Desperate Migrants: Over 100 Refugees Living At Boston Airport Baggage Claim With No Place To Go

More than a hundred migrants are now living at Boston Logan Airport baggage claim, creating a makeshift community using limited blankets as mattresses. The baggage claim refugee camp began earlier this year but has grown with migrants arriving at “at all hours.”

Migrants are transported to state welcome centers each day, but then brought back to the airport by nightfall since state shelters are at capacity – to live in a cold environ with hard floors, bright lights and loud announcements.

Last month the Governor of Massachusetts announced the conversion of a former prison into a 400 family shelter, which is expected to be a stopgap to relieve Logan Airport baggage claim. Other airports such as Chicago’s O’Hare have been used as temporary migrant housing as well.

Historically have kicked out the homeless and though the politics are different, these individuals and families lack a place to live too. In cities like New York a large portion of the lower-end of hotel stock has been converted to house asylum seekers. Meanwhile as many as 1 in 5 passengers flying out of border-area airports to major cities may be migrants.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. How many are medically unexamined ?

    Let’s hope they do not find work in food prep .

  2. They camTThey came here illegally they should be deported back to place of orgin

  3. What I find so very interesting is how the mix of irregular migrants coming into the US has changed so much from 2010 to now. Irregular Mexican migrants are now nowhere close to being a majority of the irregular immigrants coming into the US from Mexico. Even Latin Americans overall are a smaller proportion of the irregular immigrants coming across the US-Mexico border than 14 years ago. Another big change is that the proportion of the irregular immigrants being minors has seemed to jump up a lot over the last 20 years.

    No matter how many irregular immigrants are rounded up for deportation, the number and proportion that can be deported is way down due to the unwillingness of the home countries of such persons to help facilitate expeditious returns (if they are even willing to accept those subject to deportation and other removal orders).

    The world has been in political turmoil for quite some time, and the climate and economic dynamics too are driving people to move like never before in this age of “internet everywhere”. This has little to do with any one political administration. You can’t fix human nature so easily, so better off places act as a magnet. But what this situation shows is that America is way better off than most of the world. And it also shows that America is perceived as great regardless of US Admin.

  4. How many of them have their ESA?

    …and if you have a negative feeling about this, then maybe you should consider an ESA, too!

    Thank you for the heads up on Boston Logan Airport. Last year, I experienced transitting through BOS. It was a weird experience, having to walk on a sidewalk through a huge parking structure to get from my domestic flight to my connecting international flight. Luckily, my luggage transferred without a problem. Decades ago, I remember grabbing my luggage at the carousel, and feeling fresh off the farm, was surprised when the guard at the exit door demanded to see my luggage claim check, which I had hidden in my pickpocket-proof pocket somewhere on my body, and I remember struggling like five minutes to find it to appease the guard and exit with my checked luggage in hand. I guess that it pays to be a seasoned or informed traveller, in airports where First World and Third World collide. I think I’ll prefer other airports to BOS, at this report.

  5. Airports sometimes having staff checking domestic passengers baggage claim tags before letting people exit the baggage claim area with the bags? That is not new to US airports, and it’s been something that has gone on and off over the years at various US airports for at least the entirety of the lifetime of Señor Leff.

  6. It’s not clear to me from this article where the people are coming from. Are they able to get on flights from their home countries to arrive in the US, and then they do not pass screening at Customs and Immigration? Or are these people who have come over the border on foot and then offered a plane ride by the Texas or Florida governors?
    I agree with the poster who said this is an ongoing situation which has never been satisfactorily addressed by any recent Administration. It breaks my heart.

  7. Maybe I’m thinking too much but it’s not a good idea to illegally enter any country. Period.

  8. During some years in the past couple of decades fully half or more of undocumented people entering the U.S. actually were documented–they came legally as visitors, workers or students through our airports…and then just stayed past their visa expiration dates. So pointing at the southern border alone isn’t very helpful. Attempts to reform things this year have gotten nowhere because a “certain party” likes using the situation for his political campaign, and damn how many people are hurt. But at bottom the entire system has been a mess from top to bottom for many years, with legitimate visitors, workers, and immigrants caught in a nightmarish, understaffed and completely dysfunctional bureaucracy. Until Congress has the guts to really face this situation and develop humane, workable and logical rules with adequate funding and enforcement it will not improve. (The same can be said about many other issues affecting the “General Welfare” from Social Security, public health, housing, education, the environment and so on. Repealing Citizens United would be one big step. Electing sensible people not beholden to an angry little boy with a box of matches is another.)

