In Living Color Star, Barred From Flying United, Boarded Flight Anyway [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

  • Marlon Wayans says a United Airlines gate agent racially discriminated against him, allowing white passengers to bring 3 carry on bags onto a Denver – Kansas City flight while selectively enforcing the rules against him. He says that he consolidated his bags, but the agent refused him boarding. He boarded anyway and got kicked off and is being prosecuted. Not the way to have handled this.

  • The Mexican government has pledged to resurrect Mexicana in an utterly stupid move. Weeks ahead of scheduled launch it still has no planes or schedule. (HT: @crucker)

  • Through Thursday, Choice Privileges is offering 25% off $50 Mastercard gift card redemptions, which gets you $0.042 per point and isn’t horrible or that much less than I consider a Choice point to be worth.

  • Guests are so angry over dirty rooms due to lack of housekeeping that it’s become a threat to the safety of housekeepers

  • Miami airport plans to run a curbside bus that goes from one end of the D concourse to the other since the Skytrain has been shut down. There are two (!) golf carts running inside the terminal. Passengers otherwise have walks up to a mile long to their gates. (HT: Chris Sloan)

    Having connecting passengers exit the terminal, take a bus, and re-clear security is one approach, I guess.

  • There’s just a disconnect between Delta management’s narrative about how everything about the airline is ‘premium’ and actual, lived experience.

  • Marriott hates providing daily housekeeping so much they assist in having the housekeepers deported?

    A probe carried out on Wednesday found that the agency workers had been working illegally as cleaners, porters and maids at the four-star Regents Park Marriott Hotel.

    …The immigration enforcement visit was arranged with the backing of the hotel chain and took place as part of a crackdown on unlawful employment in hospitality.

    …Suran Padiachie, Deputy Director of Immigration Enforcement and Compliance at the Home Office said: “I’m grateful to Marriott for their cooperation with this case. Their support allowed my officers to swiftly identify the illegal workers and take action against their third party employers to ensure they face appropriate sanctions.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. So you’re in favor of companies harboring and protecting illegal workers instead? I often wonder why you leftists complain about laws being enforced. Why even bother having laws voted for by a representative democracy then?

  2. That torn shade is a window into Delta’s ability to deliver premium products at premium prices.

  3. Marlon Waynes is the youngest brother and he is not in that clip you provided, nor is that thumbnail from the show.

  4. Maybe the hotel did this to get rid of a cleaning contract so as to replace it with a cheaper one? It wouldn’t be the first time where a hotel owner, management or disgruntled competitor to a cleaning contractor “cooperated” with immigration authorities in order to get new, cheaper contractual/labor arrangements.

    With the Brexit damaged economy and the inflation pain in the UK, perhaps labor availability for this kind of job is more abundant than it used to be right before the pandemic?

    Maybe I should be careful what I say on British matters, as I am said to not be too popular with some Brits. 😉

  5. I realize we do not want illegals here. But – the more we crackdown on illegals working, the more they will stop working.

    More people without income that have to resort to other means of support.
    More businesses unable to hire workers.

    Just checking to see if that is what folks want.

  6. It looks like the recent mass of human arrivals will fit in fine. We’re on our way to Third World status. I think covid has left residual side effects.

  7. What are people doing to their hotel rooms that they need DAILY room cleaning? Are people cleaning their rooms daily when they’re at home?

    Pro Tip: If your hotel room is a dirty mess after 1 day, there’s only been one person in there, maybe take it up with the person in the bathroom mirror.

    @Gene: Who says “we” don’t want illegals here? There are TONS of business owners getting rich off of illegal immigrant labor, especially the land-owning (agriculture) sort. Sure, lots of RACISTS don’t want immigrants here, and “no taxes for rich people” isn’t a good campaign pitch, so “tough on illegal immigration” (but not really because who would pick my crops for me?) becomes the pitch.

  8. @GUWonde
    Brexit didn’t damage the economy. Why do leftists like yourself continue with your zombie lies?

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