Dining Disaster: United Airlines Meal Mishap Leads To Unpleasant Surprise On Tokyo Flight [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. A little clickbait there huh Gary? I wouldn’t call ANY issue with an inflight meal a “disaster”. Seriously?! Worst case you go without food for a couple of hours and if that qualifies as a disaster in your book then (a) you must REALLY love the airline food and (b) you are pretty tone deaf on everything else going on in the world! SMDH!

  2. @Retired Gambler I guess you missed the insect in the salad in the picture. Though I guess these days eating insects is trendy?

  3. Looks like a mushy salad due to being frozen, ie, too far back in the refrigerator. The passenger could have asked for another one.

    “Dining Disaster” is a bit too much hyperbole. Agree that title is clickbait, but I’m glad I clicked so I could see the AF mileage deal.

  4. @kimmiea
    Pretty sure the person posting is referring to the beetles at the top of the bowl. The question is how many beetles were there to start?

  5. The problem was flying United from Chicago to Tokyo. The customer took the risk and found out. There are several Asian airlines to choose from for nonstop service.

  6. Delta pilots might have secret trading cards, but did you know that AA flight attendants have secret credit card applications?

  7. Insects are a delicacy in some countries as is roast doggie I suppose its subjective
    No extra charge if it crawls

  8. Biden’s attacks on resort fees is cheap populism. Only the disingenuous hotels would suffer from his proposal. The fact that Trump hotels qualify is just icing on the cake.

  9. United’s food is good awful and service trash too

    I flew Tokyo to EWR last week. The flight attendants are rude. Flight attendants now can get upgrade to business so you can’t escape the chatting non working lazies by sitting in middle. They all flight and are rude. I asked for a drink and one came with my drink with gloves she was using to clean the cabin.

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