How To See Southwest Airlines Flights In Your Search Results

Southwest Airlines famously doesn’t show up when searching online travel agency websites. Historically if you’ve wanted to buy a ticket on Southwest, you’ve had to go directly to Southwest to make the purchase. No longer! A simple trick will show Southwest flights in Google Flights searches.

Staying off other sites saves money on distribution costs since they aren’t paying third parties. But it means many consumers aren’t considering Southwest since they don’t even know about the option. It also means customers going to may not be doing comparison shopping, and may not realize Southwest often isn’t the cheapest choice.

Southwest even sues websites that display its schedules and fares without authorization. However there has been a loosening in recent years where Southwest has begun working with business travel portals to distribute its fares.

However if you want Southwest schedules and prices in your Google Flights search results, there’s a browser extension for that. It’s called Wanderlog. And what it does is take your search query you give Google, then goes out to the Southwest website from your browser to make the same inquiry, bringing Southwest search results back into the display you see with your Google results.

Southwest aggressively goes after sites that ping its website. However does not do this. The consumer, who is interested in buying Southwest tickets (potentially) does this from their own web browser! Wanderlog’s computers never ping Southwest, and none of the data passes through them.

However it’s a tool for circumventing the way Southwest seeks to display its schedules and fares, so Southwest’s lawyers are undoubtedly going to threaten over it. And if they have any real potential grounds, it may be because the browser extension inserts Southwest’s logo into the display. Does the extension therefore violate Southwest’s trademarks?

The airline has been at the forefront of opposing all third party technology that makes buying from and traveling with Southwest easier for decades so I can’t imagine they’ll sit idly by even as this helpful tool lets customers see Southwest flight options, and drives more sales to their website.

Wanderlog has also been useful for displaying all-in pricing on Airbnb searches but Airbnb is finally getting better about that.

(HT: Jonathan W.)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I’m flying southwest home for thanksgiving because Gary Leff said the airline is ok. If I have a bad experience I’m going to poo on his front porch.

  2. Been following you for a while.
    While I wouldn’t take most of your airline analysis at face value (you are often wrong about it- such as your suggestion of not removing first class while clearly not being familiar with the data airlines see), it is things like that that make it worth while to visit your blog.
    (I also got BILT thanks to you).

  3. Great Chrome extension, although it messes up the “sort” order function. I tried to sort by arrival time and it’s all over the place.

  4. @Fauci – to get a favorable position in the queue to board, I’d pay that $30 fee – but regardless, Southwest is a no frills awesome airline!

  5. This is great! Thanks Gary.
    I always forget about WN because I do most of my searches on ITA Matrix.
    With this i’ll try to use Google Flights more often.

  6. @Fauci
    I’m flying both American (and they already cancelled my MCEs) and Southwest this Thanksgiving. When you get to Gary’s front porch, please wait and don’t start without me

  7. “Wanderlog can read and change your data on all sites, all sites, and all sites.”

  8. I flew Southwest on Jan 3 2024 at 6am. Flight was full and left and arrived on time. Also, had my luggage in about ten minutes.

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