Happy Valentine’s Day! NFL Running Back Jailed After Domestic Violence On Plane

Seattle Seahawks running back free agent Adrian Peterson was taken off a United flight from Los Angeles to Houston and taken to jail after a ‘verbal and physical’ altercation with his wife.

We’re told the plane actually had to turn around and link up with the gate again after an apparent verbal and physical altercation between a man and woman.

Peterson was taken into custody … After her husband was hauled off the plane, we’re told the flight was able to depart as planned … which included Ashley, who stayed on board with the rest of the passengers.

Reportedly he “grabbed her wedding ring and scratched her finger” and was charged with felony domestic violence on Sunday.

According to a family spokesperson,

Adrian and his wife Ashley had a verbal argument on a flight, and he was removed from the plane. This is a private misunderstanding between husband and wife and we anticipate it will all be resolved shortly.”

Marital satisfaction declines after children and he’s had children with women other than his wife (along with domestic abuse charges in the past). He’s also defaulted on multiple loans.

Financial and parental stress strain a relationship. Emily Oster suggests that parents should make a list of all of the things that a partner does for the household, with a thank-you, and attach it to a box of chocolates.

(HT: Paul H)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. “Marital satisfaction declines after children” Really? The guy has a history of abuse and violence. But, no, his marital satisfaction is down because he fathered too many kids with too many different women. Poor guy !

  2. Loser.
    Obviously, obtaining a contact with the NFL does not make one a winner in the real world. Perhaps he’s had a few too many hits to the head.
    Girlfriend, file those divorce papers.

  3. @Jt00187: I agree that these NFLers always think that they are above the law. However, these “gold digger” girls do not stay with these guys because of love. They stay with these guys because of the bank account. Trust me, if he buys her a diamond ring, a new car, or a new mansion, the charge would be dropped immediately.

  4. Maybe not a lot of football fans on this blog. This guy was a star, tremendous running back. Also had a incident regarding discipline of his son a few years back.

  5. Who would care about a football star? He runs fast, oh boy. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that marrying a professional football player is NEVER a good idea. I figured this out in my teens, do these women have no brains? Guys like this should be put in a kennel after each game and training session and left there until they’re needed to run really fast in a football game.

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