On Monday I wrote that the electronics ban on flights to the U.S. from certain Mideast airports could be extended to European flights, with an announcement coming not earlier than today.
European security officials are saying the decision is made and an announcement will come tomorrow (Thursday).
The US Department of Homeland Security acknowledges that banning electronics larger than a standard cell phone on flights from Europe to the U.S. is under consideration, but presumably not wanting to get ahead of the announcement says “No final decisions have been made..” (emphasis mine).
The electronics ban is a silly policy that doesn’t promote security and the head of world airline association and standards setting body IATA has called for its end.
Extending the ban to Europe flights, though, would be one way to answer the criticism of the laptop ban that it targets only airports with flights operated by competitors of U.S. airlines.
Playing whack-a-mole with threats just pushes determined terrorists to focus on other airports or other means to accomplish their goals. Pushing lithium ion batteries into cargo creates a fire risk that’s harder to contain.
Best advice: consider taking your international flights back to the U.S. via Canada.
I have not heard of this being announced. Have I missed the news or are we possibly going to have the status quo?