63% of US

63% of US Implicated In New Stock Scandal. The Securities and Exchange Commission announced Tuesday that more than 63 percent of all U.S. citizens have been implicated in an illegal stock-dumping, the latest scandal to rock the nation’s economy. “It’s staggering how far-reaching this is,” SEC chairman Harvey Pitt said. “More than 175 million citizens from all walks of life are involved in one criminal imbroglio. Everybody from white-collar workers to grandmothers, boy-scout leaders, and the entire state of Delaware. Point a finger anywhere, and you have a better chance than not of hitting a guilty party.” (From the best source for news.)

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New York City is

New York City is considering banning toy guns. “Our legislation seeks to remedy the constant deadly results that happen because of toy guns,” said Vann, a Brooklyn Democrat. “Whether the gun is real or not, a death is still taking place, and that is unfortunate.”

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Politician in Turkey detained for

Politician in Turkey detained for speaking Kurdish. Abdulmelik Firat, who is running for parliament, greeted voters in Kurdish is the mostly-Kurdisk southeastern part of Turkey. Turkish election law bars candidates from campaigning in languages other than Turkish.

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