Gay Catholic United Flight Attendant Axed After ‘Sex Is Unchangeable’ Remark—Raises Enough Money To Sue [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

  • Gay Catholic Flight Attendant Fired By United Airlines After Telling a Coworker That People Can’t Change Their Sex Raises Enough Money to Sue Airline

    Sanchez told his coworker that he believes marriage can only be between a man and a woman and that a person is unable to change his or her sex. The conversation, the lawsuit claims, was in low voices and out of earshot of passengers.

    …United Airlines started to comb through Sanchez’s social media account for other evidence and later selected 35 posts from his X account that it claimed proved Sanchez lacked dignity, respect and professionalism. …United relied upon represented just 0.02% of his history on X (formally Twitter).

  • Chase is offering a 30% bonus on transfers to Virgin Atlantic through February 17. I wouldn’t jump on it (and give up the flexibility to transfer elsewhere later) unless you have a specific near-term redemption.

    Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse Washington Dulles

  • Here’s one I’ve never seen before.

  • Marriott’s move into Mendocino brings out the worst in local residents though that’s not how SFGate frames the story.

  • Air France KLM Flying Blue Promo Awards have been quite weak for awhile, and this month there are no business class offerings between the U.S. or Canada and Europe at all… you’ll find 25% off coach redemptions like Denver, Boston, Houston and New York JFK, though.

  • Amex is offering a 15% bonus on transfers to Avianca Lifemiles through February 28. I just transferred some Bilt points with their one-day 100% bonus offer on Saturday.

  • With Lufthansa in control, Italy’s ITA Airways plans move from SkyTeam, entering Star Alliance in the first half of 2026.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. C’mon man! We all know that some women have penises and men can give birth. United is just standing up for the truth….right????

  2. Did the co worker complain to United about what Sanchez said? Whether you agree with someone or not its never a good idea to express views on certain topics to co workers. In this case I don’t think Sanchez should be fired. His opinion is his opinion. But he did himself no favor by expressing to someone that may have taken offense (and yes I get the Karen aspect of it) and ran to company HR.

  3. A lot of gay people hate the trans people as the trans people are really just pretenders that are trying to steal all the work gay people did to gain rights.

    the trans people are trying to do the same thing with black people and civil rights act. It’s also why most black people can’t stand them

  4. If you follow the topic in any detail, you know there is extreme tension between a significant portion of the L&G world and the T world. It’s bizarre that lesbians suddenly have to be attracted to penises and gays to vaginas just because their owners changed their pronouns. Nor are they interested in artificial constructs. Extreme trans-activists are trying to erase the very basis of gay and lesbian identity and the gay and lesbian community wants nothing to do with it.

  5. On Real Bilt Member’s post, when I read ‘nothing at all’ I couldn’t help but think of Ned Flanders.

    Upon reading the salacious title of this post, I already knew that @Andy S and @Mantis would be here hatin’ yet again. You two ‘doth protest too much, methinks.’

    @CHRIS I suppose that is ironic, though you can almost always find a few outliers and contrarians. Most decent people show solidarity and support for others who are attacked.

    I’m with you on this one @George N Romey–keep it to yourself while on the job, don’t wear ‘flair’ because those ‘watermelons’ and ‘rainbows’ definitely make you a target. Give up socials, too.

    These are tough days if don’t conform to an unnecessary cultural dogma and hierarchy. Hoping for greater tolerance and mutual respect–maybe that’s idealistic and naive–still worth it to me.

  6. Having read through the article on Sanchez, one would think that he would easily win this lawsuit based on the merits. Everything about United censoring his beliefs which were expressed off-work was clearly wrong. Not to mention United pawing through all of his Social Media posts, also wrong.
    About the only thing that United can point to legally is the picture of Sanchez with a Pilot on his shoulders, but even that doesn’t convey anything sexual, it could just be two guy friends clowning around. My guess is that United had better lawyer up.

  7. You can believe whatever you want. Just don’t expect me (or Mr. Sanchez) to participate in your delusion.

  8. First of all, leave X. Secondly, in this case, I don’t see that $25.97 as charge for breaking nothing at all, but permission to break and take whatever I want. Use all the perks given I guess xDD

  9. Hilarious ! @Bob Moran apparently wants to slander someone, but he doesn’t know who and he doesn’t know for what reason.

  10. @TexasTJ @Bob Moran

    I’ll happily slander you both, so long as you do the same to me. It’s only fair. ‘Free speech,’ boys.

  11. I agree with George Romney, But the fundamental issue is you generally DON’T have to keep politics (sexual, religious, or otherwise) out of the office as long as you’re on the correct side. In fact, employers often directly or indirectly ENCOURAGE you to share your correct views with coworkers.

  12. I happen to be a gay man who wants absolutely nothing to do with the completely insane transsexuals. I never asked to be associated with them. In fact, I’d like to see our acronym revert back to LGB. The rest can enjoy their alphabet soup in the mental hospital where they belong. There are many other gay men who feel exactly the same, and our numbers are quietly growing as the trans movement becomes increasingly malicious and unhinged.

    Now, can we please get back to everyday travel discussions?

  13. “The conversation, the lawsuit claims, was in low voices and out of earshot of passengers.”
    So it was on the plane, ie ‘in the office’, on the job. How many times have YOU heard the conversations of flight attendants that they thought were out of earshot? Would you respond the same way if the conversation was opinions against Catholics or Hispanics?

  14. Remember folks. We proclaim loud and proud on United Pride Month that woman can be man, man can be woman! Vagina to penis; penis to vagina! Y’all rest of you are fired!

  15. My previous post was deleted. If the picture of him and a company pilot IN UNIFORM was posted on social media, the company could claim that their exploits were damaging to the company’s image. Even if the employee removes ID or corporate badges, etc. the uniform or something else could infer that the company approves. Many people are stupid when it comes to social media. If one potentially, accidentally or purposely involves the employer, then the employer could take steps to distance itself. Without all of the facts, I really can’t judge but, based on what I see…the flight attendant loses!

  16. @Mike Hunt

    Thank you for sharing–others may not agree, but I think you’re courageous to do so.

    I, too, enjoy the ‘everyday travel discussions,’ and I cherish actual ‘free speech,’ too. That’s why I also appreciate the ‘debates’ and occasional ‘banter’ on here. If I can, you know I’ll engage.

    However, I do not respect animus, intolerance, or threats of violence, anywhere–and I’ll keep calling it out, until either Gary silences me, or you-know-who send us to camps/Guantanamo/El Salvador.

    You do you–these are tough topics. Ignore it if you want. Just remember, They usually go after their opposition and the most vulnerable (that’s why trans folks are an easy target–there aren’t that many of them, and they are quite ‘different’), then others. It’s not 1940s Europe, yet, but it feels like the 1930s again, in some ways. We can ignore history, too, if you wish.

    I expect the Court to undo Obergefell soon–not my preference–so, even if you personally don’t want to marry, for now, it’s still a civil right, and you shouldn’t want it taken away from others.

    Be safe out there.

  17. @TexasTJ

    How am I attempting to slander someone? I simply said that I don’t want to be forced to participate in someone else’s delusion. You can call something whatever you want to call it, just don’t force me to participate.

    But hey, keep on misunderstanding like that kid who sits in the corner of every classroom, brow furrowed in a vain attempt at understanding while licking Elmer’s glue from the desktop.

  18. “You can’t change your gender that’s delusional!” says man who chooses to believe he drinks a sky fairy’s blood and eats His flesh every Sunday.

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