Non-Stop Flights Between Wuhan, China And U.S. Set To Resume

China Southern Airlines has filed to fly non-stop from Wuhan to San Francisco. Before the pandemic China Southern flew from Wuhan to both San Francisco and New York JFK.

American Airlines is an investor in China Southern. Their AAdvantage miles can be redeemed for travel on China Southern, in case you want to undertake your own investigation into the origins of Covid-19.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. So now they can resume to send more spies to this country. That’s one of China’s biggest exports. That and more viruses. Not racist. Both are facts. Millions are dead because of the latter. And not one syllable of an apology from the Beijing government for all the suffering they’ve caused because of it.

  2. I used to regularly fly between SFO and Wuhan for business. I was under the impression this flight was subsidized by the local government. And because it was affordable, there were often younger Americans flying through Wuhan to Thailand and the Philippines. Not coincidentally, at the old Wuhan terminal anway, I saw numerous baggage searches for drugs.

  3. “So now they can resume to send more spies to this country”
    They don’t need these flights for that. Our northern and southern borders are already wide open.

  4. In fact nobody knows if Covid 19 began in Wuhan, which is an unscientific assumption simply presumed by most Americans. In fact the first evidence of the Covid19 virus was found in the sewage system of Barcelona, and then shortly thereafter in sewage systems in Northern Italy, all nearly a year before it was found in Wuhan.

    It could easily be that Covid was circulating unbeknownst to anybody until it was discovered by the Chinese medical system, which is more on alert for epidemics than doctors elsewhere.

  5. @Mak, sure buddy….the fact that one of the world’s preeminent virology research labs was/is located in Wuhan and just so happened to be conducting gain of function research on coronaviruses is another coincidence, right? You’re living in denial, as most serious investigations into the source of COVID-19 lead right back to a likely escape from this lab. It wasn’t bats, it wasn’t sewage, it wasn’t Donald Trump. But go on believing CCP propaganda if you like, Xi nods in approval.

  6. Well, my last comment to Mak was clearly not approved (though there was nothing wrong with it) so I’ll say it again: there are too many coincidences and too much evidence indicating that the odds are overwhelming that COVID started at the Wuhan lab and escaped via an infected technician. It wasn’t bat soup; that theory has been debunked.

    It’s just politically scary (apparently) for anyone to publicly declare this because it might offend the CCP regime – or something…..

  7. @TimDunn “The bots are out in full force.”

    Xenophobic delusion – everybody who presents a dissenting view with more facts than I know must be a “bot.” I’ve been posting on this site for pretty much as long as it’s been a site.

  8. @AngryFlier “I’ll say it again: there are too many coincidences and too much evidence indicating that the odds are overwhelming that COVID started at the Wuhan lab and escaped via an infected technician. It wasn’t bat soup; that theory has been debunked.”

    People who understand probabilities and statistics understand that you can’t calculate the odds of anything, much less declare those odds overwhelming, with material unknown variables, and there are still a good many here, including events in Spain and Northern Italy which aren’t explained with a Wuhan lab leak theory. There was even virus found in Southern Brazil before the outbreak in Wuhan.

    Wherever it started, I personally doubt it began at the Wuhan Lab. That it did is premised upon CIA reports of an outbreak among staff there, but this assertion has been debunked not only by the local staff said to have been infected, but also by a foreign scientist who is now back home in Australia and who has no reason not to be fully candid. Of course, to whatever extent it came from the Wuhan lab that virus stems from research fully instigated and funded by the US CDC and one Anthony Fauci, but the CIA’s asserted “facts” on which the lab leak theory are premised have been disproven.

  9. Speaker’s Corner, 1st Amend. Freedom of Speech, and Disinformation, etc. collide on this comments page. I thank the Thought Leader in Travel for throwing light on the resumption of the Wuh@n-SFO route. Many of us traveling passengers too often feel like we are being ordered by Airline officers and government airline regulators to bend over and smile.

  10. @AngryFlier I appreciate your point of view and tried to reply with facts about why your thinking is mistaken, but for some reason it was rejected and you will never see it. Sorry for not being able to explain to you why you are wrong and encourage you to do research elsewhere in a place where these questions can be freely discussed without censorship.

  11. I wonder whether Dr Fauci, who is now a titled professor at a Washington, DC university, will take advantage of the flights to Wuhan. He certainly can afford the fare. And he might wish to see his colleagues, since he’s an authority on viruses and the Wuhan lab is in the forefront of research on viruses.

  12. Yes, I too believe that the covid pandemic started with an accidental leak at the Wuhan lab, which the Chinese government should have owned and acknowledged, and didn’t.

    But at the same time, it has NOTHING to do with CZ wanting to restart service from SFO to their WUH hub. I, for one, welcome this, and would gladly take a flight to Asia connecting there.

    If you don’t agree, please feel free to stay in your basement. And don’t forget to wear your mask in your house at all times. 🙂

  13. This article has brought out the racists and no I’m not East Asian, but I doubt some of y’all wanna believe that ‍♂️

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