Is The Huge Focus On Cleanliness In Travel Just One Big Waste? [Roundup]

News notes from around the interweb:

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. “Hygiene theater” doesn’t threaten our civil liberties or insult our intelligence as security theater.

  2. Anyone such as @Doug making definitive statements on the efficacy of cleaning methods is low IQ.

    Hallmark of low IQ is being certain of something that is fundamentally uncertain.

  3. @Jason
    But there seems to be a consensus from several of us that you are an idiot….
    At some point you need to accept reality

  4. I object to pompous a**holes who write lengthy articles about How We’re Doing It All Wrong, when about two months ago, scientists were intoning gravely about cleaning everything. Fine, the scientists have moved on, but don’t get all cutesy with the public about how misguided we are. We were listening to you, you incompetent f***w@ds, and now you’ve changed your mind. This is just like the mask thing.

  5. 150 pounds of cocaine would have been a lot, but the accusation is 150 kilograms or 330 pounds. Based on what I see as the low end of Israeli street value that would be over $22 million of cocaine.

  6. @Doug HAHAHA the problem with such a low IQ as yours is you can’t think critically, so you have to rely on things like “consensus,” but the consensus group is also people who can’t think critically, so you’re all low IQ.

    I have a very high employee engagement and satisfaction rate among my reports. My own bonus last year was several million. At this point it doesn’t actually matter if I am an idiot.

    Doug, GFY!

  7. I’ve also noticed that the Hyatt site requires three-day advanced booking for SLH properties. If you search closer in, the properties will not show any availability.

  8. @Jason
    Sure…you made millions and you rely on satisfaction reports…
    We all believe you little jason
    Keep typing from mama’s basement…meanwhile I am flying tomorrow to a luxury resort in portugal
    Gary should really filter the readership…leave out the imbeciles
    I am time for nonsense
    Jason, say hi to mama for me pls

  9. This is done to make the public “feel” safer similar to how National Guard troops were deployed at all US airports after 9/11 to make flying “feel” safer.

    Unfortunately perception is reality.

  10. “Keep typing from mama’s basement…meanwhile I am flying tomorrow to a luxury resort in portugal”

    Ok, @Doug, now that you’ve bragged about your upcoming Portugal trip, please wear your face mask at the airport, on the plane, and in the common areas of the hotel. Oh, and please tell us how you’re avoiding the EU travel ban.

  11. @charlie
    Of course, I am not an anti mask or anything similar
    Canadian citizen and resident

  12. Came here to see idiotic comments on an article where there was only one answer, which @doug succinctly answered

    @jason was there any need for the immediate insult?

    @charlie Not every reader of VFtW is American. So try not to make too many assumptions

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