Oman Air’s oneworld Launch Appears Imminent

Two years ago Oman Air announced that it planned to join the oneworld alliance which is headed by American Airlines and based in Dallas, and includes members like British Airways, Japan Airlines, and Qantas.

Now it seems that the oneworld launch is on the cusp of reality. oneworld member Alaska Airlines now has a partner page for Oman Air.

Oman Air is joining oneworld®. Coming soon, Mileage Plan members can earn and redeem on Oman Air.

I haven’t yet found this availability on Alaska’s website (I haven’t spoken to Alaska reservations, however). Soon appears to be soon, and not today.

Oman Air is currently an Air Canada Aeroplan partner and an Air France KLM Flying Blue partner though there are often issues with partner programs seeing and ticketing Oman Air award space. It’s unclear whether their partnerships outside of oneworld will last beyond alliance integration and any current contract expiration.

The carrier was founded in 1993 using a Boeing 737-300 and crew from Ansett Australiato fly from its hub in Muscat. The airline was unsuccessful as a regional carrier and in 2007 the government injected cash and increased its ownership stake fro one-third to 80%. Like the Abu Dhabi government, Oman split from Gulf Air and launched its own services to Europe (London) and Southeast Asia (Bangkok). The government grew its stake in the airline over the next three years to 99.8%.

They fly to destinations beyond the Mideast such as Bangkok, and Kuala Lumpur; several destinations in Europe and a broad network into India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh as well as flights to Northern Africa, within the Gulf region and four destinations inside Oman.

Despite following Islamic dietary laws with its meals, the carrier does serve alcohol on flights beyond the Mideast (although not on routes to countries where alcohol is prohibited, nor during Ramadan). They offer flat beds in long haul business class and sadly their first class cabin is being rebranded this month as ‘business studio’.

Credit: Oman Air

Oman Air’s frequent flyer program is the Sindbad Club and they’ve occasionally been known to status match although most recent requests have reportedly been denied.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. They should have chosen Skyteam so my son can come up with 7 paragraphs of conjecture about them.

  2. Interesting as they are the 2nd ME One World partner along with juggernaut Qatar. Actually 3rd with Jordanian Airlines. I guess Oman Air and Jordanian Airlines have their “niche” leaving Qatar Airways dominating most routes.

  3. OmarAir needs the alliance partnership but it also needs airlines from outside Oneworld to feed it traffic and make OmanAir commercially viable without being a massive drain on Oman’s ONG-derived wealth.

  4. Sad that there won’t be first class any more. Their first class lounge and it’s whisky selection was so close to my grasp, yet now so far…

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