Dan Pink observes that the

Dan Pink observes that the administration’s Iraq hawks haven’t served in the military and that those calling for caution are the ones that have served. He proposes that Any political leader who favors attacking Iraq must also offer a son, daughter, or other close relative to serve on the front lines of the war. Pink also introduces the Spence Abraham prize for hypocritical conservatives who denounce a government agency and its laws, go on to run those very same agencies under Republican presidents, and agree to enforce the very laws they have attacked. There may be no higher journalistic calling than exposing hypocrisy.

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ScrappleFace: McDonald’s To

ScrappleFace: McDonald’s To Launch Restaurants for Protestors (link via cut on the bias). Outstanding satire: (2002-08-23) — Following yet another lawsuit, McDonald’s Corporation announced today it intends to launch restaurants specifically for protestors. “We looked at the demographics and it just made sense,” according the news release. “Protestors are everywhere and they’re very vocal about what they like and what they don’t. In essence, they’re the ultimate target market. If our regular customers stood in the streets shouting about their personal preferences, we’d be out there with tape recorders. These protestors have really opened our eyes to opportunity.

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