Man Turns Hotel Bathroom Into A Kitchen, Makes Beef Dinner Nachos

The man who cooked baby back ribs in a hotel bathroom and garlic shrimp in a Delta Air Lines lavatory is now making nachos for dinner in a hotel bathroom sink.

He calls it “Dump Dinner Nachos.” The cheese sauce was made from an 8 ounce bag of shredded cheddar cheese, a teaspoon of sodium citrate, and a half a cup of water. He doubled down on “plum tomatoes, chopped red onions, Serrano and jalapeño peppers, lime juice, and cilantro” to make both guacamole and pico de gallo. And he “added some garlic and avocado.”

He fills the sink with water and heats it to melt the cheese and cook the meat, chops all the ingredients on the sink (and uses a towel as a cutting board). Drains the sink, revealing his meat. Then he lays out the chips and layers all of the ingredients – on the bathroom counter. That’s his table. He sits down on his throne seat (toilet) next to the sink to eat.

Three years ago a man posted video of himself grilling a steak in a Delta Air Lines lavatory so… I guess? That man was also known for cutting the hair of the passenger in front of him on a plane when the hair was draped over the seat back, covering his entertainment screen.

Do not try this at any hotel you do not want to be thrown out of, or where you care about the status of your loyalty program account. And to think, people used to be impressed by flight attendants who would save money by making grilled cheese in their room with a hotel iron.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. For the next video he should take his cooking skills up a notch and prepare his cuisine in the hotel toilet bowl where it truly belongs.Hes a disgusting unsanitary nasty pig.

  2. This guy has an entire TikTok of crazy bathroom cooking stunts. It is obviously performative, the grotesque disregard for hygiene making Chinatown look like 3 Michelin star Japanese level clean.

    The guy is a successful traveling salesperson in real life and has a daughter who features in some of his TikTok videos. At the end of the day he cleans up after his hotel antics and is a good, decent family man. dwondermeant needs to take back his cruel rude words.

    Even if you abuse your room at a chain hotel, you will not lose loyalty points or get yourself banned from the rest of the chain, because individual hotels have no power to report individual guests to the brand.

  3. This is revolting. Not possible to cook meat in a bathroom sink. This is a TikTok stunt. The guy is a good sous-chef though.

  4. A real report would have the person writing about this pulling up a chair and trying out the cuisine.

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