A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips.
Why The Points Guy’s New Effort To Value Miles Is Nonsense
The Points Guy has published new “data-driven” valuations for U.S. airline miles and for credit card points, but they don’t… show you much about the data, and the methodology they offer makes very little sense. It’s nonsense built on stilts. They’ve picked out some flights to compare prices in cash and in miles, and then declared the value you’re getting for your miles on those flights is the value of miles. And that’s just wrong. This treats points as being worth the same as cash used towards an airline ticket. But points are not worth as much as cash, because cash can do more than buy airline tickets. You can spend cash on anything you want, not just on what an airline says you can, and you can invest cash to earn a return. You…
Big Airlines Are Pressuring Airports To Kick Out Semi-Private Carrier JSX
Airlines and the major pilot union have lobbied the federal government to put premium air carrier JSX out of business, and the FAA has introduced a rulemaking to do just that.
Asking the federal government to put them out of business isn’t the only front on which JSX is under attack by major airlines and their labor unions. Reportedly airlines press airports where they have influence to refuse JSX access to private terminals, and require them to fly from main terminals.
Man Falls Onto Baggage Claim Carousel And Can’t Get Off
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips.
American’s Relations With Flight Attendants Come To A Head Today
Relations with American Airlines flight attendants are about to come to a head. The company has committed to delivering an economic proposal to the cabin crew’s union by the end of the day. It is not going to meet their demands.
World’s Dumbest Hotel Manager Caught Stealing From Aria Las Vegas
A manager at MGM’s Aria hotel in Las Vegas has been arrested and charged with generating $770,000 in reservation refunds – that he put on his own personal credit card.
The 10 year operations manager with MGM Resorts spent the money “at Louis Vuitton and Versace, flying on private jets, doing spa visits, going to shows and even purchasing a home.”
American Airlines Flight Sat On Tarmac For Hours Last Night With “Very Little Water” For Passengers
The plane was over 5 hours late, and it sounds like a miserable experience for passengers, but not an instance addressed by the law. And that’s actually the problem.
Flight Attendant Reportedly Assaults Passenger In Altercation Over Baby’s Stroller
A woman was removed from the American Airlines morning flight from New York JFK to London Heathrow this past Saturday after an altercation over her baby’s collapsible stroller. She says that a flight attendant, who objected to the stroller going in the overhead bin above her seat, assaulted her and sent her mother to the hospital.
Washington National Airport’s Amex Centurion Lounge Finally Making Progress
In January 2021 I reported that American Express would open a Centurion lounge at Washington National airport, near the southern end of the B concourse. The entire terminal, with the exception of the A concourse (“banjo”) is connected behind security, so this will be accessible to eligible passengers flying on most airlines (all except Southwest, Frontier, and Air Canada). It’s been more than two and a half years, though, and there’s mostly been crickets.
21 Countries That Seriously Still Have Covid Entry Restrictions [Roundup]
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips.