(…The Fat Duck Review: a continuation of my trip report “Cathay & British Airways First Class, Philippines and Macau, a Presidential Suite, and the Fat Duck Restaurant”)
When planning my American Airlines Oneworld award, I decided to pop through London on the way back to the US. It meant that I’d be able to try British Airways First Class (I’ve flown ClubWorld only in the past) and I’d be able to eat at the Fat Duck Restaurant.
Ever since my meal at El Bulli in 2008, I’ve wanted to try the Fat Duck. At the time of the meal, only Heston Blumenthal and his three Michelin stars had bested El Bulli in the San Pellegrino/Restaurant Magazine ratings over the previous 5 years.
Now, in fairness I’ll be the first to quibble with those rankings. In many cases they lavish praise on restaurants that aren’t even the best in their given city, let alone in their region of the world. Any such ranking will be flawed. Nonetheless, they do highlight some of the better establishments in the world. And since the Fat Duck offers molecular gastronomy in the El Bulli tradition, I did want to compare.
It’s far easier to get reservations at the Fat Duck than at El Bulli. In the latter case, one has to email on the third Monday of October to request reservations for the entire next year, and some say that there’s a one in several thousands chance of securing a booking. But with the Fat Duck, they open their reservation book for each day exactly two months in advance. They open at 10 a.m. London time, and one simply has to call at precisely that time.
Using two phones I dialed the Fat Duck for 30 minutes before getting through, but once they answered I managed to secure a lunch. Dinner bookings were still possible as well, but I’d be arriving from Hong Kong the night before and with the time change I couldn’t imagine staying awake and engaged through a meal late into the evening. Lunch it was!
So having enjoyed a Cathay Pacific first class flight the night before, and gotten a good night’s sleep at the Waldorf hotel, we ventured out towards the town of Bray which is on the other side of Heathrow from Central London. As I mentioned in an earlier post, having had it to do over again, I probably would have just grabbed a room at a Heathrow airport hotel for the night and ventured out to lunch from there. (One could even manage a lunch at the Fat Duck during a long Heathrow stopover, if one could secure the reservation.)
I imagined that in the small town of Bray it would be easy to find the Fat Duck, but we almost missed it. Fortunately, everyone in town knows where it is and some friendly folks directed us.

We were welcomed into the restaurant and seated at a table by a window in the small restaurant.

A waiter shared the menu with us, took drink orders, and returned to ask for any specific likes or dislikes so that they could tailor the day’s offerings accordingly.
Nitro Poached Green Tea and Lime MousseRED CABBAGE GAZPACHO
Pommery Grain Mustard Ice CreamJELLY OF QUAIL, CRAYFISH CREAM
Chicken Liver Parfait, Oak Moss and Truffle ToastSNAIL PORRIDGE
Jabugo Ham, Shaved FennelROAST FOIE GRAS
Rhubarb, Braised Konbu and Crab BiscuitMOCK TURTLE SOUP (C. 1850)
“Mad Hatter Tea”“SOUND OF THE SEA”
Artichokes, Vanilla, Mayonnaise, Golden Trout Roe and Manni Olive OilPOWDERED ANJOU PIGEON (C. 1720)
Blood Pudding and Confit of UmblesHOT & ICED TEA
Caramelized Apple, Fennel, Rose and Candied LemonTHE “BFG”
Black Forest GateauWHISK(E)Y WINE GUMS
We let them know that their day’s menu would suit us nicely. Were these the ideal dishes for us? We honestly had no idea. And conspicuously absent from the menu was the ‘bacon and egg ice cream’ that I’d long heard so much about! But when one travels to such a temple of molecular gastronomy, one puts oneself in the hands of the chef to enjoy the ride. At least the first time through!
For the first course, a palette cleanser. Using nitrous, they froze lime and alcohol tableside — the effect being quick salivation (fron the intense lime) and cleansing (from the alcohol).

This was followed by the red cabbage gazpacho

And then the ‘flavours of the forest’ as was explained to us, they created a gaseous smoke emanating from the woods in the center of our table, and then deconstructed flavors of truffle toast, chicken liver, and oak moss.

This was followed by the snail porridge which I really enjoyed. While my wife will tend to order escargot at a good French bistrot, it’s usually not my preference in the least. Still, I was pleased to be on the tour enjoying something I wouldn’t ever have ordered on my own.

Their take on foie gras:

I probably don’t know the story of the Mad Hatter‘s tea party well enough to do this next course justice. We were initially presented with a story card to read before anything else came out.

The March Hare took the watch and looked at it gloomily; then he dipped it into his cup of tea…
‘Have you seen the mock turtle yet?’
‘No,’ said Alice, ‘I don’t even know what a Mock Turtle is.’
‘It’s the thing Mock Turtle Soup is made from,’ said the Queen.
We were given a bowl which would ultimately be mock turtle soup, and a tea cup with a gold watch dangling inside.