  9. They are mostly making their way to the southern US border and coming in that way by surface means. From there, they often go where they want to go and are increasingly offered a state taxpayer-subsidized trip to end up in “Democratic cities” and nationalize and politicize the issue even more. This year the politicians and their fans are more interested in posturing to make this a problem “for the other side” than in solving problems for the public.

    It’s a pitiful state of affairs when partisans in a country are wishing for bad things to hit more people nationally in order to more easily toss out the incumbents viewed as opponents in an election. But these are the kind of people who are try to proclaim themselves as patriots but provide cover and support to insurrectionists raising the US Capitol.

  10. The people who overstay are not most of people we see being handled as refugees and asylum seekers in the “hotels” and at the airports in “Democratic cities”.

  11. Nowhere to go? Are they trapped? Is there a killer monster roaming outside, waiting for them to poke their heads out? Only in lawless blue states is this nonsense tolerated.

  12. GU Wonder. Excuse me but Massachusetts is as blue a state as they come. It is your dear President JB who has caused this mess by refusing to enforce legitimate border security policies. Take off your media imposed blinders and face reality.

  13. Thanks for letting us know.
    We can refrain from including Boston Logan International Airport in our travel plans.

    I have a New World Order Diagram obtained a couple of years ago from a globalist conference.
    Their plan is to combine North America and South America into the North American Union (NAU) similar to the European Union (EU). Is this what we want for the future of our country?
    Why are we tolerating this nonsense and allowing our country to be invaded?

  14. The ignorance in the comments is striking, but not surprising for a right wing travel blog.

    Many of the migrants are asylum seekers who enter lawfully declaring asylum. They are awaiting a hearing and cannot work until (and if) they are granted some sort of residency.

    So we let them in lawfully, prohibit them from working, then put them in a queue for years to have their cases heard. Where are they supposed to stay?

    Unlike many of the perpetual homeless, asylum seekers will accept shelter if available. Chicago was using city buses this winter so they don’t freeze to death.

  15. jeffie,
    please tell me you understand that the problem is how easy it is to claim asylum, the length of time for a hearing – because of the unprecedented volume, and then local governments that declare themselves as sanctuary cities where migrants should be provided financial assistance that even natural born American citizens do not get?
    Do you see people living at airports in BNA or MCO?

    regardless of what you think about immigration, airports are not the place where they should be housed regardless of the reason they are in the US.

    Cities that understand that airports are for air travelers to PASS THROUGH don’t seem to have the problems that ORD, BOS and other sanctuary cities have at their airports as well as in other parts of the city.
    and more significantly, many southern cities which are not sanctuary cities are growing faster via the movement of legal and established US residents – which is a far healthier way for a city to grow than by housing recent immigrants, legal or not.

  16. “Uncle Jeff”. The only ignorance that I see is from commenters such as yourself that somehow believe that these people are here “legally” and are all asylum seekers who were greatly persecuted in their home countries. Do you not read the news? Do you not see the pictures of people swarming over the border unhindered? I have friends who work on the southern border as Border patrol agents. They’ll tell me that it’s even far worse than what we’re seeing on the news and that basically there’s no stopping most of these people from entering the country illegally because there’s simply not enough enforcement in place. Please stop feeding us this Kool-Aid induced left-wing mass media garbage. We are not stupid we can see what’s going on.

  17. @Tim Dunn, that’s not what a sanctuary city is. It’s not the right-wing spin it has to do with not honoring ICE detainers which could (and have) exposed cities to liabilties for violating constitutional rights.

    The migrants are entering at the Southern border. They didn’t show up in BOS or ORD or anywhere until someone drove or flew them there. Local resources are overwhelmed, and a shelter doesn’t get built overnight. Airports aren’t the right place, but it’s an unfortunate stopgap.

