‘Not Even Water?’ Marriott Hotel’s Elite Breakfast Cuts Coffee, Juice, and More [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I am so disappointed with Southwest Airlines and their rebranding, I don’t know their thinking behind giving up all that they stood for. They say it was because it was what the customers wanted…really??
    They had such a great thing going that took years to achieve, they WERE profitable for many years doing what they were doing!! Herb Kelleher would roll over in his grave if he knew what they were doing now, everything he achieved to make them unique is gone. They are simply another airline now, I have an idea that not one person on their board of directors is over 45 and remembers where they came from and who they were. It is all about corporate greed.
    I think this would be a grand opportunity for the US to privatize AMTRAK and invest in good rail infrastructure and service. I just got off of the VIA Rail Canadian and what pleasure and joy to see train service at its best, sure it’s slower pace, but it is an example of good customer service, an absolute dying business form here in the US transportation industries….and yes, Amtrak bags are FREE!

  2. Marriott will do nothing about a hotel refusing to provide coffee or juice to elites with their breakfast benefit. This has happened at more than a handful of properties. It will continue to happen until Marriott defines what constitutes breakfast. Hyatt and IHG have a specific definition. Marriott doesn’t.

  3. Asterius Rulamka, who was born in Tanzania, also attacked several passengers before he was subdued.

  4. On getting Bonvoy’d: Their cuts to elite breakfast benefits are sounding like an ULCC. ‘You get a just one thimble of water for this 8 hour flight, and you’ll like it!!’

    @Duane — 100%. It’s just greed. This isn’t a ‘re-brand’–what Elliott Management is doing to Southwest, a once-great company, is nothing short of purposeful sabotage. So, please do appropriately blame the hedge fund and the management of the airline–and mourn for us consumers (the passengers, credit card members, etc.) and the workers (pilots, flight attendants, gate agents, ground staff, call center folks, etc.), all of whom are getting screwed, just so that a few narcissistic oligarchs can become even more obscenely wealthy by exploiting the vulnerable. Yet some here will shill for these horrible plans and outcomes–that’s unbelievable. None of us here are billionaires, or ever going to become one, unless there is hyperinflation. So, when are the rest of us going to wake up, stop carrying water for these a-holes, and demand better. Enough is enough. Oh, and I like Amtrak, too. Woop woop.

  5. Gary, that’s an excellent Key & Peele reference. There’s also one where the ‘Continental Breakfast guy goes on an airplane’ which is fitting for VFTW. He gets an upgrade to ‘Economy Plus’ and thoroughly enjoys himself: ‘Don’t mind if I do… for the discerning passengers… of course, he knows the captain; he IS the captain …shiatsu massage’ *rosebud* (if you know, you know).

  6. @Raif — Bah! You got me. Good.

    If your name was ‘Matt’ and this was about the airlines, you’d have said: “consider Delta.”

  7. @FNT Diamond Delta Oh that’s interesting TIL

    @1990 @Gary Ha-haa! Great throwbacks!

    @Raif Yes the benefits far surpass what Marriott can aspire to offer (I’ll see myself out)

  8. Thanks for highlighting another Marriott failure. Gave up on Bonvoy a few years ago. Terrible hotel program.

  9. SWA wasn’t even mentioned in this article, why are you moaning about this again?
    And saying something is due to “corporate greed” is juvenile. All people, even entitled leftists, or especially entitled leftists, seek to meet their own needs over others. It’s human nature. You might as well complain about cows mooing. But when you get your own airline you can decide the policies.

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