Dumbest Criminal Ever? Bank Robber Flees To Airport Security After Heist Right by Amazon HQ2

Bank of America across from Amazon’s “HQ2” in Arlington, Virginia was robbed on Monday morning. The getaway plan was unique.

  • They fled in a taxi
  • Which took them to National airport

The robbery happened around 11:30 a.m. at the Bank of America branch at 1425 S. Eads Street, across from Amazon’s HQ2.

Initial reports suggest that a heavy-set, possibly middle-aged man passed a note to a teller and fled with cash, hopping in a cab that then headed to nearby Reagan National Airport.

Maybe this is the dumbest criminal ever? You never get much in a bank robbery anymore. And you’re going to be tracked. This robber drove straight to one of the places with more law enforcement on site than you’ll find anywhere else even in Washington, D.C.. In addition to police nearly every three-letter agency is represented at an airport. There are ID checks, passenger manifests, and security checkpoints.

Washington National (DCA) Security Checkpoint

Washington National (DCA) Security Checkpoint

Last year a woman, wanting to avoid missing her flight, stole an Uber to get there faster. She also stole the driver’s wallet, and used his credit cards to buy food once she got there.

Maybe that’s even dumber than the Las Vegas housekeeper who stole $1 million in jewelry from a room and then called her convict boyfriend to discuss the crime – on the prison’s recorded line – before leaving the bed half-made and her cleaning supplies behind.

If you’re going to do crime – and bank robbery really isn’t what it used to be in Willie Sutton’s time – you don’t want to drive to the police, and driving to the airport is more or less the same thing.

(HT: ATX Jetsetter)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Well , at National he expected to move undetected among the criminals/politicians , as they all have similarly furtive behaviours .

  2. The DC area has so many different law enforcement agencies and law enforcement personnel, that such a robber in the area and then going to DCA is just begging to be stopped by the police.

  3. On TV, brilliant police officers catch criminal masterminds. IRL dumb criminals make things easy.

  4. This idiot was arrested by Metro Transit Police yesterday. He is a 63 year old ex-convict from Florida who already did time for another bank robbery in Florida. Extradition to Arlington is pending.

  5. Who leaves a million dollars in jewels lying around? Anyway, this sounds like when I was a kid in NYC. Somebody tried to rob a bank next to a federal building and it was full of FBI agents cashing their paychecks.

  6. Compared to the general public and controlling for socio-economic background, criminals tend to be dumber than average and have more problems with impulse control than normal people. We have a great example of that with the convicted crook running to become US President again.

  7. @GUWonder just loves to constantly insert his political vitriol in what is a TRAVEL BLOG. He thinks it makes him look smart, but everyone else is thinking something far different.

  8. Big time crooks don’t have immunity from commentary about what kind of people they are any more than smaller time crooks who try to rob a local bank in a less sophisticated way than big time crooks.

    TexasTJ just needs to get over the relevant examples of criminals being dumber than average and having more problems with impulse control than normal law-abiding people of an otherwise similar socio-economic background.

    Don’t want to be referred to as a criminal and associated with the pattern of criminals? Then the persons shouldn’t do the crimes in the first place and should better control their impulses. Unfortunately, criminals are way more likely to be recidivists and continue to be problem crooks when they show no contrition for their related wrongdoings.

  9. Bobby J even indicates the guy to be a recidivist, that too with repeating the same crime as before. Just goes to show, expect the same kind of recidivism from even big time crooks who fail to acknowledge and show remorse over their wrongdoings. Especially if giving such unrepentant sociopaths types a break yet again like TexasTJ would have us do.

  10. If @Bobby J is correct, and I think he is, this guy is not crazy. He’s smart as can be:
    — He’s 63 years old, has a long criminal record, and is completely unemployable.
    — His alternative to prison is living on the streets or in shelters. He’ll be fed three times per day and have a warm place to sleep. He’ll have a social life of some kind that he’ll rapidly adapt to, and knows the running rules for life “on the inside”.
    — He robbed a bank, which is a federal crime. He’ll be sentenced to federal prison (maybe Lorton or Lewisburg), which is far better than many of the state private prison hellholes. And since he knows the prison routine well, he’ll be a model prisoner with minimal restraints.
    — He gets healthcare provided by the government for the balance of his sentence (which will likely be the rest of his life).

    He knew exactly what he was doing. He wants to be institutionalized, because he is comfortable there. He couldn’t function “on the outside”.

    He is crazy like a fox.

  11. GU Wonder; reporting in from Mom’s basement…

    Lets see what mindless drivel he can come up with today!!!

    Get a preview in the WaPo or NY Times newspaper or check out some of the finest liberal news sites to get prepared for his trash!

  12. I don’t think this guy is as dumb as he appears. He simply underestimated the time latency between robbing the bank and getting his identity flagged at the airport checkpoint. There have certainly been news stories of people committing crimes far worse than bank robbery–and then fleeing to non-extradition countries by commercial airliner.

  13. Moe’s mamma — hope she’s still around to school him about his drooling (or is it foaming?) from the sides of his mouth — should let her boy Moe out of the basement to get his eyes checked since it seems like Moe struggles to tell the difference between someone being in a basement and being above ground in the bright of day at a European airport with more than 10 daily TATL flights today..

    If the bank robber who went to DCA was so eager to get back behind bars, he could have remained in Florida and done a bank robbery there to be closer to the trash-talking, criminal-in-chief Florida Man.

    Historically, the most likely day for a bank robbery in the US was Friday. This bank robber struck on Monday morning.

  14. You have got to be extra dumb and extra short on impulse control if thinking that robbing a local bank on an August Monday morning in the DC area is a prime opportunity to fly the coop and that too from DCA of all places.

  15. It’s so much more expensive to house a person as a prisoner in the US than it is to rent a furnished studio apartment within walking distance of DCA. Sounds like the country and states could save a bundle of money and see crime fall
    further if more was done to lower the chances of recidivism by those who get released from prison. Harder to lower the chances of recidivism of criminals who are unrepentant because they gamed the justice system long enough and well enough to avoid sleeping behind bars.

  16. Retired Lawyer is EXACTLY right. Even most criminals are social human beings and there are those who prefer prison over living under a bridge when approaching an age with little to no support system in place. Rob a federally chartered bank or flee across state lines to cap off “retirement.”
    Should any reader be interested in learning about prison life I suggest The Prison Diary by Jeffery Archer (3 books about a lawyer and politician being in prison.)
    As an added note: GUWonder and Tum Dunn, you both are annoying. I suspect there are very few on this blog that think “I wonder what the brothers Tim and GU have to say” much less care. My apologies to those who have read this far for being so negative about those two but really they need to get their narcissism under control.

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