Flight Attendant Crowned Thailand’s Transgender Beauty Queen

Saruda Panyakham was declared the winner of the Miss Tiffany transgender beauty pageant in Bangkok on Sunday. The pageant winner identifies as as an American Airlines flight attendant. However the airline tells me that no one with this name works for the company.

Miss Tiffany’s Universe is a pageant for Thai transgender women and the winner represents Thailand at the Miss International Queen pageant.

Reader Jeff who was there, and shares this photo, offers that “She was very charming and made the strongest connection with the audience.”

I think this is fantastic. While airline uniform standards can be challenging doing your own thing outside of work and doing it well is admirable. I’ve never believed it’s a good idea to ‘bring your whole self to work’ (regardless of who you are). In Thailand this actually seems in some ways quite traditional, too! This pageant has been held annually since 1998.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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    I’m not even going to say “please” because it should not have to be a request.

    Let’s prove Gary wrong, these types of posts CANNOT BE USED TO INFLAME HATE.

  2. I alway thought she was beautiful. And then I said OMG.

    And then she stole my wallet, watch and passport.

    One night in….

  3. The pageant winner identifies as as an American Airlines flight attendant.


    This is a mental illness

  4. @Dignity
    You see, what you are doing is called “drumming it up”. You actually WANT the comments that you claim to disavow. I’m going to just bet that you were out in the street in some fine blue cesspool or an American city in June 2020 yelling ” PLEASE don’t smash that window”, “PLEASE don’t loot that store”, ” PLEASE don’t firebomb that building”….
    How am I doing? Pretty close right?
    I’d probably also be right on the money if I guessed that your latest activities involve support hamas.

  5. Live and let live
    if that’s what makes someone happy go for it!
    I’ve got a life to live and don’t have the time to care unless they are hurting someone
    More power to them to enjoy their hobby or lifestyle

  6. I love Thai people, because they are not woke that participate in mass delusion. They are very accepting of gay/trans, but they don’t delude themselves into thinking that trans are actually women, because they are not. Over there they are called ladyboys or kathoey, and identify themselves as such. They aren’t trying to compete in women’s sports or force everyone else to use their preferred language, or demand to be held up as heroes or victims. They just live their life and nobody gives a F. Wow, what a novel concept.

  7. @Dignity

    If you’re not transphobic you’re not respecting reality. Being transphobic is a badge of honor.

    Trans women. Are men

  8. @cairns

    These people bring it on themselves by demanding everyone enable their delusions.
    Rather be a Russian than a Democrat.

  9. It is a bit of a different dynamic in Asia for those identifying as “trans” or a “ladyboy” – it’s not quite the same as here.

  10. Funny seeing these ignorant mediocre middle-aged men spouting off about transgender issues & their “expertise” in the subtlety of Thai culture re genre. Despite what your RWNJ media might tell you, trans women are women, not mentally ill, and deserve equality. Besides, assuming she’s had “bottom surgery” and you’re not a gynecologist, you couldn’t tell anyway.

    BTW, you can realize she’s pretty & attractive without being gay. She’s a woman. (Though if you’re gay or bi, good for you!)

  11. *came here with popcorn*

    As a gay man, I think we can blame Shania Twain and Canada for all this trans hoopla.

    “MAN! I feel like a woman”…

    Lisa – as someone who has many T friends, both transition and a few who are *detransitioning*, male & female is a biological term based on what you have between your legs and in other body parts. If we castrate a male dog, is it not still a male dog? If we yank out a woman’s reproductive organs (human or dog?) is it still not a female? You can pretend all you want, but biology doesn’t lie and God didn’t make a mistake. People are born male or female. And 1% chose to transition to another identity, great! More power to them. But don’t get mad at society if we accidentally misgender them, but need to be honest about expectations during transition. M/F is *highly* important when it comes to a medical emergency and all my T friends somehow understand that. And they don’t rub everyone’s faces in it. Not sure why you pin this on a “right wing” issue and not one that should be focused on compassion and understanding. 99% of the right wingers are conservative and follow a “live and let live” mantra. Its the left that keeps confusing us with all this garbage with 40 genders, or protesting “my body, my choice” and “medical privacy” – yet threw all that out the window when Biden got elected and demanded we all get the shot or show proof of it. So many “right wingers” are confused about things because America’s left keep moving the target and talking points.

    More power to Saruda for winning the pageant. , but calling her out on claiming to be an “American Airline” flight attendant — well. yeah. No go there.

  12. In other news. Lizzo is amazingly hot, the border is not open, and equity means everyone achieves the same thing without regard to effort or intellect. .

  13. She is lovely, but what does this have to do with travel if she isn’t actually a flight attendant? Did you post this simply to revel in the trans hate you knew would ensue?

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