According to Sitemeter, this site has gone over 2,000 unique visitors for the day and it’s not even 2pm. This is the first day we’ve topped even 1,000. Shows what an Instapundit hit and a link from a column at FoxNews will do for you! 🙂
Reader Dean Cameron pointed me
Reader Dean Cameron pointed me to the Bill of Rights – Security Edition — the Bill of Rights printed on metal. From the site: You need to get used to offering up the bill of rights for inspection and government workers need to get used to deciding if you’ll be allowed to keep the Bill of Rights with you when you travel. I don’t know any more about the site or the proprietors than that — but it tickled my funny bone.
A reader writes:I’m thrilled to
A reader writes: I’m thrilled to find the impeach Mineta stickers (through today’s Fox News Online story “Revenge of the Tweezer People.”) My next act will be to send you some dough for several stickers. I’d like to see those all over the place! I’ve absolutely had it with airports. I recently drove from DC to Indiana and to Atlanta, and found those trips much less stressful than being wand raped by some security drone who’s not even fit to flip burgers. Lots of readers are writing similar things. I agree with Instapundit: there may be a sleeper political issue here. The Dems won’t attack the only Democrat in the cabinet, so there may not be pressure on the Republicans to fire Mineta — but an independent (or at least a non-incumbent) could really make…
Another conspiracy theory. United’s
Another conspiracy theory. United’s bankruptcy threat may be strategic bluster. I’m becoming increasingly of the opinion that the talk of bankruptcy is a tool more than an assessment of the business climate. United’s employees are the biggest shareholder block. A bankruptcy would liquidate their shares. Current and past employees would see a significant chunk of their net worth wiped out. That’s a pretty good threat to use in order to wring wage concessions out of an employee group: “give up some wages or we’ll wipe out your nest egg.” Not only that, a bankruptcy proceeding would likely result in an end to the employee representation on the United board. Without those threats, there’s not much of a compelling reason for the employees to bargain while they’re under contract. With those threats, there’s a good change…
Transfer an additional
Transfer an additional $7500 to your Ameritrade account and earn 7500 United miles.
My 250 free
My 250 free Continental miles just posted. 7 days isn’t bad at all.
Just forwarded to me:
Just forwarded to me: The Lawsuit Machine.
Instapundit’s column
Instapundit’s column features More Room Throughout Coach and the Impeach Norm Mineta bumper stickers.
This editorial from
This editorial from the Savannah Morning News makes the tongue-in-cheek suggestion that all the stories about the incompetence of Mineta’s TSA must be a disinformation campaign to confuse terrorists and lull them into false bravado. There was the security screener at Los Angeles International Airport who confiscated a 2-inch toy gun that belonged to a G.I. Joe doll carried by a child. This followed a report that government testers had successfully smuggled REAL weapons past security checkpoints at major airports one out of every four attempts. Days later, a mother carrying an infant through security at Kennedy International in New York was forced to drink the breast milk she had pumped into bottles for the baby’s flight. Despite the fact that drinking directly from the bottle could contaminate the milk with germs and make it…
An Air France
An Air France flight has made an emergency landing in Belgium after a naked passenger tried to force his way into the cockpit.