New Possibility for American Express Membership Rewards Points. The analysis in my post about laundering points through Amtrak means that you can finally transfer American Express Membership Rewards points 1:1 into united miles. Amex MR points transfer 1:1 into Continental. Continental transfers 1:1 into Amtrak (in blocks of 5,000). Amtrak transfers 1:1 into united. Voila! Amex MR–>united… a previously impossible task.
Mineta Spin-Cycle. Get the Media
Mineta Spin-Cycle. Get the Media to Blame Magaw. The Washington Post carries a front page piece on the problems at the Transportation Security Administration. The piece reports that the TSA avoided involvement in the July 4 shooting at LAX, hasn’t improved the security of cargo shipping, and uses outdated methods for selecting passengers to screen. The piece lets Norm Mineta, the Transportation Secretary, off the hook. It quotes him offering a mea culpa: “We got to the point where we didn’t have credibility. . . . We were not moving the ball down the field.” Then says that Mineta has been trying to solve the problem — after all, John Magaw (Mineta’s deputy in charge of the TSA) was pushed out. That’s scapegoating of the first degree. The thesis about what went wrong focuses on…
Happy Fun Pundit
Happy Fun Pundit has a take on Mineta that’s even more subversive than mine.
Sexually Suggestive Lines
Sexually Suggestive Lines from the Star Wars Trilogy.
500 bonus miles for Priority
500 bonus miles for Priority Club transfers to American. Between now and October 15th, transfer 10,000 points to American miles and receive 3,000 miles instead of the usual 2,500.
This San Francisco
This San Francisco Chronicle article describes the general trend of cutbacks by the major airlines that I’ve been talking about for the last several days.
This morning’s Washington Post carries
This morning’s Washington Post carries a column by Jackson Diehl that details the $25 million that the US Agency for International Development is giving to Egypt this year for democracy promotion. The U.S. has given Egypt the right to review and veto any of the projects. The US is funding “democracy” projects that a non-democratic government approves of. Most of the funds are going to the country’s courts which “used to throw democracy advocates in prison.” Moreover, “not a dollar is going to the independent Egyptian groups that, at great risk, are trying to advocate democratic reforms for Mubarak’s rotting autocracy.” It’s not only that the huge AID bureaucracy in Cairo chooses to ignore the fact that the courts it is funding in the name of democracy are being used to destroy Egypt’s most important…
Penis show wows
Penis show wows Los Angeles.
Posted on an internet bulletin
Posted on an internet bulletin board: Yankee Doodle went to town, Riding on his pony, Stuck a feather in his hat And called it macaroni So does “it” refer to the feather or the hat?
Don’t forget to catch up
Don’t forget to catch up on the Sunday talk shows you missed at Punditwatch.