Hero Flight Attendant Steps In To Halt Violent Brawl On Spirit Airlines Flight To Boston

A severe altercation erupted on a Spirit Airlines flight 3907 from Myrtle Beach to Boston on Tuesday evening, leading to a fight among passengers that was captured on video.

The flight departed Myrtle Beach at 9:39 PM and touched down at Boston’s Logan Airport shortly before midnight. Shortly after takeoff customers began verbally sparring, and the fight happened on landing in Boston.

Two men exchanging punches in the aisle, with a bold flight attendant intervening to separate them using her arms as shields.

The scuffle continued with the men falling onto seats and resuming their fight.

Massachusetts State Police boarded the aircraft, but no one pressed charges, and no arrests were made. According to Spirit Airlines,

Law enforcement was requested due to a disturbance that occurred as Spirit Airlines flight 3907 (MYR-BOS) was deplaning in Boston (BOS) on May 7. We do not tolerate disruptive behavior of any kind, and the passengers involved are no longer welcome on any of our flights.

It seems word had gotten out that there hadn’t been any fights on board Spirit yet on Tuesday, so it was an obligation of passengers on board to address the issue.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. This blog is open for comments. Here is my comment.

    This kind of post has become a theme over the last several years. It’s trashy and caters to a low class audience. I’ve been reading this blog for more than 10 years and it’s sad to see the deterioration in class level.

    That’s it. That’s my comment.

  2. @High class professional
    I agree with you, but here we are both clicking and commenting on a stupid post. Until us (the readers) change our own behavior, GF will not change his. Either we have to stop clicking on it, or people have to disappear for a while, for the content to change.

  3. @High Class: it has deteriorated just like society in the US. Accept that the US is 3rd world.

  4. What shocks me is that the police decided to arrest nobody. Today’s society holds no one accountable for bad actions so I suspect that we will see this continue. At least kudos for Spirit for banning them from flying them again. I suspect they’ll think twice once they see the increased fares on other airlines.

  5. The good news is the fight participants did not use the Miami departure gates. Instead, they demonstrated their pugilistic prowess while on a Spirit Airlines flight. That’s the spirit!

  6. I am convinced that Spirit is not really an airline, but a studio for “reality” tv. It’s becoming so the airline is known long before the actual story that follows the headline.

  7. I remember when passengers wore a coat and tie on a flight. How did we get to the point when an undershirt is acceptable? Dress like it means something and you will act accordingly. As for this being on Spirit, it could have just as easily been on SWA, Frontier, American or Delta. It isn’t the airline that matters, it is the passenger.

  8. Oh man – it’s just like the old episodes of Jerry Springer – they break up the fight too soon. I say just stand back and let’em fight it out!!!

  9. This woman probably grew up with 5 brothers. Bravo!!! Why do the rest of us have to suffer through these displays of ignorance? How long will it take to put in some reasonable rules for pax? Tshirts aren’t allowed, must wear long pants, shoes, socks, and a collared shirt tucked into those pants. But no, the bottom-tier airlines don’t want to miss out on a dime of revenue; the low-lifes would probably just take the bus. Bus revenue would go up, they could hire a security guard for each bus who would throw the bums out a the next stop sign.

  10. @High class professional: For sure you are entitled to your opinion, although many of us appreciate Gary’s broad view of Aviation News. There are far more stories related to useful travel tips, credit card promotion advice, and technical aviation issues. Speaking for myself, I’ve got no concern about Gary posting Aviation stories that touch on the crazy or the political, and comments on those stories necessarily touch on those issues as well. What disappoints me are the few commenters whose comments are political when the story is not. In any event, I thought that Gary’s message in posting this was to rightfully credit the brave and collected FA who handled this. She truly is a hero, I’d enjoy flying with her as my FA someday (but never on Spirit) 🙂

  11. “Massachusetts State Police boarded the aircraft, but no one pressed charges, and no arrests were made. According to Spirit Airlines.”


  12. Gary, fyi regarding the tweet above, astronaut appears to be an alt-right way be racist referring to African Americans without using overtly racist language.

  13. 50 dollar fares and government handing out money like candy brings out 50 dollar people on the goverment dole.

  14. Hilarious to compare and contrast this brawl with the one on EVA air from Taiwan that was posted this morning. Those guys from Taiwan would have been knocked out by the Spirit FA here! Not to mention the level of fisticuffs on display here. Way more experienced contestants are offered up on Spirit!

    EVA is for amateurs….

  15. Every passenger who was bumped, shoved, or knocked around a bit by these guys should sue them both.

  16. @highclass

    Couldn’t agree more. Very well said.

    Not only are the inevitable Spirit fight stories common (do take note that they usually involve flights that begin/end in Floriduh) we also regularly get stories of trysts in hotels. One would think the same crowd you reference would also be drawn to such pointless noise.

    Looking at some of the commentary methinks you’re spot on.

  17. Proof airfare is way too cheap. The 13% should be driving they altimas or chargers or taking a bus.

  18. Rule #2 of the in-the-air fight club: make sure that you are wearing a belt with your pants

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