A reader sends me to this offer for double Continental Airlines elite qualifying miles through the end of the year for flights on COPA.
Offer is valid for OnePass members who book and travel with Copa Airlines from November 1 to December 31, 2010. OnePass number must be included in the reservation. This offer is valid only for all Copa and Copa Airlines Colombia operated flights. Offer is not applicable on code-share flights operated by other carriers. Eligible classes of service are C,D,Y,H,K,N,B,V,U,Q,I,S,T,L,O, and A.
End of year qualifying run to Latin America, anyone?
Viewing in mobile view the title reads, “Double Continental EQM’s”.
Got me really excited for a second…
Between what two cities would we get the best number of EQM’s?
@Cindy Los Angeles to Buenos Aires, Santiago or Sao Paolo via Panama?