Sharon Lavy has become the third Jewish American flight attendant in recent months to lodge a legal complaint against Delta Air Lines, accusing the carrier of discriminatory practices. Her lawsuit, filed in a New York district court late last month, alleges a series of retaliatory actions and fabricated accusations against her dating back to 2022.
- She says Delta initiated a pattern of harassment against her, which included what she describes as a “fake” or doctored video. The video purportedly depicted Lavy working aboard a type of aircraft for which she is not trained, taking her image and placed it into a different aircraft, and manipulated her in other ways as well.
- Reportedly, a Delta manager acknowledged the possibility that an internal party might be attempting to “frame” her and another Jewish American flight attendant who has sued the carrier as well.
She claims she witnessed Jewish passengers poorly treated by Delta flight attendants starting in 2022. After reporting this to the airline, she heard nothing in response, but once she reported a incident of crew mistreating her and another Jewish flight attendant the airline began to retaliate.
In addition to the deepfake video she says is meant to frame her in order to discipline or dismiss her, she was investigated for accusations including that she was eating steak in full view of boarding passengers and was too preoccupied with her meal to deliver mandatory announcements, and that she was using her cellphone at prohibited times and kicked another employee. She says these complaints were conjured up out of whole cloth to punish her for shining a light on antisemitic behavior.
Delta naturally says that it maintains a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination or retaliation of any kind in the workplace. Meanwhile, after promising Jewish customers that they would never codeshare with Saudia, they are going to codeshare with Saudia, and though Delta flight attendants wearing Palestine flag pins clearly violated the airline’s uniform policy they refused to impose any discipline pretending no such policy existed prior to this summer.
(HT: Paddle Your Own Kanoo)
These claims can not be taken lightly because a few of them are fireable offenses.
Considering this is not the first but third employee to file a complaint against Delta, something must be going on involving management.
Thanks for reporting this!
Always pretending to be the victim, I’m sure it will come out that they were the ones who made these videos and circulated them, they’re known to cry wolf, just recently a Zionist restaurant made same allegations only to be found out that they were the ones who had doctored videos and called in threats themselves! As they’re doing while bombing 4 countries and still acting as victims! Sick of their shit!
The claims shouldn’t be taken lightly, as claims also tend to pile up once word goes around with someone saying they had a given type of experience and then others pile on saying they too had the same type of experience. Then it’s time to determine whether or not one or all the claims have merit. And that can be done in court.
Is “Jewish American” a thing now? Do we now have to be identified by both our religion and our ethnic background? From now on, I wish to be identified as an Agnostic Caucasian American. Any other description will be considered discrimination and grounds for a lawsuit
@farnorthtrader “American” is a nationality, not an ethnicity, but your point is taken. “Jewish flight attendant” is the relevant part.
@farnorthbigot: Yes, Jewish American is a “thing” for those of us who are Jewish and American.
“The video purportedly depicted Lavy working aboard a type of aircraft for which she is not trained”
This statement seems suspect. Flight attendants are trained for all aircraft types.
@Neal Z, although you evidently weren’t responding to me, would you agree then that we now all have to be referred to by our religion? Or just Jewish people?
@LAX Tom, agreed American is a nationality and that Jewish flight attendant is the pertinent descriptor. So now it would be religion, ethnicity and nationality. Or, based on Neal Z’s response, just religion and nationality. So African or Black Americans should no longer be African Americans but instead Baptist Americans, Muslim Americans or whatever their religious affiliation happens to be.
The addition of qualifiers to nationalities seems to like it could be extended to ridiculous lengths so I just think that there should be a line drawn at some point and, for me, that point is religion.
Delta seems to be circling the bowl….
One horrible thing after another.
And just how may I ask are “jewish” passengers or crew identified? Is it a requirenent that jews wear a star of david on their sleeve? Seems that’s been tried before.
When I fly, I don’t have to declare my nationality (other than passport control), nor my religion, nor my political affiliation, gender, or anything else for that matter. I’m just a guy occupying a seat needing transportation, nothing more nor less.
Are we now self-identifying everything so that we might play the discrimination/race/ethnicity/religion/gender or other victim card as required?
What is reader Kahn saying ? What is a Zionist restaurant? So so ignorant and not up to speed w what really happened. It’s readers and people like him that bring down America Maybe he should go live in Gaza or even Pakistan where he can associate with like minded people like himself. Because the American people support Israel and our new administration will help Israel far more
@Jeff t – what do you expect from ignorant anti-Semitic pig?
Delta appeasing the Saudis after-all is yet another example of how money rules the day.
As far as the flight attendant, she learned that HR is not your friend; regardless of stated policies, whistleblowers often face retaliation and lose their jobs as well. Hope she gets good representation and gets paid for her trouble. Again, all about money.
Hey Jeff-t.
Most Americans don’t support genocide. So quit being an annoying cockwomble. No one knows the FA is jewish and no one cares.
Drama Queen!
“Is “Jewish American” a thing now? Do we now have to be identified by both our religion and our ethnic background? From now on, I wish to be identified as an Agnostic Caucasian American. Any other description will be considered discrimination and grounds for a lawsuit.”
You might not be interested in the Gleichschaltung, but the Gleichschaltung is interested in you. You can ignore this fact if you want, but some people don’t have the same luxury.
At Delta, all flight attendants are trained on all aircraft types. So this person is full of it.
If I understand correctly, the video is of her WORKING on an aircraft on which she never worked. That point at least should be easy to prove or disprove. If true, people need to be fired and HR seriously investigated.
The point was previously made, but one must remember: HR is NOT your friend.
A lot of DL staff from ATL, MSP and DTW so no shocker there are many antisemites. Just like all the racists on the AA staff that hubs out of Dallas.
The only shock is seeing airlines back staff instead of customers. I guess when passengers report incidents it’s like complaining to HR
I am sure I have flown with DL MSP-based crew exponentially more times than Boraxo.
The DL FAs based at MSP are very tolerant and accepting of ethnic and religious diversity of all sorts.
Rational people should not let their hatred for some high-profile MSP-area critics and skeptics of wanted war criminal Netanyahu’s Israel color their thinking about DL @ MSP., but bigots tend to set aside reason and instead find comfort in lazily buying into and peddling their hateful stereotypes about others.
Steve YYZ no Jews don’t have to wear a yellow star to be identified as Jewish.
Orthodox Jews especially the men are easily identifiable because of their everyday clothing.
Don’t care which airline, FAs are an entitled, whiny bunch. They complain a lot, but never willing to stand up for themselves and always expecting someone else to handle their problem. Use your adult words and handle the problem yourself.
There definitely are FAs and airline gate agents who are bigoted against Jewish passengers. And such bigotry tends to be disproportionately directed against visibly orthodox or ultra-orthodox Jewish passengers. But this is not new, as it’s been going on for decades with US and European airlines and their employees. Fortunately, the vast majority of airline employees have better things to do than act out on prejudices; unfortunately some do and it needs to be stopped and the wrongdoing made expensive.
@ Kahn
A restaurant bombing 4 countries?
That’s one busy restaurant. How do they find time to serve food?
Everyone gets to be a victim if they self-identify so.
Next time I’m busted for misbehaving, I’ll use the Deep Fake defense.
The anti-Semitism at all those American airlines is out of control. Delta went and made a fake video to get her fired for no other reason than just because she a jew, that is horrible!