Video was shared Tuesday evening of a man walking through the Dallas – Fort Worth Airport naked near the gate C30 TGI Friday’s. He notices a passenger filming him, and gives them a shout out before continuing on his journey. I won’t embed the video into the post, but you can see it here if you wish.
It always amazes me how long it takes for law enforcement to respond to incidents inside the airport, considering the number of officers across numerous agencies that are already onsite – from customs, TSA, DEA, local law enforcement and more.
People on social media are noting that the man is something of a doppelganger for Senator John Fetterman. If Chuck Schumer hadn’t changed Senate rules, you might have thought that this passenger was protesting a dress code.
This is hardly the first time that a naked passenger walked around an airport. It’s even semi-common? For instance there was a man who stripped naked to protest a flight delay.

In fact a flight was delayed 11 hours after a passenger became unruly, stripped naked, and requested sex from a flight attendant. A nearly naked man stormed a TSA checkpoint and got tased on the buttocks. A woman stripped naked and kicked at the cockpit on a Frontier flight. And a naked man fell through the ceiling of Boston Logan’s terminal C.
Virgin America – since acquired by Alaska Airlines – even confirmed that passengers are welcome to check-in in their underwear.
However, since Naked-air didn’t make it when they tried to offer Miami – Cancun service in 2003, the general expectation is that if you’re headed to the airport – no shoes, no shirt, no pants, no service.
All the times I have been at DFW and Love Field I have never seen any naked folks. I did see some in a parade in New Orleans. They got a police escort. As far as law enforcement getting there in a hurry just remember: when seconds count the police are only minutes away.
“It always amazes me how long it takes for law enforcement to respond to incidents inside the airport, considering the number of officers across numerous agencies that are already onsite – from customs, TSA, DEA, local law enforcement and more”
Likely because they spend 15 minutes arguing with each other as to who is obligated to respond in these odd, non violent, “delicate” matters… Lot of “not us!”
Never be amazed at how bad this world is. And it’s going to get worse.
I have to think he was protesting *something*. Or maybe he did it on a dare?
Maybe he’s catching a very early flight to Key West’ for their annual Fantasy Fest Parade
IAD, 2011.–68841
Police report? At least an ‘indecent exposure charge’? Were their kids around to see this?
“It always amazes me how long it takes for law enforcement to respond to incidents inside the airport, considering the number of officers across numerous agencies that are already onsite – from customs, TSA, DEA, local law enforcement and more.”
TSA: He’s already in the airport.
DEA: We handle people smuggling drugs, not on drugs (or off their drugs).
Customs: He’s got nothing to declare. {snickering}
Local police: Have the FBI and CIA already been given the chance to take care of this call?
We live in a country of idiots who, as we saw this week, elected a senator who showed up for session at the capitol in gym shorts and tee shirt. Nothing surprises me. Glad that I’m near the end of my career after 42 years of heavy business travel. I’ll leave the skies to the lunatics.
Perhaps this passenger did not have a credit card offering complimentary TSA PreCheck® and was required to remove his shoes during security screening.
Eh, live and let live. Who’s he hurting? People do far worse things than this in airports. So he walks around in his birthday suit. So what? More people should! It’s nothing to even get bothered over. If people are comfortable in their own skin, then let them. He was clearly not harming anyone in this short video anyway. This is much better behavior than the brawls that happen at many gates these days.
Absolutely NOT more people should be walking around in their birthday suit remember two-thirds of America is OVERWEIGHT.
There is a long long walk from the DFW gates D1-4 to the rest of the D concourse. We encountered a woman smoking about halfway along this walk. We told her that she was not supposed to be smoking inside the airport, there was no one to report her to, we walked and walked to get to the airtrain at DFW and we did not see anyone in authority to report this woman to, and the few people we did talk to did not care. There was someone stationed at the exit to go to baggage claim and they did not care and could not contact anyone else to report her. Airline employees did not seem bothered either. It was very frustrating….so if you want to smoke in DFW, go to the long walkway between the D gates and you are free to do whatever you want.
He faces a very long prison sentence.
@DFWSteve. Amen. When I retired I was looking forward to using my NR travel benefits . . . fast forward to today, not so much. One of the airlines I worked for, year ago, was instrumental in emptying the Greyhound terminals. Oddly enough, they seem to have the fewest problem pax. A case of folks managing their expectations?
Correction: Years, years, years ago
Too bad he didn’t just steal something. In Blue states, he’d have a $999.00 credit toward a theft of his choice. Butt, al ass, this is Texas.
Personally, I think people should wear or not wear whatever they want wherever they want. Less clothes, the more physically comfortable. Try it, you’ll want to not go back. If there’s enough naked people walking around, people – including kids – won’t even notice it after awhile.