  18. Controlling immigration is like controlling drugs. They are myths. Let humans travel freely, the vast majority are decent.

  19. @Cmorgan – those going over the border unlawfully are not asylum seekers. You have to enter at a legit border crossing and declare asylum to be an asylum seeker. We obviously need more enforcement, and Congress needs to do their job so we don’t have situations like this.

  20. @Jake-1…You do realize that your comment will most likely lead to a few heads exploding, right? Requiring passports and granting the “right” to travel is another problem created by the government. The border issue is not our problem, government is always the problem. The issue is much deeper than most people realize and relies on the destruction of property rights in order to continue.

  21. If we import the 3rd world we become the 3rd world.
    The Massachusetts politicians and officials allowing this to happen should be replaced.

    @Jake-1 commented: “Let humans travel freely, the vast majority are decent.”

    Wow Jake. I’m going to assume you are brainwashed by the lying legacy media or perhaps just a naive young man. You want to allow in all the terrorists, criminals, tax takers, mentally ill, etc. That’s a great way to destroy a country quickly.

    Absolutely not Jake. We have EVERY RIGHT to be picky and choosey on who gets to come to our country. Our national sovereignty and future is at stake.

  22. jeffie,
    this issue is way beyond aviation and Gary throws its out just to create pageviews on a topic that is “aviation adjacent).
    you are simply delusional if you think that all of those immigrants got to northern cities because of right-leaning states and cities that have sent those passengers there.

    and you are beyond delusional if you don’t understand that the current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave undid dozens of executive orders that has resulted in the exponential increase in immigration including how immigrants are classified and processed.
    He is now trying to put the genie back in the bottle now that it might cost his party the election and for no other reason – the AA FAs have nothing on the immigration issue.

    and, again, airports in those “bad” right wing states and cities don’t seem to have problems w/ people living in airports. When you get around to admitting that different perspectives and management techniques produce different results, alot more people will take you seriously.

  23. An absolute DISGRACE!! What does anyone who has one bit of sympathy for these unwarned, illegal, lawbreakers not understand that these vagrants are becoming criminals the minute they illegally set foot in the US. They should be stopped at the border and immediately herded back to Mexico and let them deal with the problem.

  24. What did I tell you, Jake-1? Read OnePatriot’s comment, perfect example. Also, he utilized a strawman argument.

  25. It’s funny seeing right-wing critics of irregular migrants complain about crime from irregular migrants while those very critics are in line to vote for Don the Con as US President even with his convictions on dozens of criminal charges.

  26. James, you say a lot without really saying anything.

    @OnePatriot – I’m almost SS age lol. I see it as practicality rather than naivete. We’ve already got a bunch of home grown “terrorists, criminals,….” We’ll need to deal with them, any new ones, the same way we’re dealing with them now. Stopping immigration to prevent entry of the 1 criminal out of 100,000 hard working immigrant is like killing 40k+ Palestinian civilians to kill a few dozen Hamas – it’s nonsense. In fact, I’d bet that the % of criminals by population in our midst would fall dramatically if we let the rest of the world flood.

  27. The proper and right thing to do with these people is to house them in the homes of the DemocRats in Washington and all of the sanctuary Blue states who backed brain dead Biden, Hyena Harris , Mayorkas and their own DemocRat party.

  28. “James, you say a lot without really saying anything.” You lost me, or maybe, I lost you. You do realize I was agreeing with your original comment, right?

  29. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

    Either we do this again or France should take back the Statue of Liberty.

  30. Sorry Frank, the quote you give was written by an American and has no French connection to the US. So, we are somehow bound by the words of a poet? I kinda like paying attention to laws.

  31. They did not come here through the proper channels but rather by force. Who gave them a rosy picture of how things would be without a home, without a job, without a sponsor? All of the people lying to them and supporting this invasion should open their doors and let them live with them or return them to wherever they came from. I do not care what the Politicians say, the fact is we are not equipped to accommodate this massive invasion. We need to lock up the border to prevent further invasions. By their own admission, this Administration has acknowledged that we already have let in known terrorists inviting a repeat of 911.


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