There’s a new flight attendant fighting school in Chengdu.

Although intended to ward off potential terrorists in the cabin, the skills they learn can easily be deployed against drunken and unruly travellers.
…The college, Southwest Airline College, signed a deal with Tu Tengyao and his school to turn flight personnel into mini Bruce Lees.
…Tu said: “The threat of terrorism is increasing and so personnel must really be equipped to deal with life and death situations at thousands of feet up in the air.
…According to the airline college, Wing Chun kung fu is “quite suitable to be practised in narrow and confined spaces and so it’s perfect for air crew”.
Three years ago Hong Kong Airlines was all over the news for the same thing.
I’ve always thought that the women in the Thai Airways first class spa ought to be air marshalls. They’re slight of build, but could kick anyone’s butt.
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