The FAA has renamed the Gulf of Mexico the ‘Gulf of America.’ The agency’s data and charts will show this name change, along with a change fom Denali to Mount McKinley, implementing an Executive Order of the President.
The FAA has officially updated its maps to change the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America and Denali to Mount McKinley. @FAANews
Yep, this is real folks.
— Kyle Arnold (@kylelarnold) February 10, 2025
On Sunday, the President recognized a first-ever “Gulf of America Day” on the White House website while Air Force One was flying over it enroute to the Super Bowl in New Orleans.
Air Force One pilot flying over the recently renamed Gulf of America for the first time!— Tommy (@Tommyisme) February 9, 2025
Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum has, in turn, suggested renaming North America as “Mexican America.”
Such pathetic, silly ignorance.
And still, a dozen eggs is over $6 and a gal of gasoline over $3.
Why is this renaming of The Gulf of Mexico so important?
Priorities, people!
Liberal tears…..keep ’em comin’ !
“Such pathetic, silly ignorance,” on the part of Pres. Sheinbaum.
Well if Mexico is now America then why have border controls to keep out our fellow Americans?
@CHRIS I don’t know why you think it would be just liberals who would be sad about the small-minded pettiness of a once great country.
Dumb and dummer.
Still the gulf Mexico…
In my book, it has been and always will be the Gulf of Mexico. The work of a tyrannical dictator l! Next he will call it Gulf of tRump!
Nobody told Google Maps.
Tsaritsyn became Stalingrad became Volgograd.
St. Petersburg became Petrograd became Leningrad became St. Petersburg
Santo Domingo became Ciudad Trujillo became Santo Domingo
In Turkmenistan the lunatic leader Niyazov, “He renamed the town of Janga and city of Krasnovodsk after his nickname Türkmenbaşy, and renamed schools, airports, Ashgabat streets, and even a meteorite after himself and members of his family….”
Only dictators seem to enjoy renaming places on a whim. But then they like to practice magical thinking too.
I think attempting to rename the Gulf of Mexico is stupid. That said, drrichard, did you have the same reaction to President Obama renaming Mount McKinley as Denali?
After all, “Only dictators seem to enjoy renaming places on a whim.”
Hey @drrichard, you’re right !!! “Only dictators seem to enjoy renaming places on a whim”, which is what the Progressives have been doing 100’s of times over the past decade or so. Schools, Monuments, Streets, Military Bases, Airports, you name it (ooh, bad pun). In addition, Progressives just love tearing down statues. On the other hand, President Trump did not rename Mount McKinley, he restored the name from some other Progressive that had renamed it (proves my point). As for the Gulf of America, as I have commented previously, I think he missed an opportunity by not renaming if the Gulf of the Americas, but in any event, it still refers to the landmass of the Americas, which is a more correct name than the Gulf of Mexico.
@ DJT is a complete idiot.
For all those who says DJT is an idiot, look in the mirror. You liberals are the disease of the US and everything wrong with what’s going on. Biden instituted a no drill in the Gulf of Mexico. By Trump changing to Gulf of America, we can now drill and get the oil. Don’t you people get it? Food prices are high because of energy prices are high. When you get energy prices low, then good prices come down. Food prices don’t automatically come down by itself. And how about Trump securing the border, is that a dumb decision too? What do you want, let the border be wide open for ANYONE to get in? Really? You libs are some of the dumbest stupidest people, unbelievable, smh.
I do not care much about these silly name games. Trolls gonna troll. Takes one to know one.
That said, ‘follow the money,’ is where it is really at. What Elon is currently doing with those kids, you know, the richest man in the world and un-elected co-president, dismantling the federal government without oversight, transparency, or accountability.
Yeah, that’s what deserves more attention. Not this nonsense.
@CHRIST — Be careful–you might drown–wear a life jacket, and remember, do not inflate it until after you have exited the aircraft (I haven’t forgotten Ethiopian 961).
To everyone else, keep the tears coming–nothing wrong with empathy and compassion–far better than cruelty and ignorance. Anytime. Every time.
@SDRon — It’s still the ‘Gulf of Mexico’ to the rest of the world. ‘Tired of winning,’ yet?
*@CHRIS — Ahh. You probably call yourself a follow of Him. Act like it!
Mexico is indeed part of America. As is Panama, Chili, and Brazil. Oh, and Canada.
We are only a small part of NORTH America.
NORTH AMERICA is Canada, USA, and Mexico.
One of a great many distractions while they raid the Tressury.
