Miami Woman Rocks Pink Bathrobe And Flip Flops, Redefines Airport Style For Cuba Flight

A woman showed up at the Miami airport in a bright pink bathrobe and flip flops for her flight to Havana.

The woman appears in front of the camera, brimming with confidence and sporting a radiant smile, showing off her unique style. At one point in the video, her voice resonates clearly as she happily announces: “I’m going to Cuba.”


♬ tato – Sister AA

Maybe she thought Miami – Havana is a longer flight and just wanted to be comfy? And I wonder if this being filmed by her travel companion? If so I hope she changed prior to boarding.

However, what’s remarkable is that in Miami this isn’t unusual. Here’s a photo and the best isn’t that passengers are just casually checking in wearing swimsuits. It’s the nonchalant expressions on the American Airlines agents’ faces. Click the tweet for full photo.

Another passenger stripped down while walking through the Miami airport because, ‘when in Dade’.

(HT: Enirlia)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. If you don’t think society is on a downhill slope you either haven’t been to an airport or you’re part of the problem.

  2. Over the past few decades,

    – Crime rates have plummeted
    – Technology has transformed our way of life and given us remarkable conveniences and allowed us to make or rekindle personal connections that would have been completely lost due to geography
    – Law firm profits per partner have increased and numerous partners now make over $20MM a year
    – Comfortable travel has become more accessible (first class fares dropping)
    – We have many more healthy food options – the old school tradition of grabbing a slice of pizza and Coke for lunch has been replaced with kale/quinoa superfood salads and prebiotic, calorie-free seltzers that taste as good or even better while being so much better for you
    – Emphasis on fitness (Equinox, Peloton and the like) are increasing our physical and mental wellbeing
    – Instead of paying per song we now pay for subscriptions to unlimited streaming (Spotify, Apple Music) which further improves our wellbeing

  3. Watching the video, it looks like it was an early morning flight. I think I would do it if I had the guts to show up in my robe and be comfy on a flight.

  4. I really like how people born post 1980 don’t realize there was a world in which people didn’t show up to an airport in a bath robe. But the smart asses here I’m sure are part of the problem. Morbidly obese, slovenly, uncouth, loud, and unbathed. You can tell by the attitude.

  5. She is flying to Havana’s Mary Kay cosmetic convention to receive her Pink Cadillac award for an outstanding year of sales. Approximately 1.5% of Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants reach the status of Independent Sales Director.

  6. @George N Romey

    Generational warfare! Nice! Let’s go!

    People born pre-1980 wouldn’t be caught dead without their tuxedos and top hats on the Zeppelin! Those were the good old days, indeed. Smoking sections. ‘Certain folks’ were not allowed on… filth!

  7. air carriers might have to define what is acceptable dress and what is not. Final decision with the in charge Passenger Service Agent.

  8. So 6 good things outweighed by one terrible:
    “Law firm profits per partner have increased and numerous partners now make over $20MM a year”

  9. @George N Romey:
    > If you don’t think society is on a downhill slope you either haven’t been to an airport or you’re part of the problem.

    Or you don’t think attire is a measure of society. A pig in a tux is still a pig. An angel in a robe is still an angel. I care about the person, not their clothes.

  10. Eileen’s criteria for society being on an uphill slope seems more than a tad bit self centered and superficial. Run it by the poor and working poor living around just about any large airport and get their opinion.

  11. After spending too many hours in MIA over the past week, I can only surmise that this is typical of MIA pax.
    I’m so glad I moved out of MIA and rarely have to deal with Mayor Daniela’s Sh*thole airport.

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