Palestinian New Yorker Gets Hassled Flying To Israel – And Deserved It

Sep 01 2023

A New Yorker flying to Israel ran into extra security screenings and delays flying to Israel and she says that, as a Palestinian, she’s a victim of the Jewish state. Is she?

Noor Fawaz was booked through Chase travel to fly El Al from New York to Tel Aviv. El Al’s security processes are more rigorous and extreme than most airlines. They profile! Ms. Fawaz got extra questioning, and this was acknowledged to her.

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FAA Proposes To Ban JSX Because They Offer Passengers A Popular, Quality Product

Aug 31 2023

There hasn’t been a single safety issue identified with Part 380 carriers complying with the rules applicable to Part 121 operations. In fact, the rulemaking even notes that “the FAA has adjusted its oversight of these increased operations” and has not expressed a concern about JSX or similar carriers.

The only reason the agency cites for potentially banning their operation is they’ve grown, but that is literally what the rules – and the Department of Transportation – are designed for.

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American Airlines Passenger’s Luggage Gets Crushed After Being Forced To Gate Check Bag

Aug 31 2023

They say there are only two kinds of checked luggage: carry on and lost. But that’s not true. The third kind is damaged. The two most common airline complaints with photos on social media are passengers being required to gate check carry on bags when their plane’s overhead bins are actually empty, and scuffed or damaged checked bags.

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American Airlines Passenger Threatens To Make Life Miserable For Anyone Who Reclines Their Seat

back of airplane seats
Aug 30 2023

An aggressive passenger in the American Airlines forum on Reddit declares that (1) passengers should not recline their seats, and (2) seats should not recline. Calling seat recliners “entitled,” the passenger says that if a passenger in front of them reclines they’ll “tug on” their seat and “do whatever I can to make yo[ur] trip miserable.”

And since this is a commonly-held view, it seems to be one worth correcting.

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Wedding Planner Ruins Special Day By Making One Mistake In A Hotel Room

Aug 30 2023

A wedding planner wanted a full length photo of the bride’s dress, and so she hung the dress on the sprinkler head in a hotel room. The sprinkler head broke, spraying water, and this “ruined hair and makeup for the entire bridal party, the wedding dress” as well as $3,000 worth of the makeup artist’s equipment – not to mention damage to the room.

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