The circus continues. Keep focused on the the important issues and don’t be distracted because that is the con game he plays.
Can’t wait for the day when President Detritus and Mini-Me Musk both choke on their own tongues.
And while I would certainly never advocate violence nor make a threat thereof (since that is illegal), to paraphrase Mark Twain, while I wont ?3 attending their funerals, I will send a kind note approving of them!
It’s quite possible to have different countries call the same body of water different names.
For example, they call the sea between the United Kingdom and France both “English Channel” and “La Manche”. And no one, AFAIK, had a conniption about it.
@ChuckMO: check the Google maps, Chuck from the “Show Me” state 🙂
@EgE — Then it’s settled. And it’s the ‘United States’ of Mexico, too, right? *technically yes
@Andrew — Yup. You get it. Now, quick, back to the distractions. Gaza!
@Gennady — Sure, the English and French notoriously never had any conflicts. Brilliant.
They changed it sometime today, apparently! Everyone’s just bending over, aren’t they?
Al, sorry but food prices went up because of the pandemic. The Federal Reserve–which neither Congress nor the President control–pumped huge amounts of money into the economy to keep things going. It worked, but with predictable inflationary results. Anyway pumping more oil without more refineries will accomplish nothing for our energy prices as it will be shipped abroad. Although I will say that in the long run it will definitely help destroy it as the more fossil fuels we as a species burn the hotter the world becomes. Then the worse off food production (and everything that makes living fun) will become.
And Gennady, I agree with you and there are many examples, like the Gulf of Arabia also being the Persian Gulf. But these names have naturally grown from popular use over centuries. Somebody who changes the track of a hurricane on a map with a Sharpie is just flexing his ego to cover up his own insecurities. This is an impulsive, childish action by an angry 5 year old with a box of matches.
@Gennady @ChuckMO I noticed this too, I think Google officially changed it within the last hour or so — interestingly, if you VPN to a different country it’ll say “Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America)”
@ AI — No, you are the idiot. Gas prices, food prices, all prices are higher because moron POTUS DJT handed out free money to everyone during his first term! I guess you are too stupid to know that printing trillions of dollars and passing them out for free causes inflation several months to one year later. Well, that is EXACTLY what happened.
Almost missed @Al’s vile comment above, wherein he says: ‘liberals are the disease’—ah, now that fits perfectly with #47’s increasingly dehumanizing rhetoric, such as calling political opponents ‘the enemy from within,’ calling immigrants ‘vermin’ and ‘poisoning the blood of the country’ and claiming ‘they’re eating the cats,’ etc. Again, all disgusting and un-American.
So, when the ‘enlightened centrists’ rush to ‘both-sides’ everything, and proceed to claim that, no, no, you’re ‘overreacting’ by calling out folks like Al, oh please, dear friends, better ‘over’ than under-react.
Just remember, the rational, decent people still out-number these crazies. We cannot forget the paradox of tolerance—when someone advocates for the ‘elimination’ of their perceived enemies through violence, they cannot be tolerated. We’ll see. There’s still time.
@ 1990 — My theory is that in 2027, Agent Orange will become the first impeached and removed POTUS. The Dems will control both houses of Congress and the Republicans will finally have had enough and throw his a*** out. Of course, there will be a whole line of jerks waiting in line to take his place…And Elon Musk is, well, a whole other problem.
@ Gary — So what code word must we now use other than POTUS to get around the filtering? Maybe MOTUS — Moron of the United States?
And now we’re the laughingstock of the world.
I always find maps of Europe interesting with Roma spelled as Rome, Milano spelled as Milan and München spelled as Munich. I guess the lettering should be in blue for Gulf of Mexico and red for Gulf of America. I looked up the length of the coastline on that gulf. The USA has about 1700 miles and Mexico has about 1100 miles. The USA also has more economic activity related to the gulf. It will be interesting to see if another President of the USA changes the name back. A lot of political considerations will go into such a decision.
Ah jealous Democrats, you should be more worried about what Musk unravels.
@Gene — How optimistic of you. I’m both a pessimist and a satirist, so here’s my prediction:
I was thinking He soon disbands the courts, ignores the remainder of our Constitution, and unilaterally decides there will be no more elections. And everyone just goes with it. No general strike. Nothing. Just ‘okie dokie’.
