Late-Night Standoff At Motel 6 LAX As Garfield Cosplay Superfans Battle Over Double Booking

Joey Clift, an Emmy-nominated TV writer and proud Garfield enthusiast, recently found himself in an unexpected standoff at the Motel 6 near Los Angeles International Airport. This late-night escapade, sparked by a love for the lasagna-loving cartoon cat, unfolded in a series of tweets on May 26.

With the release of “The Garfield Movie” over the weekend, Joey and his girlfriend planned a Garfield-themed evening. Their agenda included devouring lasagna at Olive Garden, attending the movie while cosplaying as Jon and Garfield, and staying at the exclusive Garfield Suite at the Motel 6 by LAX. This special room, a part of a promotional tie-in, was decorated entirely with Garfield merchandise, making it a dream stay for any fan of the orange feline.

Credit: Motel 6

Arriving at the hotel around 10:30 p.m., Joey and his girlfriend, dressed in Garfield-themed attire, were ready to check in. Just as Joey was about to sign his name at the front desk, the hotel staff discovered a double booking.

  • To their surprise, another Garfield fan, distinguished by numerous Garfield tattoos, had arrived at the same time with an equally valid reservation for the coveted suite.

  • What ensued was a tense standoff. The hotel employees, overwhelmed by the situation, attempted to resolve the conflict by offering a non-Garfield room or a stay in the suite on a less desirable Monday. Ironically Joey’s t-shirt declared “F- Mondays,” echoing Garfield’s famous disdain for the start of the week.

As the situation escalated, with emotions running high on both sides, Joey proposed a compromise. He suggested that if they received a refund and were allowed to take selfies in the Garfield Suite, they would be satisfied. Everyone agreed.

A hotel employee escorted Joey and his girlfriend into the Garfield Suite, where they spent five joyous minutes taking selfies amidst the Garfield-themed decor. On their way out, they thanked the staff and complimented the other fan’s impressive Garfield tattoos.

Garfield-themed rooms are available at 11 Motel 6 locations nationwide, and are bookable through early June.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. They were saved from themselves – that’s not particularly sophisticated Garfield decor. Could have put it together in a couple hours from a run at Target. Not as put together at the promo room photos.

  2. Gonna have to update that old maxim: Never get caught with a live boy, dead hooker, or checked into the Garfield Suite in cosplay mode.

  3. Something fishy about this post – no glaring spelling nor grammatical errors. The writing is impressive. Lol, did you really write this @Gary? No offense intended, btw.

  4. Checking in at 10:30 PM is almost never a good idea and is even worse when you’re reserved in a special room.

  5. Sometimes a non-post is better than posts like this. What an irrelevant story.

  6. The most shocking part thing about this article is this dude has a girlfriend.

  7. @Mets Fan in NC

    She’s Asian. She’s one of those selfloathing white worshipping Asian women that hopes her hapa kids will have white features.

    He’s the typical white dweeb that can only pull someone like her.

  8. OMG!! His girlfriend is Goldie Chan!! She is the most beautiful woman in the world in my eyes. A dream girl. So pretty she brings a tear to my eye.

  9. @AndyS

    Mets Fan was trying to say the guy is gay.

    You’re spot on about Asians. Interracial marriage should be illegal for exactly that reason with a carveout for Latinas because they have demonstrated ability to marry another race without denigrating the men of their own race.

  10. Wow, outlawing interracial marriages? How did that come about? A cute couple with a cute interest in Garfield was the only takeaway that I can think of from this article.

  11. What I am most impressed about is the reasonable resolution they all arrived at. So rare these days…

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