They pour hot liquid into the cup and we were instructed to use the gold watch as a teabag, stir up the contents and it became the tea (with gold flecks inside), which we then poured into the soup bowl to make our mock turtle soup.

Very clever, all very much tied to the story, but – and while the soup was perfectly fine – it wasn’t particularly outstanding as food. And that is when it first occurred to me that everything about the meal thus far seemed to be more about the drama and presentation than about the food.
And while I can only imagine the shock and horror from heston blumenthal (note the lack of capitalization, how e.e. cummings!) at the comparison, I immediately thought of the old commercials for the teppanyaki restaurant chain Benihana with their slogan, “It’s a meal and a show!”
And with that came one of the more interesting examples of that show, the first time I’ve ever used all my senses during a meal. I’m quite sure I had never been served a course for which sound was an integral part of the experience…
First, we were delivered a sea shell containing an iPod.

And then we were presented with a dish that was essentially the flavors of the sea.

We weren’t given much instruction here, and that seemed to be a mis-queue on the part of the staff. We were ahead of most everyone else in the restaurant, everyone was more or less having the same thing, so we saw the dishes we had just experienced being presented elsewhere. And other tables received more instruction than we did.
We each listened to the iPod for a moment, and heard the crashing of waves and the soothing sounds of the ocean. We took out our iPods and tasted the dish, containing ground crawfish masquerading as sand, seaweed, and sliced raw halibut.
A waiter came over and politely suggested “that the food tastes better with the earphones in.”
I put in my earphones and immediately noticed the difference. Indeed, I could feel the ocean as I tasted the sea. The flavors really did change, they were magnified several-fold.
My wife, on the other hand, took offense. We were being scolded by the wait staff for how we were eating the food. It’s true, they were right, it was better. But we didn’t know that it would be since the staff had failed to explain to us what to do with the iPod when the food arrived. And here we were, enjoying our lunch together, and we were being told not to speak to each other but to listen to an .mp3 instead?
The way the interaction played out did underscore that the restaurant wasn’t quite as polished as others that purport to be of a similar caliber that I’ve visited. When I had a request of our waiter at Tetsuya in Sydney (and it was no small request), he responded, “of course, it is your evening.” Here, it was Blumenthal’s dish and had to be eaten as instructed.
My imagination, though, was quickly recaptured by the dish that I thought worked the best as food, the salmon.

Afterward was the pigeon, served almost raw and with blood pudding. I admit, this last was the only thing that I swallowed hard over — really just the idea of it, though it tasted simply sweet.

The famous hot and iced tea fit the pattern I had come to expect, it was very neat to have both hot and cold (one on top of the other) in the same glass. But I wouldn’t consider it to be the best cup of tea I’ve had…

It was now time for dessert, all of which was quite tasty. Here’s the tart and the black forest gateau. Really excellent.

But dessert wasn’t over yet! They brought out gummies stuck to a plaque showing where the whiskey for each had come from..

.. Tennessee (Jack Daniels), Orkney (Highland Park), Speyside (Glenlivet), West Highlands (Oban), and Islay (Laphroaig). We could taste the subtle differences in each, an interesting way to offer a study in whiskey.
And what did they serve with it? Well Glenlivet Water, naturally!

Time to wipe our hands at the end of the meal, the tricks weren’t over yet! Remember Instant Farm, where you’d drop pellets into a cup of water and the pellets would become farm animals? Well they brought pellets to which they added water and those become the towels for our hands.

And now that the meal was done, they brought us a bag of treats which we brought back to our hotel.