So, basically, He becomes our ‘king,’ for life, ruling by ‘order,’ or ‘tweet/truth,’ often on a whim. Like other authoritarians, He eliminates the opposition and perceived enemies alike. We learn to live with all the death and disappearances, because, well, we don’t wanna be ‘next’—besides, we don’t wanna miss out on our chocolate rations, do we?! He starts wars with our neighbors and former allies, because…well, because he ‘truthed’ so. Canada does eventually capitulate. Meanwhile, the richest get richer, so long as they’re sufficiently loyal (the others get pushed out of windows), and everyone else becomes poor (including us all here, because let’s be real, if you’re at VFTW, you ain’t an oligarch). Of course, his supporters do suffer throughout this, but they love him, regardless, and to their last breath claim, ‘He was right about everything!’
Eventually He dies, natural causes, probably late 90s, surprisingly good genes; then, there’s a power vacuum, because Jr. ain’t ‘up for it,’ and no successor was ever actually chosen because He was supposed to rule ‘forever,’ so chaos ensues, civil war, and eventually balkanization—naturally, all the above would be a glorious victory for our foreign adversaries and the oligarchs. China quickly becomes the new global superpower—but, no, sadly, they still don’t care about human rights, so kinda ‘not great’ for most people around the world, unfortunately. But they do continue to make a lot of cheap consumer goods so people learn to just ‘live with it’ too. Oh well.
Then again, maybe He’ll just finally build that wall Mexico was supposed to pay for, then resign, retire, and play golf. You know, the wall.. on that border which goes from the Pacific to the Gulf of…America. See, full-circle. Back to the original post!
@CHRIS – “Liberal tears…..keep ’em comin’ !”
Let’s up the ante with the “White Gripes”.
@ 1990 — Thanks for the little pep talk!
FDR tried to punish Hoover by renaming the Hoover Dam to Boulder Dam. FDR won more than 2 terms just like, ha ha, Trump, who is not eligible to be in the White House having won twice already.
Flight airline 123 to tower, new heading we are flying over the gulf of mexico.
..pardon me , i meant to say the gulf of MEXICO..
Over and out control tower.
There are seven continents: Asia, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. Each continent has islands associated with it and Australia is often put in a group called Oceania. Central America is not it’s own continent and is part of North America. Some islands between North America and South America are considered part of North America and some of them are considered part of South America. The county of Trinidad and Tobago is only a few miles from the Venezuelan coast but it is still considered to be part of North America.
@jns — I appreciate that you’re trying to rationalize over semantics, but this is really just a giant ‘troll’ and distraction by our President while his goons dismantle the federal government in favor of the oligarchs. It reminds me a lot of how Putin would go on for an hour portraying his own false narrative of history to then justify his ‘war of choice’ against his neighbor. There’s no good reason for any of that, or for renaming this. It’s all about foolishly wielding power, reason and truth be damned. But, anyway, nice thoughts. What shall we rename next?
‘Progressives have been doing 100’s of times over the past decade or so. Schools, Monuments, Streets, Military Bases, Airports, you name it’
I’m not a great fan of renaming historical places, but many of these were named after traitors and were specifically intended as part of Jim Crow backlash.
Although to be fair, even Civil War era traitors didn’t try and overthrow the results of an election and make their god-king President.
The orange Nazi government should change the name to Trump’s Gulf.
How stupid and ridiculous.
The USA is a world joke. A banana republic. What a decadence. China and Russia are grateful.
@Jon F — Hear! Hear! Lest we forget the South lost. The Axis lost. Free people won.
As the kids say: ‘How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?!’
Well, I guess we’re about to find out.
Everyday I wake up and hope, but the obituaries are disappointing.
and this helps the price of eggs, how? and, the war in Ukraine? Heaven help us all.
@Mikey B — Renaming bodies of water that we share with our neighbors most certainly does not ‘help’ with either inflation or foreign policy (in fact, it probably hurts us on the latter).
It likely costs real money to change all these physical maps. I know, so ‘efficient’ and ‘merit’-based. The goal really does seem to distract from the un-elected oligarchs pillaging our public funds and system of self-government. Simultaneously, it is indeed a ‘troll’ against perceived enemies, and a meaningless a ‘win’ to His ‘base’ in the made-up ‘culture war.’
Speaking of, where’s @Andy S, @Mantis, and @Mike P, for their ‘two-cents’ on that? Or did the right-wingers on here all change their names to @CHRIS, or whatever.
Gulf of the New idiot !
Ps renaling historial sites that were names after the vil .. I’m all for it .
@Calvin, I guess you didn’t learn enough history to know that the original name of Mt. McKinley was Mt. Denali. Obama returned it to its original name. Tell me don’t know history without telling me you don’t know history.