Elon Musk Set To Acquire Trendy D.C. Line Hotel, Transform It Into Exclusive ‘Club X’

The Line Hotel DC is housed in a historic neoclassical church building in Adams Morgan. It was originally built in the early 1900s as the First Church of Christ, Scientist. The property was launched 7 years ago, and has sister hotels in Austin, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Owners couldn’t make loan payments during the pandemic, and ceded control to their lender.

The property is being auctioned on January 23rd, and it’s expected to be acquired by Elon Musk, and it’s speculated that the property will be turned into a private club.

Elon Musk is slated to be the highest bidder on D.C.’s trendy Line hotel. The recently inducted member of President-elect Donald Trump’s billionaire boys club plans to turn the desirable Northwest digs with 220 rooms into a “private social club” of sorts, according to multiple sources familiar with the deal. …The foreclosure auction is scheduled to take place in front of a NY courthouse and broadcasted live.

The best thing about the Line property in Austin – the former Radisson – is its location downtown on Town Lake. One of the best insider tips is that the restaurant on-property looks out at the bottom of the Congress bridge, where millions of bats reside for part of the year and fly out in the evenings.

People come to town and line up on the bridge in the heat for hours in the summer to get a good viewing spot, when all you have to do is get a table by the window and enjoy drinks while you wait. The restaurant, Arlo Grey, used to be a TGI Friday’s (which called its outdoor are the Batio). Much cheaper than heading down the street to the Four Seasons!

I have not stayed in the DC property, and if these reports are accurate I will not have the opportunity to do so in the future. As a private club – presumably ‘Club X’ or just ‘X’ given his penchant for the single letter name – it’s likely beyond my reach.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. What a shame….I’ve been to the bar and it’s great. Now I’ll add it to the list with Tesla on it as something I’ll never spend a dime on.

    What’s ironic is he thinks he’s some sort of DC arrivant.. His days are quite numbered since Trump doesn’t tolerate people who distract attention (especially press attention) from Il Duce.

  2. What is this pathological fascination he has with the letter “X?” Just another reason why Elon “Blofeld” Musk is just a weirdo, and a dangerous weirdo, too.

  3. I’m sure this will be the new Trump gathering space, although the location seems awful. Maybe more for the crypto bros.

  4. Speaking of hotels in DC, I’m curious whether the new regime will force DC to remove the ‘BLM’ paint and rename the street in front of the St. Regis. I would expect no less than ‘MAGA’ to replace it. They’ll probably go with red paint instead of yellow, too. Just try to help Dear Leader, of course. Praise be!

  5. Well, I’m torn between NIMN ( I live 4 blocks away), and should be interesting. Across from the Line is a park filled with the homeless, undocumented, drunks, druggies, and a farmers market on Saturdays.
    Adams Morgan is hands down the most progressive neighborhood in DC. I can foresee an ongoing protest outside the place
    We’ll see.

  6. NOt my Neighborhood but visisted the Bar a couple times. Not suprised it failed. Great urban neighborhood but not what I imagine eLon would feel comfortable in But ????
    Sort of straight up 16th Steet NW from WH with jog to the left

  7. what a pathetic bunch of comments throwing a fit now that the center right is gaining power and influence. All was fine when tech billionaires were exclusively D but now that 40% are R you meltdown. lol

  8. With an attitude that you’ll never be able to afford it or be invited, you never will. I’m not rich but have stayed in some of the best and most expensive hotel suites. It’s great that Elon Musk created Starlink that allows communications to areas that can’t get it, especially hurricane, fire and war ravaged areas which he gives for free. And the first successful electric cars that are by far the safest. So, as an American do I want to support that, of course, so hopefully I will be able to support the X hotels in appreciation.

  9. Must be exhausting to just hate Elon and Trump and others who you don’t agree with. And it must really come as a shock that they could not only care less what you think, but the majority of Americans agree with them. They won, you lost.

  10. Yes. Hopefully a great purchase! Go for it Elon..
    Everything my Rocket man touches turns into magic…

  11. I wonder why when the Country our USA was the laughing stock of the World no one would say the hateful things about the non leaders were doing the damages! Yet now that our country is on the Freedoms it was founded on now there is so much hatred! I don’t want communism!!

  12. REACH FOR THE STARS …OR MARS! Sounds interesting! My guess if Elon does make the purchase and goes the private club route he may have gotten the idea from President Trump and hanging out at Mar-A-Lago which as most of us know is also a private club and income. I’ve been following him for years and it’s so fascinating watching how he operates. Good luck Elon. Good luck USA…..if you do good so does the world!! Dave Chappelle said it right!

  13. Oh great. A spot where rich white men can meet to decide what happens to the rest of us! Sure Putin will be welcome! Talk about back room deals. If Obama had supported something like this, the GOP would be on fire. Good job America!

  14. No doubt a private club where people visiting on government business will stay and the government will spend YOUR tax dollars hosting them there while Elon pockets the profits. Just the same as Trump properties in DC back when he was last in power. Hardly a coincidence is it? And no I’m not a democrat – I don’t even live in the US but it’s pretty obvious to see (from anyone with any sense) from the outside. Referencing a comment above, no one “won” the majority of Americans who could vote didn’t bother, and perhaps if people weren’t so busy picking “sides” and actually collaborated and came together on things more things would actually get done! And there might be a bit less division and hate in the country, something that’s only grown in the last decade or so it seems.

  15. Trumpism has brought a lot of division. That’s how it works successfully. He won because a lot of “little people” couldn’t bother to vote this time around, re. 8M+/- less voters this time around then when Biden was voted in. He wins when there is a small voter turnout as Obama and others warned, even Republicans………… Well, let’s be fair and see what happens: more Banana MAGA Republic 2.0, or a renaissance of the powerful, Constitutional, intelligent United States of America of years past, but with a workable, modern, progressive cloak?

  16. Am I living in the twilight zone. A guy who has not been elected for any position but is going to run a new government efficiency office to determine what could potentially get cut ……is buying a property in DC to turn into a private club for wealthy elites. To obviously buy influence ……like am I the idiot here!

  17. Aleast he will clean up the area property value will go up taxes to but give life back to something that is falling away best luck Elon I’ll take a invite when you get it up and running

  18. Nothing about his base? He’ll probably hire his workers using the Visa like trump like you can’t find hospitality workers is South Florida. He used Visa process in NJ at casino as well to not hire local Americans.

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