I was only down for the Austin MegaDO briefly, but it was a great gathering.

I attended the Sheraton reception, the private dinner at Franklin Barbecue, and the morning ‘Hecklevision’ showing of Die Hard 2 at the Alamo Ritz Drafthouse.

On the walk over in the morning from the Hyatt Place, I passed this place which struck me as fascinating, I wished it was open in the a.m. because I imagined it as something out of the 3rd installment of Mad Max.

And what could be cooler — inside the tiny world that thinks mileage and aviation enthusiasts are the height of cool, of course — than having brunch inside a movie theatre, watching the campy second installment of the Die Hard series (Die Hard at the airport!), and getting to display your wit in front of your peers in real time?

I’d been to the Alamo Ritz before, for ‘Master Pancake’ – a live Mystery Science Theatre 3000-style performance where the hosts make their own snarky comments live in front of the audience during a movie. There was even an original MST3K cast member making an appearance that night, as they did a send-up of Hunger Games.
But I had never done “Hecklevision” where you pair your phone with their system and then everything you text to them appears directly on screen, almost in real time. You are your fellow movie-goers can make fun of the movie, share inside jokes, and general perform for each other. All in a theatre where they serve food and booze.
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I love it first picture of the theatre the look of the guy checking his seat mate’s breast…
Can’t help but notice the guy sitting next to the girl with the pink top. His eyes are focused not on the screen or his food.
Leo: I posted the same exact comment and my post go deleted…
Brighten my morning!
@dab – I didn’t delete, your comment just got directed to the moderation queue for some reason, sorry for the delay in getting it up
In fairness to that poor guy, his seatmate was probably more interesting to look at than Die Hard 2.
Max Max? is that like “Victoria Victoria?” 😉 – love me some morning snarkinsess!
Young lad FS has been busted. 🙂