing Muslim hijab and khimar coverings with Palestine pins are okay.

  11. Reprehensible action by the flight attendant. Let us see what action Delta will take. One thing, why take off the t-shirt if the sweatshirt can be put over it? Were the flight attendant and other workers looking for a free show? The additional punishment of stealing her plus seat should also be addressed. A complaint needs to go to the DOT.

  12. There has to be more to the story than this: how can a Delta skywitch be so arbitrary? I’m sure none of us has had such an experience ….!?

  13. Of course Delta will apologize and send the rouge flight attendant to more training. But how can the removal of an active military passenger seemingly be left up to a single, clueless member of the crew?

    “Thank you for your service…now get off the plane…” Just awful.

  14. Our country has gone insane while seemingly losing any resemblance of common sense. The Delta employee is clearly light years from being reasonable, but the real question is why didn’t any other employee on that plane (like the Captain?!!) pull the employee off to the side and let her know she was wrong on this one? Is there no actual Leadership on that plane? That is the disturbing part.

  15. @Captain Freedom . The veteran served in the U.S. Marine Corps for 22 years , then worked for the U.S. Air Force for 15 years , she helped raise $ 150,000 to assist a paraplegic veteran get a home , and her sister is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran .

    I hope that U.S. Marine Corps veterans will come to her assistance , and hopefully some Marine Attorneys .

    The offending airline is in for a surprise .

  16. Wonder what DL would do if I flew wearing my old Virgin America shirt? One of my old anti-Vietnam War shirts?

    Clearly this is STUPID behavior on the part of the FA. (The pilots are probably vets and should have stepped in.) But even if the shirt did violate some policy (vague or otherwise), she willingly complied. So WTF is up with giving away her seat???

  17. As much as I want to jump on the F-U Delta bandwagon, how many times have we seen more to the story a few days later. If this proves to be true as told, there should be a mass boycott of Delta until they make this 100% right, in public. 5,000 Sky Peso’s won’t do.

  18. If nothing else comes of this it raised awareness of the Til Valhalla Project. I’ll be buying a shirt. I’d love to buy a hundred of these t-shirts and hand them out to passengers before we all board a Delta flight.

  19. That flight attendant needs to be fired and this woman is owed some kind of compensation and an apology. Veteran suicide is a real thing and I can’t imagine there are too many people that think it should be encouraged to continue. I see absolutely nothing “controversial” about this statement on a tee shirt. I would imagine if the tee shirt had said “stop climate change” said flight attendant wouldn’t have batted an eye.

  20. As a veteran – your slogan is good appropriate and needed. It should not have been called out – too much authority in a lower level employee. Perhaps equally disturbing is the statement I don’t care about your service. Delta is made up of many veterans many of whom learned their skills like flying and maintaining aircraft and leadership and management skills as veterans. You damn well ought to care about veterans and their service. Thank you for your service and my deepest apologies that you were shamed, mistreated and placed in a lesser seat than what you paid for as punishment.

  21. Would like to hear the rest of this story since some parts don’t past muster, like why she took her t-shirt off braless on a jetbridge just to put a sweatshirt on instead of…just putting the sweatshirt over t shirt.

  22. if the shirt was really the problem, and not something else which would appear to be the case, then DL should require the FA to do 40 hours of community service on her own time with the veterans support organization with which the passenger is involved.

    Veterans pay an extraordinarily high price for being sent into harms way and veterans suicide is very real whether alot of people know or appreciate it.

  23. 1) could have been an SFO resident and/or based FA. You know? The libtard hate our military and country;

    2) giving away the selected seat provides circumstantial corroboration

    3) however, why not merely place the sweatshirt over the T shirt?

    4) how is supporting a reduction in veteran suicides (or ANY suicide rate) offensive?

    5) the FA was/is a power hungry douche

  24. I agree that there’s more to this story than what is written. 1: Why would the woman take off a shirt in the JetWay only to put a sweat shirt on instead? Why not just put the sweat shirt on OVER the “offending” T-shirt? 2: The passenger was scanned aboard the aircraft but then deplaned to the JetWay until she complied but she never left the JetWay. So how/why would the gate agent “un-board” the passenger? Where was a “Redcoat” during this event? That is part of the required protocol for passenger removal. It doesn’t make sense. I find it odd that the passenger’s paid for seat was given away. If that is the case, then that passenger should be refunded the difference in fare OR be generous and refund the entire ticket cost and post the mileage to the frequent flyer account. As a Vietnam era USAF Veteran, IF the flight attendant was as rude as reported, then Delta should do something about that behavior. As “Judge Judy” would say, “If it doesn’t make sense, then it’s most likely not true.”

  25. Why is it the corporate policy for some Delta Air Lines flight attendants to give passengers the bums rush, and, give away their seat and, kick them off the aircraft when they are wearing a premium T-shirt that brings awareness of the suicide problem of veterans serving our country?

  26. This is a unbelievable. At every level. The tshirt promotes suicide prevention. It is in no way controversial. I for the life of me cannot see how it was “threatening”. And to make the woman undress in the jetbridge? Give away her paid premium seat while making her undress? This FA needs to be held accountable. As in be fired. And Delta needs to make this right. Not only to th Marine, but with a LARGE donation to help fund veteran suicide prevention.

  27. How about a Public Awareness Campaign, by Airlines to inform the Public on Dress Code while onboard commercial aircraft? Clearly Americans need to be re taught civility, respect and decorum. Soon we will have Dress Code Check in, when we Check In.

  28. Why is everything an issue with everyone. The shirt was not offensive not political.

    Every business has the right to have a dress code but that code must be published adhered to enforced and not be discriminatory.

    Many restaurants require men to wear ties women to have their shoulders covered. No sneakers etc.

    Sweatpants are for the gym
    Slippers are to be worn at home
    Yoga pants are for yoga class
    Halter tops went out of fashion
    Pants are not meant to be worn below your a$$ unless you are a call guy

    Grow up and act like an adult. The business is NOT your home and you can Not have it your way.

    The customer is not always right

  29. Not sure if this is the whole story or not, but I think we all recognize that, in general, there are FA’s who are on a power trip and routinely abuse their authority. Right now, the airlines have all of the power because of the high demand for air travel. I would caution them about repurcussions when people have had enough of the bad bahavior.

  30. @ Alert — No, nothing will change. Orange Pig will continue to lie with each breath as he cries about the election being rigged again. Fortunately, we don’t have quite enough stupid, hateful people to re-elect the treasonist. Cranial infarction would be a much easier outcome. There’s still 17 days!

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