Frustrated American Airlines Passenger Films Baggage Handler Playing “Bowling With Luggage” Out On The Ramp

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Better he bowl the roller bags , than having the morons bring them on and stuff them into the overhead bins .

  2. Re: Bowling with luggage.

    That’s what they do with the bundles of complaint letters up in Corporate.

    What’s the big deal?

  3. For feet’s sake! Socks should be mandatory. A gorilla has prettier feet

  4. Perfect example of a union employee. He doesn’t give a rip, and there is nothing the company can do about it.

  5. This is why it is better to bring onboard carry-on sized luggage. Another reason to avoid American Airlines and their checking of carry-on luggage when space is still available overhead so the bosses won’t be upset with the gate agents and boarding times. One of my checked bags these days is a backpacking backpack inside of a military style canvass duffel. It is much harder to throw around and doesn’t seem to get worn as fast as a roller bag. The combination is also several kilos lighter than the 25 inch roller bag. I can pull out the backpack, roll up and attach the empty duffel, and walk for miles on rough ground if necessary with the backpack on my back. I have also went to a large day backpack for my carry-on. It has as much interior room as a carry-on roller bag in a smaller package because of no wheels or extendable handle. It is also lighter.

  6. These appear to be gate-checked bags.To get the flight out on time, it’s faster to roll them than to walk two bags at a time. Tossing them to get them to roll further with hopes that they land on their wheels is over the top.

  7. Thanks Gary for further downgrading my opinion of humans that fly. Actually there are pax that belong in the dog carrier!

  8. @John H … “over the top” only if they go end over end . Another way is to throw them over the side .

  9. Let’s get the airline right, this is ENVOY, NOT American Airlines!! Most likely rolling them out of way as the transfer driver is not there. Can’t wait all day to unload the plane!!!

  10. Competitive baggage-handler bowling requires ten similar-sized suitcases instead of bowling pins. The United States Bowling Congress’s most recent scoring research report related to string pinsetters concludes that there is no statistically significant difference between the scoring pace of USBC-certified string pinsetters and traditional free-fall machines. There is no standard for competitive baggage-handler bowling in the aircraft operation area.

  11. @Scott W – I did not say it was an American Airlines employee just an American Airlines passenger. (Envoy is owned by American Airlines Group)

  12. You know, with phones so common these days one would think that workers could assume they are being videoed when they do stuff like this. Granted its a tough job, often in lousy weather and with time pressures, but they should know that passengers are watching.

  13. The baggage handlers do realize that there are passengers on the other side of the windows, right?

  14. The aircraft is owned by American but those go to regional airports and I’m sure from experience the workers are not American Airlines especially workers. Most of them are either employed by the airport itself or resourced work groups. It’s not mainline so most of the time they are not American Airlines employees. Do some research before you spread rumors.
    This is more gossip than anything else. I’m very sure you are being paid under the table by Delta Airlines

  15. Did you see the bags hit hard to cause damage? No! He did pick up the bag that got knocked down. . That’s probably on a PSA flight. Envoy don’t have front bins

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