‘I saw your number on your luggage tag’: Creepy Airport Encounter Goes Viral [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. The guy as creepy as he is wasn’t at all screaming and yelling at her as she claimed
    I couldn’t see in the video what he did previously at the gate
    So can’t make a full call as to what happened
    She didn’t explain to him that weather can be good locally but bad where the plane is coming from.Not impressed by how Southwest handled the matter from the little I saw
    My perception is Southwest could have done a better job with the pax to de escalate

  2. I know a couple who met exactly this way. On a bus, he saw a tag on her violin case. He memorized her name and number, called her up, and they went out for coffee or something. Married 30+ years now.

    And if she thinks the guy is attractive, it’s romantic and charming and cute and bold and “He knows what he wants.” A great story to tell. If not, he’s a creep.

    Also check some of her other posts. Maybe a touch of skepticism is warranted.

  3. ….. and even before clicking into the article, anyone here thinking:

    “I hope the aggressive pursuer didn’t steal her …….. frequent flyer number — from the PNR seen on a checked luggage tag — and screw her ……… out of a bunch of frequent flyer miles.” ?

  4. I’m glad this twit who had to endure such a creepy male got her 15 minutes of fame, albeit online fame which isn’t all that valuable. If you don’t want a stranger contacting you, don’t put your personal information out there on a luggage tag. Duh.

  5. I would think it’s pretty much a given that engaging in social media postings increases the risks of being contacted by creeps — more so if you put out your own face and/or body up for the world to see. So there is a bit of irony and even perhaps contradiction in this woman getting attention for herself online this way.

    That said, there is no shortage of people trying to get attention for themselves in order to try to land themselves an “upgrade” in life.

  6. I know when I’m traumatized, the first thing I do is post a tik tok video. What I don’t do of course is take off luggage tags with with personal information easily visible to anyone.

  7. Actually the guy is extremely creepy. Picking Kirsten shows he has extremely low standards.

  8. This does indeed seem very creepy and is an invasion of privacy as well. You do not contact someone from any info that you may see on a luggage tag,that is just wrong on so many levels

  9. Kirsten should have done a more diligent job protecting her privacy.

    Whether it’s my car, my checked (or carry-on) luggage, or the employee badge that I wear as I am walking through an airport, I always make sure very little personal info is revealed to random strangers walking by.

  10. Nice to see AA returning to CLD – back to when HP flew the route from PHX with Dash 8’s.
    Great upgrade to the Embraer’s! At least for now, two flights a day.

    Service starts just in time for Valentine’s Day and the Valentine’s Day weekend.

    With the huge growth in northern San Diego County and if priced right – the flights should be attractive to those AA flyers that would connect through PHX.

    Might even catch a small number of pax from southwest Riverside County (Temecula and Murrieta areas) would would forgo ONT and/or SAN in favor of CLD.

    Back in the day, I remember both AA and UA running a combined twelve or so flights each day between CLD and LAX using props – so this is a start for a sorely needed service for north San Diego County.


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