So what’s the bottom-line on the meal and the restaurant? It was absolutely worth doing and worth the 150 pounds or so per person (plus service charge). But I wouldn’t count it among my top 5 meals (which thinking back, I’d definitely rate El Bulli and perhaps include Tetsuya, Villa Mahana on Bora Bora, possibly Joel Robuchon in Paris). No doubt though it would make the top 10.
Each course was a surprise, and for the most part a delight, more because I was consistently intrigued than because I savored any particular bite. No doubt recommended, but I’m not sure I’d make a special trip to Europe for it. Fortunately, with a bit of advance notice about such a trip once can secure a reservation.
…which I note only because the piece is well-written. I’m not a foodie, but I followed the link from Tyler Cowen’s Marginal Revolution and learned more than I expected to; thanks.
@brec, thanks. Come back and visit and perhaps you’ll get more out of other posts as well. But one thing you’ll see consistently is that no matter the post, I never spell-check… 🙂
Do you feel the slightest guilt for having spent as much for lunch as most people in the world earn in a year. You are sad,
The experience looks like great, but did you feel like you had satisfying meal or were you hungry shortly after?
I get it that the idea savor each entree,and not to pig out,but the portion sizes might have me going for fish and chips an hour or two later.
Great post. I’ve dined at Fat Duck and agree with many of your sentiments about the experience being as much about the ‘show’as it is about the food. When I was there, there was short blurb on Blumenthal’s philsophy about trying to connect flavour and dining experience with memory, preferably significant early-life memories. Hence, ‘Sound of the Sea’ evokes all sorts of memories of being by the seaside, down to the flavour and grittiness of the sand which very much evoked memories of my youth (putting sand in my mouth, perhaps). He is also trying to challenge our preconceptions – hence the hot and cold tea. Yes, this adds up to potenially overly intellectualised dining which not everyone will enjoy. But if you go there knowing this, and embracing the concept, you cannot help but enjoy it. What I particularly liked about it was that they attempted this without much of the stuffiness of many other 3* Michelin restaurants – Blumenthal wants you to have fun.
@Michael Ismoe
A quick correction: Only 3 countries have per capita GDP (in PPP terms) below the cost of this lunch, not ‘most people in the world’
I’m a rather curious choice for your ire. I’m not especially profligate (for goodness sakes i probably spent less at that restaurant that day than any other patron, as no alcohol).
More importantly though there’s not any meaningful tradeoff between my meal and others’ economic position. My meal is certainly not in any way a cause of others’ poverty. Blame the govenrments of those nationns. People in Zimbabwe suffer not because of my eating but because of their government.
But a system that allows for such creative expression as embodied in this meal, that allow one to save and direct the resources they obtain in return for their efforts towards experiencing such a meal, is precisely the kind of system that generates more productivity and higher incomes across the board.
Many folks spend quite profliately wihtout realizing it, I bet a mirror turned in the opposite direction would be uncomfortable given the premises here. But I’m not criticizing that spending at all, just pointing out that it’s aorund us, we take it for granted, and that those choices are precisely the ones that improve all of our standards of living.
But a first-time visitor to this blog, I guess I’d just be a little bit more cautious about casting aspersions in the absence of a whole lot more understanding of who or what I was criticizing.
You’re not being blamed for anything, other than lacking a conscience. But hey, being a crypto-supply-side Jesus must be taxing.
So pretentious a restaurant I can hardly conceive.
The food looks so much like poop, I scarely believe
that this author and wife’s palate could be so easily deceived.
It just goes to show that if you make your tables available only once in a blue moon,
you’ll get enough want-to-be “foodies”
to bow down and to swoon.
So let this be a lesson for the culinary scene, make TINY stupid-named dishes, and you’ll make such a windfall
that it’s close to obscene.
Wonder how Fat Duck is compared to Per Se?
Wow, amazing. Thanks for sharing. Given that the food was not fabulous, I doubt I will ever go, but I am so pleased to have experienced it through your blog.
This “food” is obviously about appearance and drama rather than taste.
I would rather have some quick food that actually tasted good then see some real drama: McDonald’s and a movie. Hundreds of dollars saved and a better, less awkward experience overall.
Brag, brag, brag, brag, brag. Look at me, I’m so important!
Great blog. Also the one about El Bulli was nice… Strange to see so many dismissive comments though.
Found this blog entry while trying to figure out how to get to Fat Duck while visiting the UK.
Funny to see the self-righteous vitriol about restaurants which aspire to elevate food to an art form — as clearly many critics understand the term. I suppose the same folks would criticize the cost of an evening at the theater, concert, dance, etc. (“I’d rather eat McDonalds and rent a video…”).
But restaurants which “take food to the next level” are expensive, and like fine art, are worth it to those who take the time to appreciate it, and learn about the thought behind it. elBulli, Alinea, French Laundry, MiniBar, Komi etc have all been very worth it to me.
Reading Blumenthal’s book gives me a much better understanding of what he’s trying to do — evoke memories, emotion, “nostalgia” fercrissakes, and exploring how *sound* can amplify the flavors of food is crazy brilliant. Achatz, Andres, Keller, Monis et al are all helping define the boundaries of what cooking, what food is. I respect that and am willing to trade cash for the opportunity to experience their vision.
Others would rather spend their income on SUVs, tract mansions, power suits, giant televisions, cable tv, etc. Different priorities than mine.
Thanks for the blog posting.
Gary, I sent you an email days ago to see if you know someone who’s interested to share a table a the Fat Duck days later, just to see if my email actually reached you, thanks so much.
@Alan – thanks! I actually replied to your email, sorry it somehow didn’t get through — I definitely appreciate the offer, it was a great experience, but not on my list to go back to. I do appreciate!
As much as I enjoyed the description of your experience, I appreciated your responses to the naysayers, Michael Ismoe in particular. Thankfully, through hard work and saving more than I spend, I can give away to charities of my choice and can choose to spend my money at a restaurant that interests me. nothing wrong with that at all. Keep up the good work, Gary!