Man Calls In Bomb Threat To Get His Wallet Back From Airline

A passenger in India was arrested for making a bomb threat against a flight in order to get his lost wallet back. He’d flown Spicejet from Delhi to Bangalore on Tuesday and realized he left his wallet on the plane after he landed and was about to leave the airport. Still standing by the airline’s ticket counter, he was easy to arrest.

He called the low cow cost carrier’s customer service line, but they unsurprisingly weren’t being super helpful in getting touch with the crew or staff at the airport. He hoped to grab it before departing, and before the plane left on its next trip. So he told the airline there was a bomb in his wallet. I’m not even sure how that would work, but a full scale police response was triggered.

While the claim was a hoax, the man was still at the airport near the airline’s check-in counter and easy to find for arrest.

Though dumb, such hoaxes are surprisingly common.

Someone with a bomb in their bag doesn’t say they have a bomb in their bag. Friends sent Monica and Chandler off on their honeymoon in the episode where Rachel sold Ross she’s pregnant.

It was scheduled to air shortly after 9/11, so they replaced a scene at airport security where Chandler makes a joke about a bomb and winds up in questioning.

I was just making a joke. I know the sign says no jokes about bombs, but shouldn’t the sign really say “no bombs.” I mean isn’t that the guy we really have to worry about here, the guy with the bombs? Not the guy who jokes about his bombs, not that I have bombs, because if I did I probably wouldn’t joke about about them. I’d probably want to keep that rather quiet.

Sadly, it’s not really that original a gag.

Of course it’s not just ‘bomb’ or ‘hi, jack’ that may get you in trouble. In 1972 George Carlin first listed 7 dirty words, the words you can never say on television. But there are a lot more words you cannot say in an airport or on a plane without risk.

A former Prime Minister of the Cook Islands was once removed from a flight for joking that he was a terrorist. A Ryanair passenger was once arrested, and the flight cordoned off on a remote part of a runway after joking he had a bomb when a flight attendant wouldn’t serve him beer.

Even naming your wifi hotspot ‘Samsung Galaxy Note 7″ or ‘bomb on board’ can get you in trouble. Even someone saying ‘bomba’ on a United flight got passengers deplaned in 2018. Snapchatting a friend that you’re a ‘terrorist with womens’ hearts can be enough to cause trouble, if your seat opponent can see your screen.

It turns out that you can even be arrested for joking that you don’t have a bomb.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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